Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 558: Two great Successes in 10 Years

Chapter 558: Two great Successes in 10 Years

His pain was real!

He could feel that every cell of his body was being eaten and destroyed at that moment, but there was nothing he could do.

Slowly that pain was even approaching his Double Avatar, his Qi-Soul Avatar as if it was trying to destroy his core.

He didn't know why but he had a feeling that once that black matter managed to touch his Qi-Soul Avatar, then he was as good as gone.

Even though that would most certainly make this pain go away, as he would cease to exist altogether he didn't want that to happen.

That fleeting thought of suicide was long gone from his consideration, as it was replaced by the faces of his beautiful wives, and important people.

The black matter didn't seem to care about his opinion though as it steadily walked its way towards the target, trying to corrupt his Qi-Soul Avatar.

It looked like the odds were against him, and with each passing moment it could be his last, but the reason why he dared to do something like this was that he had a trump card.

He wasn't as desperate as to endanger his own life just to push those powerhouses away, they weren't worth it.

From the start, this whole thing had been just a show in order to clean up his own house, without having to support the hate of his people.

In these 10 years that had passed, he had recruited a lot of these people's children, cultivating them with his own resources, and brainwashing them to live and die for him, and the Shadow Clan.

Differently from the orphan kids though, these children had been raised by their parents until they were 3 of age and had a lot of ties to their parents.

Parents that didn't deserve the Clan's protection, and benefits. Parents that had taken everything for granted, and were even trying to betray him and the Clan.

For that reason, he had felt that such a show was necessary, not only to get rid of the traitors and clean up the house but also to teach a lesson to those kids.

Betrayal is never welcomed!

Even the people that instigate you to betray won't trust you, and let you live. Once you betray one's trust then you are doomed to die a worthless death.

Like this, he was able to even cut their ties, and make them angry towards the enemies he had in this Soul Land space.

Perhaps one day they would realize that this was his plan, but it didn't matter, he had full confidence that when that happened, they wouldn't be able to even think of revenge.

To make it more believable he had to go through these damned painful moments, but he could feel that the pain he was going through right now was extremely beneficial to him.

Tianlong Yun hadn't been just enjoying life in these past 10 years, and even though his Qi cultivation Realm had grown by leaps and bounds, it wasn't his greatest success.

His greatest success, or to be more exact his greatest successes were two. He had started getting serious with the physical body cultivation, and comprehending Soul Land space, and formation.

Well to be more exact, the one doing all the comprehension of the Soul Land space and formations was Yang Xiu, but since that thing was his puppet, then it was the same as he was doing it himself.

With his breakthroughs in the Soul Cultivation path, it seemed like his puppets were growing spiritually too, becoming much sharper, and gaining sentience.

What made matters even better was that their newly created sentience and souls were extensions of his own.

It wasn't like they were Soul Clones of his, but like they were extra limbs or parts of his Soul Avatar.

That change had enabled Yang Xiu to become even better at his task, as he could process more and more information and possibilities.

What Tianlong Yun needed the most at that moment was knowledge over the barriers, and defensive formations in Soul Land, and a way to return back before the next 100 years.

There was no way he was staying 100 years in this space without turning back to his Tianlong Xia, and foundation on Earth.

It wasn't that he underestimated Soul Land, but thinking about it, he was confident of turning this place into a mess and conquering it in less than 50 years.

And in an even shorter time if he managed to make a connection with Earth and get help and resources from there.

As a matter of fact, that connection with Earth was what had made it possible for him to keep the flow of the resources even though he had been wasting them like crazy.

Yang Xiu had been able to complete his mission just a while ago, as not only had he managed to open the connection portal with Earth but he even placed the entrance in the City Lord's Mansion.

In other words, not long ago Tianlong Yun had become the owner of the passage from Soul Land space to Earth and back. This place had turned into his private little garden.

There was no way that the disturbance of an opened space channel on Earth wouldn't be felt by the truly powerful people on the planet.

Or how they liked to call themselves the Guardian Deities of planet Earth, and especially the leader of the number 1 organization on Earth, the Masson's.

One had to know that despite being a pretentious pri*ck that wanted to control the lives of 8 billion people on Earth, he was truly a protector of Earth.

After all, every man would protect his own house from being robbed away from him, so he couldn't allow any unknown variables to walk unimpeded on Earth.

But before he could even approach the new dimensional space gate, he was interrupted by some unknown Master that clearly practiced evil arts.

Not only was he unable to approach the entrance, but at the end of the day, he had even ended forfeiting his life.

Just when Earth needed its forces to join together and fight the unknown enemy, the powerful people at the top didn't seem to care much about it.

Not only didn't they join together and have a look at what was going on, but they even started fighting against each other for the one on top, as they bombed the entrance with everything they had.

It wasn't a bad decision as after all the amount of explosives thrown to the dimensional tear was enough to turn New York into a deep hellish pit.

So, they thought that the problem was taken care of, and they could continue fighting with each other for power.

In fact, more than a danger they saw that dimensional tear as a great opportunity because it had made possible the disappearance of the rock at the top.

What they didn't know though was the fact that the dimensional tear never disappeared and it continued existing at the same place it was opened, protected by someone much powerful than them.

Perhaps if they knew the history, and the identity of the thing that was protecting the entrance those guys would most probably have tried whatever they could to escape.

Unfortunately for them though, they had no idea about it and didn't seem to even care about it, as they were concentrated on their stupid brawls.

What had just happened earlier, where Tianlong Yun killed all those powerhouses, was just Tianlong Yun borrowing a bit of that 'things' strength and power.

Even though he didn't expect to be such a terrifying, and corrupt power, he still was able to deal with it, and keep his undisputed control over it.

His second success was a personal success, as he had managed to open the first 6 of the 8 Hidden Gates of his body.

Every day had been a horror for him, and even though he was totally confident of not being a Masochist, he would so wish to be one during these 10 years.

Almost every day he had trained his body beyond his boundaries, trying to break his limits with each passing day, like an iron sword being tempered day by day.

For an Alchemist like him, it was relatively easy to create medicinal baths, molten lava, corrosive substances, and many other body tempering materials.

Not only that but he would also allow all his guards and disciples to use him as a practice target, as he used only his physical body to block the attacks.

Many of them had started to doubt that he might be some kind of deep masochist, but none of them dared to even mention it, as they only followed his orders.

But all that suffering and training had shown its benefits as not only was he able to seriously practice body tempering, but he had even achieved so much success with it.

It was precisely of that tempering and his extraordinary bloodline that even though a lot of cells of his body were being destroyed and eaten by that black matter, they were still able to regrow and regenerate.

But unfortunately, he was still extremely weak, and his body tempering was still extremely low, so the rate of destruction was much higher than the rate of regeneration.

For that reason, he was with one foot on the grave and was suffering so much at the moment, even though his physical body cultivation was progressing madly.

Too bad that he couldn't bear it anymore, and he had to give up there otherwise he would go crazy, as a blazing flame suddenly covered his whole body

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