Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 799: One-sided Bullying

Chapter 799: One-sided Bullying

The next instant he appeared in front of Ancestor Ling and sent a punch towards his head without holding back in the least.

'Bangggg, Booooommmmm~!'

At first, came the sound of Tianlong Yun's punch landing on Ancestor Ling's gigantified soul body, and next was the impact on the surroundings.

Even though it was a physical punch against a soul form, the punch still managed to land and create that sound, which would clearly terrify everyone hearing or seeing it.

Ancestor Ling didn't have time to understand and think about what was going on, as his soul body clashed on an invisible blockade.

Things didn't make sense anymore, how could someone have such a great change with a simple breakthrough to the Soul King Realm.

Even though his own breakthrough provided him with quite the strength, he had never been able to actually have such an increase in strength as Tianlong Yun.

Furthermore, what the hell was this new barrier erected at this place, his barrier should allow him to get out, or get in without trouble, yet he was barred from going out.

Not only that, but at this moment he suddenly felt like all connection to the barrier he had erected earlier had disappeared. In fact, he wasn't even able to sense the outside in the least.

Before he could even start thinking about this, and his situation though, his Cold Soul Flame that was supposed to be his greatest trump card seemed to have gone awry and started affecting him as well.

Not only that, but it looked like the Cold Soul Flame was angry and enraged at something or someone and wanted to burn the enemy's soul to cinders.

That happened as a mix of two circumstances, the first being the accumulated anger of the Cold Soul Flame towards Ancestor Ling who had yet to create a complete link with it.

And secondly due to Tianlong Yun's Fierceness Law. With the upgrade in Soul Realm Tianlong Yun was now able to better understand, comprehend, and use the Laws.

For example, at this moment he had managed to not spread the Law into the surroundings but just cover his fist with it and punch the target.

As for the invisible target that was nothing else but Tianlong Yun's spatial Law as he had completely sealed this small region.

The druid soul could only look at this and click her tongue as her Master's perverse strength and prowess were something she had found out about long ago.

Looking at the beauty Tang Li on the side, she said in a mysterious and matter of fact tone,

"It should be your greatest honor for Master to think of you as useful and able to reach the peak!"

The beauty lowered her eyes to look at the ground, as no one understood what she was thinking, as the matters of today had been just too heavy and difficult to understand for her.

'Bannnggg, Banggg, Banggg'

At the same time, Tianlong Yun's relentless punch attacks towards Ling Ancestor didn't seem to stop even for a moment as the old soul couldn't even blurt a word.

It looked just like a strong adult was bullying a little kid, punching on his head and body like he was some sort of sandbag.

Not only that but even the Cold Soul Flame was actually getting more and more vicious with each passing moment as it tried to destroy Ancestor Ling's body, and also damage Tianlong Yun.

While its endeavor was quite successful with the old soul Ancestor Ling, with Tianlong Yun it was just like its flames would always be suppressed and extinguished by a stronger and bigger flame.

At first, the Cold Soul Flame seemed to get angry at the opponent in Tianlong Yun's body, as it thought to destroy not only Tianlong Yun but that flame as well.

If it managed to absorb and refine the flame in Tianlong Yun's body then its power and existence would most probably reach another realm.

Unfortunately, those thoughts lasted only for a short time, because in less than a few breaths, it felt the terrifying prowess and effect of the Nirvana Flames in Tianlong Yun's body.

It was at that moment that the Could Soul Flame even started to tremble in fear of the opponent, as it was by no means its opponent and could only hope of absorbing Ancestor Ling's soul power to make a stand.

Only like that would probably have an opportunity and chance to not only survive but even tip the scales around.

It owed a great favor to Tianlong Yun though because it was Tianlong Yun's relentless punches that actually completely seemed to destroy the defenses of Ancestor Ling, and it was easier for it to penetrate.

How could Tianlong Yun not understand the intentions and thoughts of this small flame, but he wasn't afraid of it.

From the beginning, he was able to put an end to this stupid show, but he was actually going on with his punches, just so he made this a bit more torturous for this bastard, and also train his newly gained strength.

He wouldn't be able to find such a good punching bag every day, so he had to make the best of it. Each of his fists was enveloped in one of his Laws, each one of them contained different essence.

Like this Tianlong Yun could not only train his physical prowess, but also his control of Soul Power, and what's more important his use of Laws.

'Banggg, bannggg, baanngggg'

The bullying continued for a good half an hour, before Tianlong Yun actually stopped for a moment, as he felt that the situation was getting too dangerous.

"Are you willing to accept my Soul Seal and serve me, or should I make you perish!? You should know your condition better than anyone, no one else but me can help you now!"

"I a-accept!"

"Very well then your life belongs to me!"

With that said Tianlong Yun immediately placed his Soul Seal upon the old soul Ancestor Ling, before he actually landed a palm on the gigantified soul body's abdomen.

Everyone would think that Tianlong Yun didn't accept the old soul's loyalty and subservience, as his palm seemed to throw away a big chunk of its soul, but the next moment they understood the reason.

That part that Tianlong Yun had palmed away was nothing else than the roots of the Cold Soul Flame.

Of course, there was still a lot of the flame remaining in Ancestor Ling's body, but this was the essence and core of the flame.

Upon seeing that it had been found and suddenly punched away the Cold Soul Flame immediately tried to return back and continued with what she started.

Unfortunately, the moment it moved a few steps towards Tianlong Yun and Ancestor Ling it was suddenly blocked by an invisible block.

No matter shape, form, or existence, everything exists in space, as long as one manages to block space, then it's nearly impossible to escape.

For that reason, no matter how hard it tried to escape, or how many times it tried to break the invisible wall, its tries seemed to be meaningless.

It was at that moment that it understood there was something wrong with this situation, and instead of trying to get back at the old soul Ancestor Li, it turned around trying to escape.

Unfortunately, it looked like its efforts were meaningless because, in all the possible directions around her, it was an invisible wall blocking the Cold Soul Flame.

Not only that, but quite early it found out that the invisible box around itself was actually slowly getting enclosed, and smaller.

In a short amount of time, there was no possible way for it to break out and escape her fate, as Tianlong Yun was seemingly pulling it towards himself.

The moment that he finally managed to capture the Cold Soul Flame, Tianlong Yun threw it towards the Divine Blade and while looking at the druid soul, he said in a cool voice,

"Refine this thing in a week! It will help you grow stronger!"


The druid soul was caught by surprise at this moment, as she didn't understand why her Master would give her something so precious, but she didn't say no.

In fact, without caring about the surroundings, or the people around her, the beautiful loli actually jumped in Tianlong Yun's arms and gave him a nice juicy kiss, before she thanked him,

"Thank you, Master! Heheheh~! Master surely is the best!"

Normally she wouldn't dare to fight and try to refine this Cold Soul Flame easily, but inside the Divine Blade that had become her abode, the druid soul have the upper hand and was fully confident in subduing it.

As for Tianlong Yun not wanting it, that came as a result of his Nirvana Flames, having such a powerful and mysterious Flame, there was no way he was going to displease it for something like this.

With these thoughts in his mind, and with his newest additions, Tianlong Yun quickly fixed the place and the story, and finally, let Patriarch Tang to leave the place.

"Help me keep away all the pesky flies for these three days, as I need to cultivate in peace and seclusion!"

"Huh~!? Yes, yes!"

The beauty didn't know what to think or make of this situation. Just now she had found out with her own eyes that Tianlong Yun was extremely mysterious and unfathomable.

It was way beyond her greatest expectation as he looked just like a powerful Ancient Dragon Resting in the mortal world.

Was she worthy of him???

Check my newest book! Return of Lust!

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