Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 650: The Little Beauty reaches 4th level Great Boundary Ascension Realm

Chapter 650: The Little Beauty reaches 4th level Great Boundary Ascension Realm

But that was only for the future though, as right now he had other things to take care of, like helping the little beauty consume the energy in her blood.

While Tianlong Yun was lost in his thoughts the beauty seemed to have survived the pain coursing through her body and was ready to continue.

"Very well, now try to feel the movements inside your veins and organs and keep them up! What you went through was just the first stage!"

With that said Tianlong Yun started helping the little beauty circulate her blood, and at the same time help her refine and absorb the energy found in her blood.

At the same time, he was also able to have a thorough look over her body, and strength. Just like he already thought she had a level of strength equal to level 8 of Boundary Ascension Realm.

And that was while she had consumed only around 40% of the energy in her body, as she had more than 60% of that energy remaining in her blood.

If she had decided to fight with her energy and physical strength that day, even though he would have won at the end, he would have used a lot of his energy and trump cards.

It was only now that he was able to confirm that it had been his great luck for the little princess to have used her soul attack before overwhelming him with his strength.

Still, this wasn't the first time that geniality gave birth to complacency and arrogance. Even if it was a few hundred years old beautiful little vampire.

Yet someone misfortune turns into someone else's fortune, and the same thing had happened in this case, while the little beauty had lost her freedom, Tianlong Yun had won a good seedling.

As he was thinking like that, Tianlong Yun helped the beauty in front of him start refining and absorbing the remaining energy in her body and making it hers.

After the pain and the burning that she had gone through a few moments ago, the little beauty felt a great sense of soothing and refreshing coursing through her whole body.

It felt like she had suddenly jumped out of hell, and was flying towards heaven, but that soothing wasn't the only reason she felt like that.

As at the same time she was feeling the constant increase in her strength, it was just like a breaking dam, the strength started rushing like water, while it raised the volume of her strength.

If she had doubted Tianlong Yun's abilities to help her out earlier, what happened in her Conscience Sea had clearly mined those thoughts, and what was happening now had completely destroyed them.

It wasn't just because of the surging strength that she felt like that, but it was also because she could feel that the way she was circulating her blood right now was nothing short of miraculous.

This was the first time that she was feeling something like this, and she didn't know what it exactly was, but she could feel that it was extremely beneficial for her body, and strength.

That was another big stone that made her start thinking that perhaps Tianlong Yun truly had the capability to make her grow stronger and reach heights that she had never thought.

Her opinion about Tianlong Yun had changed so much in such a short time that would make everyone puzzled about it.

But she didn't care about it, even if others didn't accept it, or found it hard to accept it she didn't really care.

From the start she had never been someone to care about other people's opinion, as long as she was okay with it, no one else had the right to speak about it.

As she was thinking like that, the energy inside her body was continuously increasing without any sign of slowing down.

She had already passed the level 9 Boundary Ascension Realm and was now running towards the next Realm.

The truth was that Tianlong Yun was a bit worried about her, as this had happened too fast, and it hadn't long since he robbed her freedom from her.

To a genius like her, suddenly losing her freedom to someone she had never met, and even more so losing her purity to that guy was certainly something that she couldn't accept easily.

Which meant that it was something that was bound to leave some scars behind, that probably only time and consistent approach would free her from.

But, fortunately, Tianlong Yun was not always right, as there are and happen so many weird things in this world we live through.

For example, the little beauty didn't seem to have any sign of a heart demon in her heart nor Conscience Sea.

It was truly something unexpected for Tianlong Yun, but the truth was that the little beauty had been totally convinced by him in such a short time.

She knew that someone who could help her so much and be so high above her in Soul Cultivation, strength, and laws, is bound to be no one simple.

In simpler words, Tianlong Yun had been worrying too much all this time or better said he had underestimated the little beauty a bit too much.

Still, with that out of the way, the little beauty safely reached the Great Boundary Ascension Realm, and slowly started climbing the levels of that Realm.

When she was finally over she was at the 4th level of the Great Boundary Ascension Realm. She still had enough energy to reach the 5th level, but Tianlong Yun stopped her from doing so.

Going too fast, and too high was bound to create some unwanted holes in her foundation and cultivation, so he wanted her to use this remaining energy to fill those holes and solidify her level.

After setting her mind in following Tianlong Yun's instructions, despite she felt that she was missing a little chance, the little beauty accepted his words and did as he told her.

Seeing all this happen, it would be a lie to say that Tianlong Yun didn't have any thoughts of his own.

What surprised him the most was that the big sister had been by his side for longer and still had a heart demon, while this little beauty despite being only so little by his side, had accepted him completely.

People are truly mysterious beings that always like to play against the rules and common logic, and this was just an example of that.

Still, this was a piece of great news for him, as this meant that he didn't need to keep his guard highly around this little beauty anymore.

Words, expressions, and even Souls might lie in front of him, but in front of Heaven's Will, no one was able to lie, and even less hide their heart demons.

For that reason, he didn't feel like the little beauty was against him anymore. She had truly accepted him in her life, heart, and soul.

The moment that she woke up though, the same questions that she asked with her Soul Avatar in her Conscience Sea came running towards him,

"How can your Soul Avatar be so powerful? How powerful is your Soul Avatar exactly? Can you teach me to get my Soul Avatar that strong as well?

What is that exercise that you just taught me? What is that pill that you gave me? How come you know so many things? How come I can't sense your strength? Who are you?"

This time her curiosity was aroused even more, and her questions multiplied in a short time, there was so much she wanted to know.

Hearing her questions without stop Tianlong Yun seemed to get overwhelmed for a few moments, as he finally said,

"Woah, woah, woah~! Too many questions, for too many topics! You better calm down! I can't answer all your questions right now, as some answers might affect your path and thoughts.

But I can tell you this, as long as you obey me, and please me forget about the current me, you will be able to proceed even further.

You will reach a level that not only you, but no one else on this planet has ever imagined. As for the rest of your questions, it's just useless for me to answer, you will find out while staying by my side."

"Tche~! Trying to act mysterious! Meanie!"

Tianlong Yun almost choked hearing those words, as he would have never expected that this few hundreds of years old vampire could have this cute and coy-ish side of hers.

Seeing that he was unable to control himself from jumping on top of her, pinning her down, as he said with a clearly shameless tone,

"Even if I am, what can you do?"

The little beauty was caught by surprise by his sudden actions, but the truth was that she wanted that as well, so she didn't resist in the slightest, and only acted as a small, weak lamb in front of the wolf.

In no time, the big saloon was once again conquered by the sweet sounds of summer, and flowers blossoming as another battle took place.

After three days, the little beauty left the place with her lady servants and went towards her own Palace.

If it wasn't for the fact that she might attract unwanted attention if she went directly to the Royal Palace, she would have done just that.

Still, Tianlong Yun could easily afford a few more days of waiting, as it was still too early for his plans to be put in action.

He couldn't move if the big guys didn't move first

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