Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 147 Start

He Ziyan said: "Not only do you have to remember, you have to think of a way to avoid her, I don’t care if you take advantage of my own teacher, but for a business woman like Ye Fanshuang who has a background, it’s best if you don’t touch her too much, if not I don’t know when you will be decapitated, there won’t even be someone to collect your corpse."

After Li Qiang heard this, he felt chills run down his spine, and nodded: What you taught me, is right, I will listen to you, we are well-informed and do not speak of secrets, you are extremely meticulous, and can see through many potential emotions, I know that too, but don’t worry, I am a person with strong self-control, and will not be easily fooled.

He Ziyan said: "Since you are such a big person, there is no need for me to say so much, we can just treat it as a casual chat and explain everything, it will benefit everyone."

As they were talking, Wang Hua walked out of the tent. Seeing the mess in the camp, he asked curiously: "What exactly happened here?"

Li Qiang said: "That monster went back and even went to the pond to eat white fish. It turns out that it was just looking for food on its own, and not really for the sake of hurting people."

Wang Hua said: "So that’s the case, I was wondering why this strange thing would suddenly appear, seems like no matter if it’s a human or a beast, their main goal is to eat."

Li Qiang laughed: That’s right, that’s right. That’s right, you drank so much, if we fight later, would it work?

Wang Hua said: "Are you looking down on me? No matter what, I am the Azure Dragon City Lord, I have a way to command battles, and I am not unfamiliar with war, but this battle does not have any Security Protocol s, I suggest that we arrange a few more NPC soldiers to defend and to help us block the spear. They are virtual figures, at least they will be born again in the future."

Li Qiang said: The method is not wrong, it is just that if we are to fight, bullets will not have eyes, and with so many people surrounding us, we will definitely die.

Wang Hua said: "Pei pei, can you say something nice? It’s too unlucky to speak like that."

Li Qiang said: "First, consider about the bad things. In the future, if you encounter any accidents, don’t panic."

Wang Hua said: "Even if you say that, but what you’re saying is too scary. Don’t do that again in the future."

Li Qiang said: We have already communicated with the other two armies, and will begin our main assault in two hours. The Uncle Feng’s troops will be focused on attacking the middle way, and your team will be split up to form a circle around the prison to attract the Black Police’s forces. When everyone rushed in, they would focus on attacking the Black Police guards at the windhole, and with a clear division of labor, we will be able to break through the prison’s defenses.

Wang Hua nodded his head: "Your arrangements are very good, I have no objections, so I’ll follow your instructions."

Li Qiang gathered the army and explained the strategy and strategy in detail. Those soldiers were all game figures, so naturally, they would say whatever they wanted to say. There were no objections, and they immediately understood the situation.

Following Li Qiang’s orders, everyone advanced on eight different directions and climbed up the mountain. Li Qiang personally led a group of people to the right side of the prison. After all, the mountain was very steep and everyone had to use a lot of climbing tools to reach the top of the mountain to climb to the outside of the prison walls.

The news came from the middle path as well. Feng Tianlai’s vanguard team had already rushed to the entrance of the prison, waiting for Li Qiang’s orders.

Li Qiang heaved a long sigh, and said: "Pass down the order, the prison break free will officially begin!"

Bang! Only the sound of cannons firing could be heard, as Feng Tianlai’s troops had already launched their attack, causing the area to be filled with shouts of battle.

Li Qiang hastily ordered his subordinates to throw bombs inside the prison, after that, everyone started to shout and raise their guns to shoot.

As expected, the prison was in chaos. A large group of Black Police’s flying motorcycle came out and chased after Li Qiang.

Li Qiang gave the order to move, and everyone ran to the other side to fan the flames, causing the group of Black Police s to be completely exhausted. The soldiers even kept on firing at them from time to time, allowing quite a number of Black Police s to fall off.

After fighting for around an hour, he received news that three of the openings of the prison gates had been broken through. The group immediately rushed in and entered the prison.

The brothers of the Lin Hu Club lived up to their expectations, quickly rushing out from the crowd, splitting into ten sections, each of them breaking through, bringing the Black Police down from the wind.

By the time Li Qiang rushed to the inner part of the prison, the battle had already ended.

At this time, Feng Xiaodao and Lin Hu had also crawled out of the downside.

Feng Xiaodao sighed: "Staying inside there for a few years, the feeling of seeing the light of day again is really great."

Lin Hu said: "That’s right, I thought that I would die in this damned place." He busily greeted the brothers of the society, feeling extremely excited.

Feng Xiaodao asked: "Oh right, where did Wang Hua go?"

Li Qiang said: "Wang Hua is still cleaning up the mess at the outer perimeter, there are still some remaining forces that he needs to take care of."

Feng Xiaodao sighed with emotion: "Wasting so much manpower and materials for us, I’m sorry."

Li Qiang said: Don’t say such words, everyone fought so hard for the sake of our own people, there is no question of whether it was worth it or not. Oh right, did Uncle Feng see you?

Feng Xiaodao shook his head: "I have yet to meet my lord father. When I see him, I want to apologize to him properly."

At this time, Feng Tianlai walked over and smiled: "There’s no need to apologize, you being able to see me alive is a very happy thing."

Both father and son had mixed feelings as they held their hands together, unable to speak.

Li Qiang wanted to turn around and see where He Ziyan had gone to, but someone said from behind, "Since this prison has already been breached by you, shouldn’t we complete our transaction now?"

Li Qiang turned around and saw that it was Pang Ying. She smiled and said: "I really didn’t think that you guys would take down the prison so quickly. It’s to be congratulated.

At this time, Feng Tianlai walked over and said: "As far as I know, the Pang Family occupies the land in the heart of the black field, and the Fringe Forest is not considered your family’s property. We can return the Central Region back to the Pang Family, but the surrounding forest property was taken down by our allied forces, so we cannot give all of it to you."

Pang Ying’s eyes stared wide, and asked: "Li Qiang, what’s going on? "Who is this old mister?"

Li Qiang said: "He is my elder, and also one of the leaders of the allied army."

Pang Ying said: "No matter how big a territory our Pang Family originally occupied, I have helped you guys so much this time, so no matter what, you should at least give all of it to my family. If it were only the core zone, I wouldn’t risk letting you go."

Li Qiang said: "Right now, everyone is counting the casualties and interrogating the leader of the prison. We can discuss other matters later."

Pang Ying said: "Alright, I will give you two novel’s time, hurry up and get the hell out of here, otherwise, our Pang Family will have countermeasures, and you too, Pang Lou, will not be able to see it." Then she left in a huff.

Li Qiang said to Feng Tianlai: "Uncle Feng, what are you doing? It’s just a game, isn’t it? Giving this territory to the Pang Family is nothing?"

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