Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 497: Instructions & Determination

Chapter 497: Instructions & Determination

Even though the situation was already tense due to his killing intent, the ladies that were still lying on the bed were shocked by his words.

One thing was for sure though, he wasn't joking he was truly going to wage a war, but against whom, and why most probably only Tianlong Hu Die knew.

Waiting just one moment for the ladies to process his words, Tianlong Yun continued with his instructions and orders,

"Irina from now on, you will be beside Die'er! I want you to be her helper and her shadow. Whatever she says goes.

But remember one thing, your lives and security take priority! Both of you!"

Irina was a bit startled at first but then acknowledged her instructions. During her stay inside the Old Pouch, and especially the last month, she had heard quite a bit of praise, and rumors about that girl.

In her eyes, she was just a little girl, as she wasn't even matured enough yet, but she wanted to see with her eyes what kind of genius loli truly was.

Satisfied with her answer, Tianlong Yun continued,

"Alina, and Alexandra I want you two to compile a list with all the names, strength level, and position of the people that came with you to this place.

Prepare yourselves because you will go back and start to take control over your respective powers in a short time.

My Shadow Clan will give you full support from the shadows!"

Alina was the thirteenth princess of the Werewolves, while Alexandra was the Ruthless Princess of the Vampires.

The two ladies were certainly surprised, but they already expected that. That was their value at the moment, and they couldn't quite reject that.

While Alexandra didn't feel much of a connection with her place, the same thing couldn't be said for Alina, who seemed a bit hesitant.

Looking at her face, and hesitation, Tianlong Yun looked at her with a serious look, and said,

"You don't want to do it!?"

Afraid that she might be misunderstood, she immediately tried to reply,

"It's not that I don't want to do it, it's just that there are people I owe, and don't want to hurt inside the Clan!"

"Well, I am not asking you to kill them, I am asking you to take control and pledge alliance over me, I don't care how you do it.

Perhaps it's too early to tell you this, but Earth is not my goal. There is a much wider, and bigger world out there that you have no idea of.

Earth will be just my backyard, and as long as you guys pledge your allegiance and loyalty to me, and accept my rule, I don't care how you live after."

His words were too big and deep to be understood immediately, as most of them were shocked even of the possibility this entailed.

Especially someone like Irina, who thought that had seen everything this life had to offer and didn't have a goal anymore.

It was like seeing beyond the window of your room, and understanding that there was a neighbor, neighborhood, town, city, country, continent, planet, and a whole world out there.

Tianlong Yun's words startled and shocked all of them, as they were still unable to accept those words. After all, Irina had lived for so long and had no idea of it.

Looking at Tianlong Yun with wide-open eyes, she asked in a hoarse voice,

"Is that true!?"

"Yes, it is! I don't have any reason to lie to you. As a matter of fact, I am planning to return there soon!"

The fact that Tianlong Yun answered without hesitation, and that he said that he would return there soon was pretty obvious it wasn't made up.

Furthermore, just like he said, there was no need for him to lie to them, they were already his slaves. He only needed to order them, and they would be forced to do whatever he wanted.

With a trembling voice, Irina asked with a hopeful voice,

"Can you take us there!?"

"I can, but that would depend on the fact if you deserve it. After all, every extra person is a burden more, which will require more resources and effort.

Furthermore, my situation there is a bit delicate, and I don't plan to take anyone whose loyalty, and allegiance I doubt. Only when I am convinced of your efforts will I take you there."

His words made sense, everyone would be the same as him. Right now, he had the keys to that 'mansion' and he could take them inside whomever he wanted to.

The price he was stating was already extremely low, as other people would ask much more than that. But this meant that they also had a chance to go and see that world.

It was like all of a sudden, some new energy exploded inside of all the ladies in there, as their eyes started sparkling, and showing more determination.

It was like suddenly each and every one of them had taken some kind of drug, and were drowning in its effects.

Tianlong Yun's words were pretty straightforward, show me your worth and your loyalty and I will take you there.

None of them said a thing, as words were useless and empty for them at the moment, and Tianlong Yun didn't care much about their words, he wanted actions.

So, they made a promise to their selves that they would do everything they could, so one day they would be able to see that amazing world out there.

As everyone was thinking like that with new resolve and determination, Alina made up her mind, as she said,

"Then consider it done!"

Tianlong Yun seemed to have expected that, after all the temptation of the wider, and the bigger world out there was too big for people like them who had thought that they would spend every day on Earth.

People who chose cultivation and lived stronger and longer were people who had already decided to fight their boredom and natural order.

Life on Earth was great to live for 100 years or so, but after that it became boring, and just monotone, they needed new challenges, new excitement.

But, Earth was just that big, and there wasn't much more they could do. For that reason, the thought of a wider and bigger world was what everyone would think about.

Just like Santa Clause was to a little kid, the same was the wide and big world to cultivators. A fantasy that had to be true, for them to live happily.

Satisfied with their reaction after what he said, he turned towards the four maids and then continued,

"Very well then, as for you four, I want you to start selecting female disciples, and create a new 'Maid Guard Force'.

Keep in mind that the maid's primary selection principle should be their loyalty, and they should also agree to serve and be mine for as long as they live!

For the moment make do with what we have here, as when we get out you will have many more to choose from.

In fewer words, I am asking for loyalty, strength, and service! Are we clear!?"

The four maids were still a bit shocked by what was said until now, but they were already determined to do whatever they could to follow their Master.

So, they immediately answered at the same time,

"Yes, Master!" x4

With that out of the way, Tianlong Yun turned grabbed Irina, and Tianlong Hu Die, and left the room, he didn't want to delay his plans even for a second.

The place he took them was his cultivation room, which had been renovated, and brought to an even better shape.

Looking at the two ladies in front of him, he immediately started explaining,

"Die'er I want you to take those two as guides, act as merchants at first to create a network, and then take control over some territory.

The title shouldn't be too high in order to not attract attention, but the area should be large enough. When you do so, we will continue with our plans.

Just remember your safety comes first! Was I clear?"

Tianlong Hu Die was still a bit unstable emotionally, as she was thinking about her big sisters, but she reluctantly accepted her mission.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing that, Tianlong Yun gave her a flick to her forehead, and said with a serious voice,

"What crap are you sprouting young lady, I am your Husband from the moment you became mine. Now go on and take care of your mission!

Don't worry about your big sisters, I will surely rescue them, and make the responsible people pay for whatever they might have suffered, I swear to you!"

Tianlong Hu Die was thrown a bit off balance by the way that Tianlong Yun acted, but she understood his intentions.

He truly loved her and had already decided to make her his bride. He was fulfilling her dream. But, she was making him worry!

It wasn't that she didn't believe him, or his words, but she was still worried. What could her big sisters have suffered, and were suffering in that place?

Were they still the same, after all this time!? Would Tianlong Yun accept them, if they were sullied in that place?

No, her sisters would surely have chosen death if that would have happened and died there and then.

So, she was extremely sorry for what they were suffering in there. But hearing her man swear to her, she understood that she was letting herself down, as she tried her best to put on a painful smile and say,

"I trust you Husband, it's just that I am extremely worried about them. You have to go and save them as soon as possible please!"

"Hm, I will, no go on and have some rest! We will get outside tomorrow."

With that said Tianlong Yun teleported the two out of his cultivation room, as 10 corpses appeared in front of him

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