Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 87: First World: Imperial Interdict

Chapter 87: First World: Imperial Interdict

Qie Ranzhe thoroughly indulged in what could only be described as a lovely spring dream featuring Lin Jingxie as the main lead. He was immensely engaged in that pleasurable dream that he couldn't help but feel aggrieved when he was forcefully pulled out of his dream and drawn back to reality. Machu had been so worried about Qie Ranzhe especially when he had slept for an entire day with no physical signs of waking up.

The royal physician had thoroughly examined Qie Ranzhe claiming that there was absolutely nothing wrong with him and that he had overstimulated himself to the point of collapsing. He said Prince Ranzhe would naturally wake up of his own accord but twenty-four hours was a bit much so Machu finally gave in and woke him up.

Seeing the displeasure written all over his countenance Machu couldn't help but ask, "Ran-ge how long were you planning on sleeping for?" 

Qie Ranzhe grimaced a little when he felt a dull pain. His entire face hurt especially his left cheek. He vaguely remembered having a fight with Lin Mingxu but everything after that was just a blur. "What happened to my face?" he asked rubbing his face to ease the throbbing pain. In his dream he recalled being slapped by Lin Jingxie, a painful yet enjoyable experience but why did his cheek hurt even after he woke up? "Did that kid actually slap me?"

Machu stared at him in astonishment wondering if Lin Jingxie had slapped him silly. Could a mere slap have this much of an effect? "Lin Jingxie did the slapping but the rest was all Lin Mingxu. You really offended the two bro-," he replied but paused when Qie Ranzhe suddenly stood up with a meaningful expression all over his face.

"It wasn't a dream? Does he still care about me?" he asked with his bright eyes revealing complicated feelings.

With that Manmchu finally got his answer, Qie Ranzhe was indeed slapped so hard that his IQ dropped a notch.

"If slapping counts then yes, he absolutely cares about you," said Machu with a hint sarcasm but who knew Qie Ranzhe would be completely elated by this statement. In under twenty minutes he was well dressed heading out of the door.

A curious Machu couldn't help but ask, "Where are you going?" with a puzzled look.

"I am going to claim what's mine," he said before darting out of the door. When Qie Ranzhe said 'going to claim what is mine' he actually meant getting rid of the competition by establishing his dominance like an alpha in a pack and his target being Lee Jienjie.

The unsuspecting victim was busy mending her broken heart spoling herself with some jewellery when she was suddenly yanked out of the store by an anxious Qie Ranzhe. At first, she was surprised wondering what business she possibly had with this man but seeing how restless he was she almost immediately understood. It finally dawned on her that Lin Jingxie wasn't the one who liked Qie Ranzhe but it was Qie Ranzhe who likes Lin Jingxie. Her frightened pale countenance relaxed producing a sardonic smile with a subtle hint of fascination.

Lee Jienjie didn't even wait for him to speak his mind before she said, "Oh l see, you came here looking for a shoulder to cry on since we are both subjects of unrequited love," brazenly mocking Qie Ranzhe, "or maybe you want to us to get together and make Jin-ge regret not choosing one of us."

Even though she was mocking him with a sly grin on her face, her bloodshot eyes betrayed her publicizing her true feelings to the world. Qie Ranzhe didn't waste anytime with her getting straight to the point. "If you two weren't together then why did the rest of the world think so?" He was here to get answers and wasn't planning on leaving without them.

"Ha! Why else but to protect him from the psycho bitch who won't stop until she has you. Who do you think hired those bandits that day? I almost got violated because of you," she said with her voice suddenly turning brittle while blinking away her tears.

Hearing this, Qie Ranz's heart twisted in anguish. He had his suspicions but didn't think Zhao Huangzhi would actually dare to lay a finger on Lin Jingxie. With that revelation, he vowed to make her pay for what she did. The Zhao family had to be dealt with, it was now imperative to clip Zhao Huangzhi's wings before she caused further trouble. 

