Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 56: Invitation

Chapter 56: Invitation

Inside the Gon Butcher Guild, the business was back again. Earth Elementalists were called and easily repaired the road, making it sturdy and brand new.

The story about the fight of the century and the people missing the scene was slowly spreading. They were disappointed to miss it but also grateful not to become a casualty of the fight.

Among these rumors, there was a question that most people frequently asked; Who made Miss Mettany that 'strong'?

They had heard about her defeating Prince Harold upon his arrival. Miss Mettany was quite famous because of these incidents so ever people in the capital knew a thing or two. The Guild Master had to personally take her to the Rianzares Kingdom to apologize and then pulled out enough money for compensation.

However, Prince Harold is understanding and learning about Mettany's Conditioned elesk, he forgave them without wanting any compensation.

As punishment, Miss Mettany had to do a cleaning service. This punishment was given by the Guild Master to appease the King and Queen of Rianzares Kingdom.

But in truth, if the Guild Master wasn't Rank Bih but weaker, things wouldn't go so smoothly.

While the rumors were about to reach the ears of the Crown Council, in one of the private quarters in the Gon Butcher Guild, there was a lobby.

Around the table, six people were sitting. Four of them were silent and seemingly uncomfortable. There were teacups each in front of them.

Being offered tea, the three gulped it down while having no manners.

Only two people were active in the discussion. One was a large man, occupying a significant amount of space around the table while the other is an extremely handsome young man that would make any girl shriek upon making eye contact.

"So you seriously don't know you're Initial Rank?" the Guild Master was doubtful.

Avion shook his head, "Nope" he straightforwardly answered.

They already witnessed Avion doing something like an elesp of a Light Elementalist [Blink} which instantly change his position as fast as light travel. However, this was only for short distances. 

For Avion to do such a thing at incomparably long distances, the Guild Master had already regarded Avion as strong.

Strength is prioritized in this world of Elementalist, Flasse. And, there is no way someone as strong as Avion would go unnoticed. If any forces were to know his existence, they would surely try to recruit him and if they failed, they will try to assassinate him.

If they were not allies, they were enemies. So it is better to cut off the potential enemies before they were to be absorbed by other forces and be protected.

That is why the Guild Master and Mettany were doubtful when Avion said that he doesn't know his Initial Rank at the very least.

'Did he come from another era or something?' Guild Master Gon casually thought but never would he imagined he guessed right.

Knowing he wouldn't get an answer, he changed his question;

"Which kingdom did you come from?" he asked. They already passed the formalities and introductions so the Guild Master became blunt.

Avion thought for a while. Because of recent events, he learned that he shouldn't wantonly say everything about himself. There would be consequences that he wouldn't be able to handle.

Since he hadn't trust either Guild Master Gon or Miss Mettany yet, he chose to be evasive towards the question, "I'm not from any of the kingdoms."

"Oh, so you're from another country."

In actuality, the Guild Master wouldn't believe Avion if he answered he came from one of the three kingdoms.

The reason the Guild Master knew about Avion was that powerhouses have their own right of getting significant news the instant it happened.

After the welcome party last night, Guild Master Gon received the news through a communication elesp. He became interested and talked about it with Mettany since she's like an apprentice.

In the report, it was exaggerated how Avion Teller is a prodigy at escaping and because of this, the King of Karan chose not to expend energy since he was attending the welcome party for his daughter.

Back to Avion's answer, if he answered that he came from any of the kingdoms, the Guild Master's trust in him would fall.

This was because it is either Avion is lying or he was saying the truth and had hidden his power throughout his life.

If he were to reveal his power once in his whole life, any of the kings would notice this immediately. Meaning, it is highly improbable that Avion is a local in Haliviana. Crossing out the scenario of Avion hiding his ability.

'Avion is really mysterious.' Naron thought while they listen silently on the side.

"I see, is there something you need to do in Halivaina?" the Guild Master continued his interview.

To this, Avion pondered. Even he was still unsure of this.

'What is my plan anyway?'

Thinking back, the reason he didn't go back to his home and era was that he was unsure if he can. The second was that he hadn't fully explored the world in this era. There are many things he wanted to see. The last thing was, he wanted to witness how history unfold.

After all, the end of the Elemental Era is nearing. Avion had read about this.

"I... just want to find a stable job and a permanent place to sleep first," Avion said, signifying that he had the intention to stay.

This, the Guild Master's eyes lightened. A golden opportunity came knocking on his door!

On the surface, his face still looked so stern and intimidating as he suggested, "If that is so if you want, I can take you in. It would be my benefit to get a favor from you."

Mettany then looked at the Guild Master with bright eyes. Her face was expressionless and some may say cold but on the inside, she was shrieking, 'Live in with husband!!'

Meanwhile, the other three looked at Avion with admiring gazes. This was Avion's first day of job hunting and he already struck it gold!

But Avion casually answered."It's okay, I'm fine." 

Pak* Pak* Pak* the three couldn't help but slap their faces while on the other end, Mettany was unintentionally making puppy eyes while pouting.

"...." the Guild Master's face was grim, "May I know why?" he was a proud man and he stood on top of the majority. This was only the second time he made this invitation his whole life, but he was still declined. His pride didn't take it too well.

"They are already taking me in."

"What?" Naron's group innocently reacted.

The Guild Master's gaze fell upon the three.


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