Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 559: Preparations to break through the last 2 Hidden Gates

Chapter 559: Preparations to break through the last 2 Hidden Gates

He looked like some kind of burning voodoo doll, as he kept screaming in pain, and burning in flames.

Even though he activated his Nirvana Flames in order to burn down that black matter inside him, it wasn't as easy as that.

His Nirvana Flames were good and could burn everything to cinders, but it was nowhere capable of immediately doing that.

His Nirvana Flames were enough to topple the scales of the rate at which he destroyed that black and corrupted matter, and energy, but it would still take quite a lot of time.

He could feel the flames spreading through his whole body, through every single cell of his body, as a stinky smell of burning waste started to spread from him.

But he couldn't care about that at the moment, as the pain was just too great for him to be able to concentrate.

In fact, he could feel that every single cell of his body was being destroyed, burned, and regenerated at the same time.

It was quite the pain he was going through with every passing second, but it was something that he had to pass alone, no one could help him in the current situation.

His bones were cracking inside his body, and even his veins and meridians were showing signs of breaking down and regenerating back.

Taking into consideration the fact that he had already surpassed the 6th Hidden Gate inside his body, then his body was extremely tough.

Even if it wasn't made of iron, the difference wasn't really big at that moment. Even a lead bullet wouldn't be able to pierce through his skin, even if he didn't use any Qi.

The amount of energy, and pain to destroy that kind of body, those kinds of cells, and then regenerating them just to get destroyed and generated back was beyond one's belief and imagination.

The moment that he activated his Nirvana Flames that pain subsided by quite a bit, but it was still a kind of pain that would make even the ghost scared, and go crazy.

But at least at that moment, he was able to take a bit control of his situation, and instead of suffering uselessly like that, direct the energy created at that moment towards his benefit.

In other words, he started guiding the created physical energy towards his last two Hidden Gates that were still unopened, his Life and Death Gates.

The gate of Life was located in his heart, and it was a point that made him able to burn his life essence and vitality up to 50% with the condition of regenerating it with the pass of time.

One had to know that Tianlong Yun was already a powerful powerhouse of the 2nd level of Boundary Ascension Realm.

If he could burn at his will without any repercussions 50% of his life force and vitality then he would easily surpass the 8th level of the Boundary Ascension Realm.

Just imagine the jump from a small 2000 meters mountain to the top of Everest. The difference was just that great between the 2nd level and 8th level of the Boundary Ascension Realm.

Tianlong Yun would be able to defeat experts and powerhouses that were in a 6 or 7 level range in his Realm, which was something that had never been heard before.

But that would happen only if he was able to open the 7th Hidden Gate located at his heart, so he could only close any connection to the outside world and concentrate on his mission.

As Tianlong Yun was in that complicated and difficult inner situation, the situation in the outside world was quickly changing as well.

When those powerful powerhouses felt that nothing was following behind them, and even heard those painful and strenuous screams of Tianlong Yun, they finally dared to take a look back.

Once they took a look back, they continued to do so every other moment, and when they finally understood that no one was following them, they fully stopped and were checking their surroundings.

They took quite a bit of time to make sure that there was no one in their surroundings, as they started to get angry at the shameful and embarrassing way that they had left the place.

They couldn't believe how they had run like that with their tail between their legs like some frightened rabbits.

It was a shameful presence that they would never be able to forget easily. Something that would follow them everywhere if someone opened their mouth.

Each and every one of them wanted to quickly return back and teach Tianlong Yun and every other cultivator in there an important lesson.

Each and every one of them wanted to wash away their shame, and embarrassment, by making Tianlong Yun and his clansmen suffer, but no one dared to.

After seeing with their own eyes what that damned black Shadow had done, they didn't dare to return there quickly in fear that they would be the ones to die after.

With shame and embarrassment, they could continue living, but once their life was surrendered then what could they do?

With those thoughts in mind, they could do nothing more but slowly and carefully return to their destination while constantly checking their surroundings.

The velocity that they were returning back to Rock Fortress city wasn't even a fifth or a sixth of the velocity that they left that place, to begin with.

As for the left Shadow Clan people inside Rock Fortress City, they didn't stay put and watch what happened with their Patriarch.

No, at that moment, not only Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing, but even another woman much more beautiful than the two of them, started instructing and ordering everyone in there to protect the place.

In the meantime, the barrier surrounding the Rock Fortress City started regenerating and turning back just like it was before getting destroyed.

The Shadow Clan disciples were ordered to defend this place until the barrier was finally finished, once the barrier was finished they could relax and take it easy.

Those loyal people that had decided to live and die with the Clan didn't understand much what was going on, but after seeing Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing obey that beautiful woman, they did so as well.

That stunningly beautiful woman was none other than Tianlong Xia. Even after the opening of the dimensional passageway between Soul Land space and Earth she was unable to immediately come to this place.

She had just arrived there a few moments ago, and seeing her man in the middle of the city suffering in pain, made her heart bleed like someone had stabbed her there.

But when she understood that he wasn't in danger, a big weight was lifted from her heart, and she just used her Qi to create a big pool of water around him.

If she let him continue like that, then this place would stink for quite some time, so she had to find a way to isolate that smell at least.

Especially when she felt that he had everything under control, and it was something that he was pushing for himself.

Right now, the best she could do was take control of the situation, and make sure that nothing disturbed him from outside. Everything else would be dealt with when he stopped and woke up.

She didn't have much information on the situation at first, but it was easy to communicate with Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing to immediately understand.

On top of that, she knew that Tianlong Yun would always plan a step or two in advance, just to be prepared for an unexpected variable.

With those thoughts in mind, she quickly started ordering, and instructing everyone else on what they should do, as she personally stayed close to Tianlong Yun to protect him in any case.

It didn't take long for the previously destroyed barrier to once again start shaping up, and those old bones start coming back.

But even if they were coming back, they could feel that darned frightening and scary black energy existing in the middle of the Rock Fortress City, so they didn't dare to attack.

As a matter of fact, the full old gang had joined together once again, as they were surrounding Rock Fortress City, but none of them dared to be the first to attack.

They could only watch towards each other and expect that the others made a move, and only when they made sure that the area was clear would they join the attack as well.

So, there was nothing they could do besides trying to look at the situation in front of them and wait.

In the meantime, Tianlong Yun was in an extremely difficult situation. The energy that he had sent towards the next two Hidden Gates seemed to be enough to open not just one but both of them.

And by the looks of it, both of those gates would start opening at the same time, making this whole situation even more dangerous.

But he couldn't stop now, if he did then all the pain, suffering, and hard work that he had been going through up to now would be useless and he didn't want to have something like that happen.

Even though he was in such a difficult and dangerous situation though, feeling the presence of Tianlong Xia in there, made him almost forget everything else.

It sounded extremely cringe, but the fact that their souls were connected, and they were the extension of each other was true.

One of them couldn't live without the other!

So, her presence was enough for him to disperse and possible fear, or worry in his heart, and fully concentrate on what he had to do.

Breaking through the Life's Gate, and Death Gate

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