Qie Ranzhe naturally didn't see the point of hanging around here anymore so he turned on his heel to leave but Lee Jienjie stopped him saying, "l love him and l have done all l can to shield him. If you are going to like him then use whatever power you have to protect him because Zhao Huangzhi won't be easy to deal with," as she wiped a tear escaping at the corner of her eye.

He didn't say anything simply nodding in response before walking away. He had finally confirmed that Lin Jingxie had nothing to do with Lee Jienjie now he had to make Lin Jingxie have something to do with him and the only person who could make that happen was his enthusiastic father who had monopolized him every single night demanding they have dinner together.

As usual, Qie Ranzhe obliged the emperor and had dinner with him. They dined on a parlour overlooking a koi pond which was extremely beautiful but the two men seemed the least bit interested in the transcended scenery. Qie Ranzhe was busy glaring at the hyperactive emperor who wouldn't stop placing food in his bowl. It was as though he was deliberately fattening him up for slaughter. "Are you done?" he asked in a toneless voice before gazing down at the small mountain of food in his bowl.

The emperor wasn't angry at this kind of address if anything his temperament reminded him of Shao Meili which softened his heart towards Qie Ranzhe. The boy had lived a hard life even though he wasn't orphaned or abandoned. When he thought of that, Emperor Qie's heart bled in agonizing pain urging him to shower his son with love hoping to overwrite Qie Ranzhe's painful past.

"What? Can't I make up for all the years l missed?.... Here have another one," he said with a radiant smile that made it hard for Qie Ranzhe to refuse and the two chatted along till they ate their fill. It was only after dinner did Emperor Qie address the elephant in the room. "Have you considered my proposition?" asked the emperor as his aura shifted from doting father to tyrannical ruler in a split second.

"Mn," he replied with a stern expression refusing to be suppressed by his father, "l will agree to be the crown prince under one condition." 

The emperor suddenly halted his steps gazing at his son with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Speak," he said with his unmoving gaze fixed on this son of his that was so naive to think he had a choice in this matter.

"I want to marry Lin Jingxie but to do that l need an imperial interdict," he said staring back at his father with unyielding eyes.

Emperor Qie was struck dumb but didn't show a trace of it with his countenance remaining expressionless. Though rare it wasn't unheard of but the thought of his son actually liking a man and on top of that Lin Mo's son, the emperor couldn't help but get a migraine.

"A male consort?.....that your father can make it possi-," he said before Qie Ranzhe interjected saying,

"Not as a consort but as my main and only wife. That's my only request," he said but as soon as those words reached the emperor's ears he almost spat out a mouthful of blood wondering how he was going to face his ancestors when he dies.

"You!..... Do you want your father's soul to be ripped to shreds by our ancestors? Such an unreasonable child. How about this, you take Zhao Huangzhi as your second wife so l can at least have a grandchild to show for it," he negotiated but didn't expect his son to blow up like a pufferfish.

"I will kill her the second l lay eyes on her so don't even try." Though said in a serene voice his tone was exceptionally murderous to the point that one would believe he would tear her limb from limb if she appeared in front of him.

Though he couldn't understand why his son would have an extreme reaction towards Zhao Huangzhi, he could only accept his words. There must be a dark history between them and he intended to dig it up. "Thats fine but do you know how difficult it's going to be dealing with Lin Mo? You especially enjoy watching me suffer, don't you? Spare this old man, l am too old to get into a fight," he pled with Qie Ranzhe but instead of sympathy his son smiled in a menacing way.

"You are afraid of him, aren't you?" he said before languidly strolling away after dropping such a huge bomb.

" afraid. Ai, this child. How can you look down on your father like that?" he spoke undoubtedly feeling wronged.

"Then l would have to trouble father to get me an imperial interdict," he said saluting the emperor with a beaming smile.

Emperor Qie flung his sleeve in a humph before saying, "l will get it done as long as you keep your end of the bargain," before heading to his study.

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