Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 510: Rage & Start of the Battle

Chapter 510: Rage & Start of the Battle

Tianlong Yun's words would be nothing more than a joke if he hadn't just killed another level 3 Boundary Ascension powerhouse not long ago.

But with that guy dead to make an example, the old man didn't know if he should take this opportunity or not.

If Tianlong Yun was just bluffing he had full confidence that he could bully this kid to death, but if he wasn't then he would be sending his life to him on a golden plate.

There was no way he would want to die, but thinking about this a little bit more, if Tianlong Yun could have killed him then wouldn't he be dead already?

Most probably what he had done earlier was just a one-time thing. Most probably he couldn't do that again, so he was bluffing.

But if he was bluffing then for what was he bluffing for? For time? Wouldn't that just be a stupid thing to do?

The more he delayed for time the more in trouble he would be after all their reinforcements would arrive, and Tianlong Yun would have no chance of escape.

Even though at the moment looked like Tianlong Yun had the upper hand in this confront the situation was completely different.

The United Settlement army had at least 20 to 30 times that of Tianlong Yun's army. And the disparity in cultivation was even more obvious.

More than 20 to 30% of the United Settlement army was composed of Soul Formation cultivators, while on Tianlong Yun's side he was the only Soul Formation cultivator.

The only thing keeping this tense situation going into a full-blown frontal attack was the fear of the powerhouses of dying a useless death.

So just what was this young man trying to do? He was clearly not a stupid greenhorn, as he was keeping the situation under control all this time.

Furthermore, no one seemed able to tell just what was he planning, and what was his goal. Well, his goals were clearly two.

To save his wives, and then give them a big blow, but just how was he planning to do something like that. 

There was no way he could fight them, defeat them, and save them after with the numbers, strength, and power that he had. It was just impossible!

They were clearly surprised seeing his lineup, and if they went all out then most probably they would suffer more than a few dead experts on their side.

But that would be all they would surmount to. This damned kid didn't look like he had steeled himself to die though.

Just what the hell was he planning!?


As the old man was thinking about what could have Tianlong Yun planed for, he and everyone else in there heard a powerful explosion happening from behind.

It was coming from their headquarters, and more importantly from the place where the Soul Land expert should be dealing with their two lady prisoners.

Everyone was shocked as this was completely out of their expectations. Somebody had managed to enter their headquarters unnoticed, and then even cause such a big ruckus.

It was clear that this shouldn't have been possible! After all, their two prisoners were being guarded by another two 4th level Boundary Ascension powerhouses.

How could someone create such a bit explosion in there, well the first thing that they thought was that it was their powerhouses who were responsible for this?

The next moment though they were unable to believe their eyes, as 4 more guys wearing black masks came out of their headquarters with the ladies in tow.

They weren't running and didn't seem like they were in any hurry, as they just came out of the place with perfect calm and natural movement.

The whole crowd was shocked, not only the neutrals, and those that had arrived here for the show, but even the United Settlement army, their leaders, and the old guy himself.

The situation had just changed big time, not only had Tianlong Yun managed to save the two ladies, but he had also received another four Boundary Ascension powerhouses as help.

While this didn't tip the scales it certainly made the situation way more difficult and troublesome to deal with, things had gone from bad to worse for the United Settlement army.

Even their own army of disciples and cultivators were getting the chills out of this line-up in front of them, so the old man had to step forward, and try to encourage them a bit, as he said,

"You traitorous devil, you think that you will be able to escape here alive? The Earth Faction is on its way! In no time you will all die a dog's death!"

Tianlong Yun didn't pay much attention to the oldy, as he was looking at his two beautiful wives approaching from afar, under the protection of the four powerhouses.

His heart was bleeding looking at their state, they had truly suffered a lot under the hands of these motherfu*ckers.

Seeing them in that state, his already boiling anger went over the top, as he looked at the old damn fogy, and said,

"Perhaps we will all die today, but I swear to take as many of you as I can with me to the grave, and especially you dirty old bag!


With that order, the four Boundary Ascension powerhouses that were accompanying the two ladies moved towards them faster, while the four beside Tianlong Yun created a big barrier.

Tianlong Yun himself immediately got to work, as he used his Soul Avatar to attack the damn old fogie that had opposed him until now.

Everything happened so suddenly, that the old guy didn't have enough time to react, he could only feel that the next moment something appeared in front of his Soul Avatar, inside his Conscience Sea.

It was a miniature version of Tianlong Yun, with horns, bony wings, scales, fur, and fire burning all over.

While it was similar to Tianlong Yun, that look didn't make him look human in the least. In fact, he looked more like a monster.

The old guy couldn't believe his senses inside his conscience sea, he was thinking that he had fallen into some kind of illusion of sorts.

But the next moment the flames on Tianlong Yun's body started expanding, and slowly entrapping him, making him feel like he was being burned in the deepest pits of hell.

The pain was so great that it didn't feel like an illusion anymore, his Soul Avatar was truly being burned at this moment, and he had no way of countering it.

It seemed like a joke but it wasn't, Tianlong Yun had invaded his conscience sea, and was burning his Soul Avatar to cinders.

Even though in extreme pain, the old man couldn't help but ask with a frightened and suffering voice,

"Just what kind of monster are you!?"

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to be impressed by his screams though as in fact he was intentionally elongating the process, only to make him feel even more pain, as he said,

"The kind that you shouldn't have messed with!"

But even though he would have liked to torture this guy for more thousands of years, he couldn't. His Soul Power was close to getting exhausted, and he had to kill him fast.

Angry at himself for being so weak that he wasn't to properly take revenge for his wives, he instantly increased the flames' capacity, and destroyed the old man's Soul Avatar, and returned to his body.

The moment he regained control and consciousness of his own body, he felt exhausted. Right now, he was being held up from two of his maids, that were there for his comfort and protection.

By this time even the 4 powerhouses protecting his wives had appeared in front of him, carefully holding the two clearly tired, and exhausted ladies.

Looking at their faces Tianlong Yun's heart bled once again, as he said with a painful, and emotional voice,

"Sorry, it took me so long! You will be fine from now on!"

He was about to pass out for himself, but still was trying his best to encourage, and give them a few soothing words.

Seeing his face, and hearing those words the two ladies were finally able to close their eyes and pass out with a happy smile on their faces.

But they were probably the only people happy around the place, as the scene, and faces of everyone around them were anything but happy.

The whole place had turned into some kind of hell hole on the surface, as there was blood, gore, screams, shouts all over the place.

Cultivators were dying every second by dozens, the blood was clearly showering from above, as every second a few dozen bodies would go crashing on the ground.

Below them, a small mountain of corpses and a small lake of blood were being formed, as more than a battle it looked like a genocide, as the only side suffering was the United Settlement.

The barrier set up by Tianlong Yun's Boundary Ascension powerhouses seemed impossible to breakthrough, as the United Settlement had even lost their second level 3 Boundary Ascension powerhouse.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun's personal guard army was cooperating perfectly hitting the same spot each time.

Their target were all the weakest cultivators all the time. More than trying uselessly and spending a lot of time to kill the strong ones, they were getting rid of all the cannon fodder.

The United Settlements' strong powerhouses were doing their best to protect themselves and attack the barrier of their enemies all this time, so they were unable to protect the cannon fodder.

For this reason, Tianlong Yun's guard army efficiency in the killing was really high. With each round, they would take down a dozen or more cannon fodder.

But in place of getting afraid, the 'new' leaders of the United Settlement seemed to be getting happier, their reinforcements were close

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