Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 496: Feelings & Emotions (Cringe alert)

Chapter 496: Feelings & Emotions (Cringe alert)

When it came to this point, Tianlong Yun and Tianlong Hu Die had both a truly scary aura around them.

It looked like suddenly the whole place was thrown into a cold pit of darkness, as more and more killing intent was coming out of their bodies.

Both of them looked like some kind of overly filled balloons ready to explode and destroy everything around them.

Differently from Tianlong Hu Die though, Tianlong Yun's state was scarier. Tianlong Hu Die was clearly showing her anger, and rage on her face.

But Tianlong Yun seemed to get calmer the angrier and more enraged he became. He didn't know if this was supposed to be due to his bloodline, or due to his maturity, but he was extremely calm.

His brain was working at maximum, processing and analyzing the situation at really high speeds, like some kind of Supercomputer.

Analyzing the situation, he understood one thing, those guys probably wouldn't kill the two of them as long as they didn't disclose the method to go through the barriers.

He didn't know what method of torture those motherfu*ckers would use against his wives, but no matter what they used one thing was for sure, they had just resolved their selves to eternal damnation.

But while he could, Tianlong Hu Die couldn't control herself, as a thick killing intent and deathly aura exploded from her body, as she looked at the two ladies in front of her,

"Where are them now!?"

Until now, the two ladies could feel that Tianlong Hu Die was stronger than them, but she was so young, so even if she was she shouldn't be by much right?

Furthermore, the fact that she was still naked, and with her messy, and clearly reeking of love fluids, kind of made her presence feel less dangerous.

But once she exploded with that killing intent, and death aura around herself, the two ladies in the room were in shock, as this was the first time sensing something like that.

Not to mention that this girl looked so pure and innocent a moment ago. The contrast was too big, but the pressure from her killing intent and cultivation was even bigger.

They could move, couldn't speak, and only tremble in fear, like two little rats meeting a hunter cat, that clearly would eat them whole.

If it wasn't for Tianlong Yun's help they might have even died due to that sheer pressure. Tianlong Yun used his own pressure to cancel hers, as he hugged her tight, and said,

"Don't worry little girl, they should still be fine as long as they don't disclose the way to break through the barrier.

We will find them, and save them don't worry. As for those trashes"

Even though he didn't finish his words, it wasn't difficult to understand his meaning. The cold and thick killing intent around him just grew darker, and thicker, but it was calm as the surface of a lake.

It was precisely that calmness that made him even scarier. Normally when one had such a killing intent, they would lose control of themselves, and either kill their enemy quickly or die themselves.

But even though the killing intent around Tianlong Yun was taking physical shape, it was so calm, and so still, like it was part of the environment.

Tianlong Hu Die was still enraged, and killing intent continued to flow out of her body, but she had calmed down a little, she would never doubt her man's words.

It wasn't a difficult task for the ladies to understand that there was a really deep connection between these two guys in front of them and that clan, but they had no idea what it was.

And it wasn't like they could ask either, in fear that they might agitate these two guys, and end up dying without even understanding how.

For a few minutes, the whole room was totally silent, Tianlong Yun was hugging Tianlong Hu Die, while the two ladies could only look from the side and shut up.

It was once again Tianlong Yun who broke the silence, as he said,

"What is the general situation outside right now?"

The two ladies, or to be more exact the lady who had spoken until now knew that this wasn't the time to play tricks, so she immediately started speaking once again, and told him everything.

The situation outside was brittle, both sides were preparing for another war. Even though cultivators from Earth were at a disadvantage territory-wise, they seemed still confident of securing a win.

Nobody knew what those fogies were planning but certainly, it wasn't something good. In order to turn the tables, they would have to use underhanded tricks.

But the Soul Land people didn't seem like idiots either. They too had their own tricks and preparations.

The situation outside was like a leaking oil or gas tank. It required only a small spark and the whole tank would explode in pieces.

Hearing that, Tianlong Yun's mood and expression lightened greatly, as he said with an extremely calm, and natural voice.

"Is that so? Then let me be the one to light that spark, to make the blood flow like water!"

It seemed like he was just saying something trivial like the sky is blue or something, but his words were dooming the lives and souls of so many people.

No matter who looked at this scene, at his voice, or at his words, they could only think of one thing, whoever went against this demon would regret it to their 19th generation.

Then he looked at the eyes of the beauty in his arms, and said,

"I will need your help, do you think you can do it!?"

Tianlong Hu Die was still enraged, angry, afraid, sad, and reeking of killing intent, as her eyes had gone bloodshot, and her heart was beating like a harbinger of death.

But hearing that Tianlong Yun needed her help, she clenched her teeth, and he fists until her gums were bleeding, and her nails had entered her skin as she finally said through gritted teeth,

"I will do my best, but I don't think I will be able to control myself if I see those damned things, or have a chance to save the big sisters, even if it meant losing my life!"

At that moment, Tianlong Yun felt really touched, because this was what family was, this was what feelings of love were, this was original.

She wasn't lying, everything came from the bottom of her heart. This was what he had missed in his first life.

He knew that trying to reason right now would be useless, so he just gave her another hug, and then teleported out of that room.

Returning to his previous room, some of the ladies were still sleeping, while some were just looking at the ceiling with open eyes.

Everything that had happened to them was unbelievable and unimaginable. They were brought using force but were slowly getting used to this place, to Tianlong Yun.

Right now, they were questioning themselves whether this was right or wrong if this was how it should be, or what should they do from now on.

They were all wise women and had already understood that their fate was tied to Tianlong Yun's. Even if they escaped from his reach, there was no way in hell they would be able to return to their old lives.

Even if Tianlong Yun hadn't touched them, and had left them chaste and pure, they would still be doubted by their families, or clans, and would end up plotted against, or even disowned and thrown away.

Life was such, not many people cared about familial ties or love. Even if they were fathers, lovers, brothers, cousins, they only cared as long as their interests weren't touched upon.

Once there was the possibility of a stain in their honor, dignity, or figure they would throw away whoever it was.

And the masses didn't truly care about the innocent or their sufferings, they would always follow the one with a bigger following, this was the crowd's mentality.

For these, and many more reasons, they had already understood that their fates were intertwined with that of Tianlong Yun.

The best they could do right now was to try and earn his favor, and his attention, as they did their best to help him out.

It was crazy, they all understood that, but that was reality. They couldn't escape from it, and they couldn't turn the time back either. They could only live forward.

The peace and quiet of their thoughts were broken the next moment though, as Tianlong Yun and Tianlong Hu Die appeared in the room.

Even if they didn't feel his presence, there was no way they didn't feel the killing intent leaking out of his, and Tianlong Hu Die's bodies.

It was just like the scorching day of august, which had turned into a freezing day of December, or January. The change was just that enormous.

All the ladies were startled awake, as some of them even were ready to fight, but looking at who was in front of them they quickly throw those thoughts away.

Looking at the scene in front of them, they all understood that something bad had happened, and this was just the beginning.

From what they had learned by staying beside Tianlong Yun in this short time, they knew that whoever had made him like that, was settled for a one-way trip to damnation.

As they were thinking like that, Tianlong Yun said in a heavy voice,

"Ladies get up and start preparing, we are going wage a war!"

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