Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 800: Song Family’s Oath

Chapter 800: Song Family’s Oath

Many flies tried to disturb Tianlong Yun's secluded cultivation in the next three days, but with the joint efforts of Tang Li, and the Tang Patriarch none of them came close to disturbing him.

After three days it was finally the big day of the Tang Family, it was the marriage day of Tang Li and Tianlong Yun.

The whole Mansion was in an uproar. Even though the Tang Family had already claimed that it would be a small ceremony, they were still forced to call quite a few people.

The whole place had turned into something similar to a beehive, as a lot of people had worked hard to prepare the venue for the ceremony.

The majority of the guests weren't there with good intentions, as they couldn't accept such a decision and action from the Tang Family.

These guys would normally never dare show their heads in front of the Tang Family, but right now they were backed by the Qin and Yao Families.

With the rising of the Qin Family, reaching a similar point to the Tang and Yao Families, a lot of weaker and lower families had run to their side to hug that warm new thigh first.

Among them, the most renowned and big family that had decided to join them was the Song Family, who were using the justification of the Tang Family's betrayal in their manner.

In the eyes of the Song Family people, hugging the Qin Family's thigh, not only meant a brighter future, but also a greater opportunity for revenge towards the Tang Family, and Tianlong Yun.

After all, Young Master Qin Bao and Tianlong Yun were supposed to be mortal enemies, as Young Master Qin Bao had taken Tianlong Yun's first wife candidate.

Even if they would be used as cannon fodders, they still would have the backup and resources provided by the Qin Family.

For that reason, a large part of the guests had arrived here without gifts and didn't seem like they had any intention of behaving.

While they didn't dare to openly act against the Tang Family people, they certainly did know how to behave like the owners of the place.

Master Tang and the rest of the family elders just watched these scenes with well-hidden angry expressions, as they didn't move from their spot.

At this moment everyone was waiting for Tang Li and Tianlong Yun to appear, as without them the whole show didn't have a meaning.

But this didn't stop some people from running their mouths,

"Heheh~! Could it be that the son-in-law escaped!? Perhaps he got frightened of Young Master Qin's presence and run away!"

"Hehehe~! I think so as well, how could trash like him compared to the elegant and genius Young Master Qin!"

While these guys were running their mouths, trying to please Young Master Qin, the person himself while looking at them with a fake pleasant face, was actually planning their death.

These bastards dared to actually talk rudely and badly about her husband, how could she accept and allow them to do so. It was clear that these guys had a death wish, that she was more than happy to comply.

Alongside Qin Bao was the beautiful Tang Third Princess, Tang Yu, who despite her troubled look was standing proudly alongside Young Master Qin.

The mysterious beauty, Young Master Qin Bao's Master hadn't appeared today, but he was still accompanied by two Masters of the Qin Family.

No matter what, no matter where a show of strength and an extra layer of guarding were always necessary.

No one would dare to touch Young Master Qin knowing that the mysterious beautiful Master stood behind him, but there were just too many idiots in this world.

Master Tang looked at his own daughter with complicated feelings and thoughts, but he still didn't make any move and just stood in his place.

It was at this time that Tianlong Yun decided to make his appearance, as he and the beautiful Tang Li slowly entered the big venue and walked towards the center.

Both dressed in red, Tianlong Yun looked like a charming and handsome prince while Tang Li looked like a beautiful red lotus that could steal the heart of any man.

Just as they were about to start the rites of marriage though, someone stepped forward with great momentum,

"I Song Hao object to this wedding and request justice! Today I"

Each and everyone at the venue had been waiting for something like this, and the moment that they saw the guy step forward they all seemed to take a stand of a spectator waiting for a good show.


Before the poor Young Master Song could say more though, he received a tight and resounding slap from Tianlong Yun, that sent him flying towards the back.


"Who allowed these barking dogs to enter and bark in my wedding ceremony!"

These people were still unable to recover from the shock of Tianlong Yun's actions when his resounding words shocked them even more.

Out of all possible outcomes, none of them had thought that Tianlong Yun would act so unbridled and brute in this situation.

"Since this is my wedding day I am reluctant to spill blood, but if you think that I don't dare to do it, then you are in for a good show!"

The Song Family people were completely flabbergasted at this situation, and they immediately looked toward Young Master Qin Bao who was just standing there with a cool and unperturbed composure.

If the people of the Song Family knew what their backer was thinking at that moment, they would most probably have coughed blood due to anger and fury, but fortunately, they didn't.

Master Song, head of the Song Family couldn't allow his son to suffer like that for nothing, so he immediately stepped forward screaming,

"What is the meaning of this!? Is this how the big and majestic Tang Family treats their guests and friends!? If that is the case then I will"

"You will what!? Do you have the strength to even pluck a hair from our asses!?

Guests are supposed to come, eat food, drink, congratulate the couple, and leave. Guests don't make trouble for the couple or the House.

Friends should be even more unrestrained in celebrating and reserved in making trouble! Neither 'guests' nor 'friends' jump from the crowd and threatens the house or the couple!

So, what kind of guests or friends are you!? You are just disloyal barking dogs that forgot and try to bite the hand that fed you."


Master Song couldn't help but sincerely cough a mouthful of blood, as another booming sound resounded from the other side,

"Hahaahah~! This Master has finally seen how the honorable and big Tang Family treats its people! It's quite an eye-opening experience!"

While Young Master Qin was staying silent even after this, the Yao Family couldn't let go of such a good chance and opportunity as their Third Master said those words.

"You know people won't think that you are a mute, if you don't speak 'Third Master Yao'!"

"Brat do you truly want to make enemies with my Yao Family!?"

"Hheheeh~! What a joke, are you still going to pretend even now Third Master Yao!? Could it be that you sent all those assassins after me, so they hand me over their treasures and money!?

I had heard many rumors of you being somewhat slow, but now I have finally verified the rumors, it is indeed true!"

"Brat you"

"Third Master Yao you don't have to reason with this bastard, it's clear that the blood flowing down his veins is evil and demonic, we better kill him fast to make a favor to the whole world!"

Then turning towards Master Tang and the elder of the Tang Family he made a light bow while saying,

"I hope that the Tang Family won't try to protect this evil demon today, who doesn't know law and justice attacking my son and me!"

He made these two moves so fast that he was unable to notice the weird expression of Tianlong Yun barely holding back his laughter.


It seemed like Tianlong Yun couldn't control his laughter for long, as he started laughing out loud like a maniac, surprising a lot of people at the venue.

"You bastard demon, why are you laughing like that!"

Master Song couldn't control himself and his curiosity as he asked Tianlong Yun, while Tianlong Yun could barely answer between his loud laughter,

"Hahahahah~! You are right Master Song, I truly believe that my blood comes from evil demons and bastards that deserve being extinguished from this world!

Don't you think so too Third Master Yao!?"

Third Master Yao's face was anything but good at this moment, as he looked like he was about to explode in rage and anger.

Poor Master Song had no idea why Third Master Yao would react like that, but he needed the help and support of Third Master Yao.

Only by having that guy backing him up, would he be able to have a clear chance of killing Tianlong Yun and regain face for his Song Family.

"Third Master Yao my Song Family is willing to weather this misfortune with you and help you in getting rid of this bastard demon, and his dirty bloodline.

Today, I swear that I will not rest until this Tianlong Yun and his whole bloodline up to their 18th generation have been exterminated from this world!

From this day forth, either my Song Family or that demon's dirty bloodline will remain under the sky!"


Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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