Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 651: Rumors

Chapter 651: Rumors

In the little beauty's Castle, everything was nice and dandy, as he spent most of the time playing around with the beauties at her place.

One of them clearly wasn't satisfied with his actions, and him putting her under the effect of a slave seal but there was nothing she could do.

Tianlong Yun's slave seal wasn't anything easy to undo, as it was a seal that was placed directly over the soul avatar and not the conscience sea like all other seals.

So, no matter if she liked it or not, from the moment that she received Tianlong Yun's seal, she was bound to serve him for life, or until he made a decision to undo it himself.

In fact, just like the other two guys, this beauty was thinking of usurping the role of her Master or to be more exact as the representative of her Master.

She knew that her chances of getting over the little beauty were minuscule but since the little princess didn't care about politics, status, and wealth, it was the same as her being on top.

Her plans were quite good actually, as she had already started using those two idiots against each other, by promising herself to be the winner.

With the two of them acting against one another, she only had to stay on the corner and wait for them to destroy each other, before giving the last kick to both of them.

Not only that, but she was meticulous enough to prepare plans even for the other two beauties, that didn't seem to be interested in power, and wanted only to grow stronger like their Master.

It wasn't that they didn't have any interest in power actually, as both of them were more than interested in that, but they didn't have enough strength, as they were weaker than the other three.

So they had decided to lay low and increase their strength until it was finally the time for them to jump and take the opportunity.

Unfortunately, even before they had a chance at their plans, Tianlong Yun had happened, and everything had become his.

Forgetting about the power and wealth as the little princess's representative the little princess herself had become his slave and woman.

All their plans and ideas had gone to the trash bin, with no hope of ever being revealed to the sunlight.

But all those plans were rendered completely useless from the moment that Tianlong Yun had appeared in the little beauty's life.

On the other hand, the little princess seemed to have become even more obedient and well-mannered in front of Tianlong Yun.

There was no sign of rebellion or displeasure when she interacted with him. In fact, she had started to approach him on her own, on many occasions.

Since she already knew from the start that Tianlong Yun had laid his hands, seal, and interest upon her due to the Vampire Clan she didn't have much of a reaction now.

The truth was that despite being a genius of the clan, she wasn't treated as well as she should be treated, as everyone thought that she was a woman.

Someday, she might fall in love with some man, and then not only give him herself but also her clan in a golden plate.

What those people didn't expect, was most probably the fact of how right they were, as that was precisely what she was going to do.

Since she didn't hold much sentiment about the Vampire Clan, then as long as her clan didn't vanquish she would do whatever Tianlong Yun told her to do.

The Ancestors Grave was the forbidden area of the Vampire Clan, not only due to that place being the resting place of their Ancestors but also due to the great opportunities that they had left behind.

There were certain documents and books explaining the heights of the Vampire Clan in the past, and everyone could see the difference it had with the present.

The Vampire Clan was one of the races with the greatest potential of development, but somehow they had lost their legacy and had been unable to truly expand their potential.

That was also one of the big reasons why the Vampires were fighting against the Werewolves all the time, as they thought that the Werewolves were responsible for the loss of their legacy.

The same situation was for the Werewolves as well, as both Clans, or races had lost their legacies and arts in a big fight among the two clans.

This story was still clouded by a lot of complications and oddities but neither side seemed to even doubt for a moment that the perpetrator was the other side.

Tianlong Yun had information of this situation from the time that he placed the Arrogant Princess against the Thirteenth Princess of the Werewolves face to face, Drina and Jena.

At first, they both seemed like they were about to pierce each other's hearts, and throats with a stare, but soon they both lowered their gazes and heads with Tianlong Yun presiding over the matter.

It was when the two beauties had lowered their heads and recounted their side of the story that Tianlong Yun found too many discrepancies in them.

Which made Tianlong Yun even more apprehensive of the situation. It wasn't due to the two clans fighting each other, that was irrelevant to him, but the guy or organization that made it happen.

Since neither side took the blame, and they were both certain that the other side was the enemy, then it meant that there was someone or some people that were muddling the waters.

The fight amidst the two tribes was staged by a third party, that was most probably trusted by both sides.

Tianlong Yun had to admit it that whoever it was, that guy or those guys were extremely canny and insidious. But they were still not his opponents.

As long as a member of the Vampires came in contact with someone from the Werewolves, and started discussing truthfully the matter, they would easily discover what he did.

That matter was of no importance at the moment, as he had a different objective in coming here, and had no intention of resolving the dispute between the Vampires and Werewolves.

After one month, when the little princess had finally stabilized her new level and Realm, and Tianlong Yun's expected item had arrived, she departed for the Royal Palace.

She was amazed once again by Tianlong Yun's pills as her purity returned to her like it had never been broken through.

Still, after seeing a few of Tianlong Yun's wonders with her own eyes recently, she didn't fall in a stupor for long and made her way towards the Palace.

Her purpose was simple as it was difficult, to enter the Ancestors Graveyard!

The moment she arrived and was received by the Elders, and other people of the court she was treated nicely for appearance's sake, but the truth was that everyone saw her as a bother.

In fact, due to some rumors spread in the Palace, some Elders were even looking at her with disrespect, anger, and lust.

At first, the little princess had been quite surprised due to those looks, but her ears finally understood the reason, as she heard two maids speaking.

"I heard that the little princess had found herself a man!"

"Yes, yes! Not only that, but she had also offered him her maids! They had entered her chambers and stayed inside for more than two weeks."

"Really!? Just what kind of stud should that guy be? How I wish I had a chance with him!"

"Dream on! The little princess is known for her eccentric behavior, she would never allow you to do something like that!

Our only option is those arrogant guards!"

"Sigh~! Yes, you are right! But I wonder what will the elders do about this! After all, there are quite a few of them, who personally, or their sons are infatuated with her!"

"I truly wonder as well! A friend told me that Elder Vlod is extremely angered with the little princess, and he even sent a few servants to kill the guy as quickly as possible!

He truly lost face this time, as he was thinking of asking the little princess for his son in marriage! His son is said to be extremely infatuated with her!

When he heard of the news he even flew into a rage, and swore to turn that guy into a eunuch, and torture him for centuries."

"It sure is nice being a princess! The poor stud is most probably dead by now."

The little princess was extremely shocked at these words, she would have never expected someone to start spreading such rumors for her.

She didn't care in the least about these guys that would swear to love her and want her, they were nothing more than ugly toads in her eyes.

Only someone like her dead Second Brother or Master Tianlong Yun could have a chance towards her. Everyone else wasn't worthy of her.

But her Second Brother was already dead, with no option of appearing in front of her again, so the only left choice was Tianlong Yun.

Not to mention that after all the wonders that he had shown to her, she had started to become more and more infatuated with him.

As for these guys getting angry, or even thinking of going against her, she felt that it was nothing short of a great joke.

She wasn't afraid of them when she had her previous level of strength, so she was even less scared now. But one thing was for sure, her purpose would be certainly difficult to reach

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