Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 57: Avion's Personality

Chapter 57: Avion's Personality

"Who are these three?"

The three felt a chill in their hearts as though they were being looked down upon by a mighty and angry dragon.

Guild Master Gon noticed their poor attire and had already assumed they were people from the slums. He hadn't grouped them together with Avion. He just thought that they were Avion's slaves. And Avion was only friendly to them due to his personality.

"Ah, their Naron, Temon, and Fobo." since they were silent, Avion took the initiative to introduced them.

"They were the ones who took me in." he smiled.

'Avion, don't!' the three froze up.

Seeing Avion smile again, Mettany was in a daze. She had already "released" herself and it made her breakthrough two whole rank barriers. Only in legends did that happen.

This made her feel sluggish and had no strength to even walk. She just forced herself and through the help of Body Strengthening did she appeared well on the surface.

Her Conditioned elesk can only be used once after a while. After she used up all her pent-up lust as energy to battle, she would attain clarity. This is the worst time for her since she would remember all the embarrassing things she did.

Back then, she thought that Prince Harold was her limit. She felt a little attraction and energy was already surging through her, doubling her Body Strengthening!

Never did she imagine that Avion would appear and make her world upside-down, in a good way!

She was currently in a "tired state" and even though she could see Avion in front of her and smell his fragrance, she was not turning red. 

Until... she saw him smile.

It was like an arrow to her chest and it made her slightly reddish again. Her heart palpitating and her breath becoming ragged.

Avion didn't know that his small-expression was messing with someone on the inside.

"What did they offer you, I can make a better one?" the Guild Master snorted. Having his golden opportunity snatched by these people from the slums was putting him in a bad mood.

In his eyes, these random beggars deceived a naive prodigy into making their protector and a way to an easy life.

If that is true, he wouldn't allow it! Talents should be nurtured, not wasted!

But to this, Avion shook his head, "No, that isn't possible. They already offered me a place to sleep." he then looked at the Guild Master with confidence, "Can you offer a better one?"

'YES!' all of them answered in their heads.

Although Avion's words were making them grateful and feel appreciated, the three also felt being endangered!

"Of course, I can offer a better one."

Avion is certainly amazing. He is not only capable of making a girl reddish, but even a large man such as Guild Master Gon was also turning red from him.

Although caused by a different reason.

"Okay, what's better than having a place to stay?"

'Is this guy really a prodigy?' the Guild Master asked himself before answering, "I can also give you a room here at the guild. Plus, I can also give a monthly allowance. I don't how 'grand' their place is. You can adjust that room of yours and even make the bed larger an-"

"There's a bed?!" Avion interrupted him. there was a shine in his eyes.

Naron, Temon, and Fobo looked at him, heartbroken.

'That's enough to move him?!' both Mettany and the Guild Master realized that Avion is too hard to understand. The Guild Master was just casually talking while he was thinking of methods to rope Avion in.

But at the next moment, Avion coughed and said, "No, no matter how many beds are in that room, I already accepted their offer." he was adamant.

'Avion...' the three felt like Avion was a true friend.

But upon noticing the Guild Master's gaze;

'Avion!!!' they still felt like they were in danger.

"Then, never mind, not making you live here doesn't necessarily mean I can't take you in." the Guild Master sighed. If he forced Avion then it would be pointless. He wanted him to be a trusty underling, or at best, a subordinate.

At that moment, Fobo who was the closest to Avion of the three lightly pinched him and whispered, "You should take Guild Master's offer. It's fine for us and it's better for you to have a better place to sleep."

Avion then looked at Naron and Temon and saw them nodded as confirmation.

Guild Master Gon was obviously aware of this and his stern face relaxed.

This made the three sighed in relief.

Avion thought about this and considered the three's place and even Tamya. He frowned at this and said, "Actually, Guild Master, if the earlier offer is still up, I am willing to take it."

"Oh..." the Guild Master then nodded in satisfaction. With this, they are already tied to Avion. It would be easier to make him a part of the Gon Butcher Guild.

And also, for the upcoming war...

"Then I open up the offer again. After this, feel free to choose which room you want to take." he added.

"Hmm, but I want to stay with them for a first month before moving here." Avion demanded.

'I'm already helping him but he's still demanding? Maybe he knows his worth and is taking advantage of it.' the Guild Master's evaluation of Avion rose quite a bit, 'He may not be that naive after all. And... does he have a special relationship with these three?' he squinted his eyes.

But the three didn't notice it. They were moved by what Avion had said.

"Sure, it's only for one month. After a month, just walk right in and we will welcome you." the Guild Master smiled. In front of strength, he seemed amicable. 

Avion, after all, still had a lot of mysterious things about him. But just the fact that he can "blink" covering a kilometer distance was enough for the Guild Master to put him in high regard.

If Light Elementalists could casually Blink across a whole city, they would be deemed as too dangerous and overpowered.

Meanwhile, Mettany sighed in disappointment. She felt like she couldn't wait for a whole month to pass by.

Afterwhich, the Guild Master had already succeeded on the first step on roping Avion in so he didn't need to rush. He wasn't worried if Avion would go back on his word or not. He had already seen Avion's personality and knew that Aivon would keep his word.

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