Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 88: First World: Flirting In Public

Chapter 88: First World: Flirting In Public

Emperor Qie didn't leave Qie Ranzhe a chance to change his mind issuing out an imperial interdict with ease. With the interdict signed and sealed with the imperial seal, there was no turning back. During the day he took the time to invite Lin Mo and share the goods news with him that they were finally going to be in-laws. As expected the two got into an argument fierce enough to break bonds as thick as blood. It was only after throwing a few punches did they regain their composure while sharing a drink. Though cordial none of them was actually willing to compromise.

The emperor didn't seem to care proceeding to host dinner with the Lin family as the distinguished guests under the pretence of thanking them for taking care of Prince Ranzhe for him. The suave main hall was soon occupied with the guests chatting away waiting for the emperor.

Wen Qinxi and Lin Mingxu sat at the end of the hall keeping as much distance as they could from Master Lin in fear that he would explode at any moment. The fight had obviously reached Master Lin's ears and as punishment he made them kneel on gravel for however long it took to burn two thick incense sticks. They knelt till their knees were painfully numb. It was so brutal that they still couldn't walk properly.

"Jin-ge why didn't father have to force us to come here? Is he trying to make me apologise to that jerk because I won't?" complained Lin Mingxu while rubbing his painful knees. 

"Maybe. Oh, by the way, why did you two even fight anyway? What made you so brave? Haven't you always been afraid of him?" asked Wen Qinxi rubbing his own sore knees wishing he could soak them in hot water to ease the pain.

The two brothers were too focused on their sore muscles that they didn't notice when Qie Ranzhe walked in. As soon as Qie Ranzhe entered the main hall he was drawn into a conversation by an enthusiastic Madam Lin who hadn't seen him for such a long time. They conversed for a while occasionally glancing over in Lin Jingxi's direction. Though Master Lin barely looked at him he noticed Qie Ranzhe's subtle actions making him feel even more dissatisfied by the whole situation. It seemed Master Lin had found out about the interdict and wasn't taking it too well which Qie Ranzhe understood and naturally refrained from talking to him much.

Madam Lin finally let him and soon he set his eyes on two boys sitting furthest in the room. His steps slowed as he watched the man that made his heart itch whenever his mind drifted aimlessly into the happy memories they shared together. The man he longed for day and night was now inches away from him drawing him in with his pink supple lips curved up in a dazzling smile. His craving for Lin Jingxie's sweet moist lips heightened inching dangerously close to the thin borderline between self-restraint and self-indulgence.

He wanted to feel Lin Jingxe's warmth under the palm of his hands but this wasn't the time nor place so he could only restrain himself unconsciously licking his lower lip as he gulped to moisten his dry throat. This task was going to prove difficult as the irresistible man who had grown a few inches taller with his handsome features appraised by age. He just couldn't wait to make this man his and nothing beyond heaven and earth was going to stop him.

Qie Ranzhe gave one Fourth a look as though issuing a command. With tacit understanding, Fourth immediately walked over to Lin Mingxu and lifted him up like a rag doll before placing him down one seat over creating space for the prince. With the obstacle removed, Qie Ranzhe naturally sat next Lin Jingxie as though what he had just done was normal. Lucky for him this banquet was relatively private otherwise this would have more embarrassing for Ling Mingxu. Two men, Lin Mingxu and Lin Mo were sending poisonous glares at him but Qie Ranzhe didn't seem to mind ogling at Lin Mingxu. 

He shamelessly shuffled closer to Lin Jingxie who had been ignoring him the entire time. 'Jolie, what's up with your fucked up boss? Didn't he avoid me like the plague all his time?' asked Wen Qinxi covering his face with his hand while looking away.

'Maybe he finally acknowledged the error of his ways and wants to mend your friendship,' said the system all smiles excitedly awaiting the wedding.

Being ignored like this Qie Ranzhe couldn't bear it anymore and moved in even closer till their shoulders brushed against each other before gently poking at Lin Jingxie's waist under the table. But his stray finger was soon caught in a tight grip with Lin Jingxie squeezing so hard as though intending to break it. To Wen Qinxie's surprise, Qie Ranzhe seemed pleased with himself smiling foolishly while looked down at their point of contact. 

"Are you a fucking masochist?" asked Wen Qinxi in a silent whisper so as not to let the rest hear their conversation but Qie Ranzhe brazenly claimed that he couldn't hear him due to the noisy cheers in the hall leaving Wen Qinxi with no choice but to whisper into his ear


When that familiar warm breathe brushed against his ear, Qie Ranzhe's entire body reacted heating up from his heart to the soles of his feet and the hair on his head. The warm sensation clouded his mind so much so that he replied, "I can be if you like it," in an ambiguous tone.

"Shameless," said Wen Qinxi looking away with a blank expression but his heart was in turmoil letting out an endless stream of curses within, 'fuck, fuck, fuck.' Being teased like this by a handsome man straight or not you will definitely feel something either good or bad. He suddenly became annoyed wanting to get rid Qie Ranzhe by any means necessary.

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