Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 509: Prelude to a Bloody Fight

Chapter 509: Prelude to a Bloody Fight

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was looking at him with an interesting look, and a slight smile, as he asked with a calm and natural voice,

"Do you think that I care what you say about me? Or what do all these useless idiots think? Dragons don't give a damn about the flies' opinion.

Your words, your morals, your truths don't matter shit to me, and neither to the people following me!

If anyone has anything to say against me or wants to block my way please do so, but you will take responsibility for your actions.

Today I have come to wash this place in your blood, let me see who stands on my way!"


Utterly shocked!

No one had expected such words from Tianlong Yun, he was directly challenging whoever was there and had a sense of fake humanity, or fake righteousness.

They were all invited to come forward and fight with him if they wanted to, but he had clearly made it known that he and his people would be fighting to kill.

Tianlong Yun wasn't trying to show dominance or just the power of the Shadow Clan, he was giving everyone out there an example, of what would happen if they ever offended the Shadow Clan.

Why should he give a damn about humanity or Earth, he was neither a human nor a being from Earth? 

He was Tianlong Yun, the ex-Crown Prince of the Royal Dragon Race, and the current Patriarch of his own bloodline clan, a being from the Immortal World.

So, all the words that the clown in front of him said, were nothing more than a joke to him. An almost funny joke!

The same couldn't be said about the crowd in there though, as all those people were in a dilemma at the moment.

On one said they were being taunted to move forward in the name of humanity, on the other side they were too scared to do it.

Each and every one of them had gone through some real difficulties in order to reach where they were right now, and this was a fight to the death, all their hard work would get to cinders.

It was something that none of them wanted to happen, but on the opposite end they were going to fight for humanity, could one find a greater reason than this?

But there was also the other side of the coin, who would even care if they died in this place? This wasn't some kind of holy war or anything like that.

It was the fight of a clan against the Earth Faction because those guys had kidnaped his wives. There weren't few people who thought that the Earth Faction was just bullying the Shadow Clan.

After all, these guys had come really fast into prominence and they might be trying to put a dent in their aspirations before they became a nuisance on their end.

Nobody would easily believe the words of the big organizations, this was due to their reputation, and way of conduct in the past.

No matter how good they closed an issue, the rumors would always start piling up after, making them notorious.

For that reason, even though Tianlong Yun had challenged all of them, they didn't want to become collateral damage, so no one was talking for some time.

The guy leading the United Settlement seemed to be really angry at these idiots that were staying quiet even after being taunted like that, as he was about to scream at them when suddenly someone said,

"I will fight for humani"

Before he could finish his daring proclamation though a red flame covered his whole body and he was turned to ashes.

Nobody expected that especially that guy himself, he just burned to cinders without even having his chance to act cool, like a guardian of humanity.

No one knew what to think, or what to say at that moment, everything was so out of their expectations.

While Tianlong Yun still had that calm, and natural look on his face, looking at everyone in front of him, and those around him, as he said with his calm countenance,

"I already warned you once, whoever joins will die, no matter who the fu*ck you think you are! This is my second and last warning, after that, I will take it as every one of you wants to fight."

It was at this moment that the old man who was in charge of the United Settlement seemed to have seen his chance, as he immediately said,

"Do you think that you can insult all these human beings like this? Do you think they are afraid of a traitorous trash like you?

You scum will die today because you have insulted all humanity!"

"Hahah~! You trash think that you can stand in front of my Shadow Clan!? Well since everyone thinks like that, then none of you will leave this place alive today!

I will make sure that I will slaughter each and every one of these so-called human beings you say!"

Once again, Tianlong Yun seemed to have betrayed his expectations, and gone and threaten them again.

It looked like a little kid was spurting insults at a grown man, and even threatening to kill him. But, weirdly the grown man didn't seem to take this as a joke, but as a real threat to his life.

The situation was so weird and complicated at the moment, one side was insulting, taunting, and threatening, while the other side seemed to be undecided, the neutrals were in the worst position.

These guys had come here only to enjoy the show, but now unwillingly they were being dragged into a fight to the death.

If they didn't fight, they would be branded as traitors of humanity alongside Tianlong Yun and the others, if they fought there was a big chance they would end up dying.

Just which was the right choice?

But even though they were thinking like that for a few minutes, there was one thing that they seemed sure about, no matter how strong Tianlong Yun was, he couldn't go against the Earth Faction.

Thinking like this, their choice was more than obvious, they were going to join the fight alongside the United Settlement, and to help humanity.

They didn't have another option, and this seemed to be like the best choice for them at the moment, so even though reluctantly they all started to approach the United Settlement army.

The problem was that Tianlong Yun didn't seem like he was willing to join them easily, as the red flames around him became more blazing hot and horrendous as he started burning them one after the other.

He didn't seem to care how many he killed, or who he killed, he was just like some kind of mental killer, killing everyone that moved from his spot.

The most stunning fact was that the United Settlement army was just looking at the show with cold and angry faces but no one was moving.

They had their own problems at the moment! Both sides were waiting for the other side to act, in order to take the brunt of the first attack.

It was clear that Tianlong Yun had some kind of trick up his sleeve, and the first to attack would most certainly suffer the biggest casualties, and damage.

Besides one side had already lost their leader which was a 3rd level Boundary Ascension powerhouse, so if they attacked first they would suffer even more casualties, making them even weaker.

The other side like the slight advantage they had at the moment and didn't want to lose this opportunity so they were just watching the show that Tianlong Yun was giving them.

Furthermore, this was a great chance for them to let Tianlong Yun and his army to fight against the small flies and waste their energy, Qi, and strength.

But those trash that were trying to join the fight seemed too weak and were being burned into just a single sweep of Tianlong Yun's hand.

It was quite the spectacle, all those idiots looked like moths trying to approach the flames, and then die by getting burned to ashes.

There was no sign of tiredness or any other emotion on Tianlong Yun's face at that moment. He was as calm as a lake, burning everyone that moved from their positions.

It didn't take long for the spectators to look at him like some kind of a demon, or devil that even the horror stories would have troubles describing.

What burned the most was the fact that those guys who were screaming, and shouting the loudest about humanity, and their values as human beings, were just watching everything with a cold face.

Noticing that hesitation, Tianlong Yun said with a hearty laugh,

"Haha~! You guys are nothing more than idiots, the ones preaching about humanity are just standing there and watching you die, while you keep offering your lives to me!

You are truly pathetic and pitiful! Hahah~!"

it was easy to shake them! He wasn't wrong, that was truly the case with this situation. So, they stopped moving as they started looking towards the representatives of 'humanity'.

They didn't want to be branded as traitors, but being treated like cannon fodder was even worse, so they decided to stop doing it.

The old guy in charge instantly had a change of face as he saw this happening, as he screamed,

"What you guys have decided to join the traitors too? Are you trying to brand yourself as traitors of humanity, and your own race?"

Do you fear death so much as to give up from what you are?"

But the one to answer him weren't them, but Tianlong Yun who said,

"Old thing since you are so passionate about your humanity, then why don't you come attacking yourself first!?"

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