Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 148 Great War

In this jailbreak war, we lost a total of four to five million soldiers and horses, and several brothers of the Linghu Society died, so we have to find a way to make up for these deficiencies. Although this is a game, every territory can be converted into money, especially the undeveloped areas of the underworld, which have a great potential to rise in value. If we were to take the surrounding forests for ourselves, then not only could we make up the losses, we could also make a huge profit. "The Pang family’s territory originally only belongs to the central region. There isn’t much space there. Giving the entire central region back to them is already a great benefit. Why would we need to so easily hand over everything in our hands?

Li Qiang sighed, and said: "But I promised him that I would return the black field’s property right quickly, but if I go back on my word now, I will feel very embarrassed."

Feng Tianlai said: "Nephew, your words are wrong. What you promised them are the property rights of the past, and Pang Family’s property rights used to be the center of black field, not including the entire forest, we cannot give up our rights in the forests surrounding black field."

At first, he had gotten along well with Pang Ying and Pang Lou, but now that he had to go back on his words, it was really not a good idea. But Feng Tianlai had done a great job in helping him, even if he did not give him face, it was not so good.

Feng Tianlai laughed: "Nephew, do not worry, you can hide at the back, and this evil person will have this old man as your witness. You must remember, benefits are something that can be obtained through hard work, as long as it is something that belongs to you, you absolutely cannot let go of it easily, you must know, the value of this forest in black field is extremely high, I have made a rough estimation of it, if it is converted into money, it would be around a billion, even if our three armies split it evenly, it would still be of great value. This is a great opportunity. If you have money, you can raise your head up in front of Lin Yashi and not be restricted, don’t you? "

Feng Xiaodao also advised them from the side: That’s right, Xiao Qiang will try his best to think about it, Pang Family is only a game character, it is very trustworthy for us to return the center ground to them, but we must protect the property rights of the surrounding forests, at that time, you will have the money, you can start your own business, and complete your own dreams, we will not suffer any losses in any aspect.

Lin Hu also said: "They helped us out, we gave them back their previous property, and that can already be considered clearing the debt. black field is such a big place, at most, we would just split it up with them a bit more, but in any case, we have suffered so much, we can’t just leave, if not, we would be ridiculed by others. Many of my brothers have died as well. They have truly lost their lives, their families need money to support them, and the brothers under my command also need rewards. In short, old bro, you need to think this through carefully. "

After all, the benefits here were too much. If they could occupy a whole forest, then develop it, it would be an unimaginable fortune, and although he could get pocket money from Lin Yashi every month, it would still be a mere hundred and fifty thousand, compared to these rich young masters, it would just be a drop in the bucket. If he could get this piece of forest, his own wealth would be comparable to theirs, and this kind of opportunity to get rich, who would give it up so easily?

Thinking about that, Li Qiang nodded his head and said: "Alright then, I will try to talk to Pang Family, but if it’s not appropriate ..."

Lin Hu said: At most we can just fight again, we have so many soldiers, do we need to be afraid of a few women?

Li Qiang shook his head, and said: "Try to make peace as important as possible, the Security Protocol s on black field’s side are cancelled, and there will be casualties in every battle. It is not just a matter of money, we should not have any unnecessary sacrifices."

Lin Hu knew that this was Li Qiang thinking for him, and her heart was very moved. She nodded: "You’re right, I was reckless."

Just then, Wang Hua rode a flying motorcycle over here and got off the motorcycle. He happily embraced Feng Xiaodao and Lin Hu, and said excitedly: "This battle was too fun, I killed several Black Police s by myself, and these flying motorcycle are pretty fun, I want to bring a few back to Azure Dragon City."

Feng Xiaodao said: "This time, you have contributed so much. Forget about the flying motorcycle, even the forest here will have your share."

Wang Hua was overjoyed: "Really? I have a share in the forest here?"

Lin Hu said: "Since you spent so much manpower and resources, of course you will have some to give to the land. If you increase the value of the land development, you can pay back all your debts."

Wang Hua was overjoyed: "So the benefits from starting a war were this great. If I knew earlier, I would have done more like this."

Li Qiang said: "This time, we are here to save people, and it is a righteous action. If we were to make wars and invade others, that will not be good, and if there is no war, no one will agree with you."

Wang Hua laughed: "Your words are full of righteousness and morals, but when we divide the land, can you take it?"

Li Qiang said: "These are two different things, we shouldn’t talk about together."

Wang Hua said: "From ancient times until now, wars are actually just a redistribution of benefits, there is nothing benevolent or unrighteous. Of course, if you win and then go to Slaughtering the city, that would definitely be dishonorable and would also go against human nature. Other than that, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that."

Li Qiang was about to retort, but suddenly saw Wang Feng, Zhu Tao, Zhang Gou and the others walking over, and immediately welcomed them.

Wang Feng sighed: "I have stayed in this demon’s lair for dozens of years, of course, if it were to turn into reality, it wouldn’t be for long, but I believe that my body in reality is about to collapse, so I would have to quickly return."

Zhu Tao and the others also nodded in agreement. He pulled Li Qiang’s hand and said: "Kind brother, you have helped us greatly today, allowing us to regain a new life. We will remember this favor in our hearts, and we will remember your name, and after we go out, you can tell us whatever task you need us to do.

After he finished speaking, he turned into a white light and logged out of the game with Wang Feng, Zhang Gou and the others.

It was Lin Hu who stopped Lu Kai, and the two of them were going to fight to the death. This time, it was different from the past, Lin Hu had the help of the brothers from the society by his side, so his morale was high, and when Lu Kai came out, the citizens of area no 4 had already scattered like birds. No one would work for him, hence his face was pale white from fright and begged for mercy.

Lin Hu said: "You old brat, you have been such a naughty thought, locking me up for so many years, if your mental strength were any weaker, you would have already gone mad. You still want to run, kneel down, let me pick up the hammer and beat you on the head a few times, then I can let you go."

Lu Kai said with a bitter face: "At that time, I was also forced by the circumstances, you have broken the rules, if I did not make a move, how could I have submitted to the masses? Furthermore, during this escape, area no 4 has also contributed a lot to this operation. Considering the fact that there are no contributions and there are hardships, it’s best to let me go. "

Lin Hu said: "No, absolutely not. You’re too bad, if I don’t kill you, you won’t be able to do it."

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