Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 86: Drugged Play

Chapter 86: Drugged Play

Winterless City

A certain alleyway.

That damn Lin Xiao ran out the door without saying anything. Elena had no choice but to follow after him in order to avoid the contracts rebound.

This was the first time shes seen Lin Xiao flare up so much since meeting him.

It was probably because of Shen DaiYings rejection. Thats why his mental state was abnormal she guessed.

But, what was so good about that woman, Shen DaiYing? Isnt she just a bit flirty and a bit unrestrained, was it enough to make Lin Xiao so infatuated?

Elena didnt understand, she wasnt bothered to understand. The only thing she wanted to do now was to quickly catch up to him, shorten the distance between her and Lin Xiao to relieve her headache.

Hey, slow down! Elena shouted when she was finally able to see Lin Xiaos figure.

Why did you come? Noticing her catch up, Lin Xiao stood there and turned his head with dissatisfaction and shouted, Didnt I tell you to stay home?

Damn idiot, do you want me to die? Elena retorted furiously.

If she really stayed home, as soon as Lin Xiao got too far away, she would receive an intense rebound and die.

Tsk, how annoying. Lin Xiao clicked and stood there as if waiting for Elena to approach.

But as soon as Elena got near, he suddenly turned around and ran.

Dont follow me, scram! Leaving behind a coarse line, Lin Xiao quickly ran away.


Normally, she should be angry when cursed at, but currently, not only was she not angry, she instead laughed.

Lin Xiaos actions were simply too childish, he purposely waited until she got near before running off. Then he would stop and wait for her, say something sarcastic and then run off again. He continuously baited her and repeated this process.

It was like Elena was watching an extremely comical scene, a child called Lin Xiao was throwing a tantrum and ran ahead, then while running he also turned around and said, Hmph, Im not in a good mood, so hurry up and chase me, make me happy!

Sigh, how did I meet such an idiotic child? Elena hopelessly sighed.

She wasnt angry anymore, because she felt that it was useless to be angry.

It wasnt worth getting angry at such a childish brat.

She might as well not complain and just honestly chase him, let Lin Xiao enjoy the pleasure of being chased by a beauty.

Sure enough, Lin Xiao ran a bit, then stopped after noticing that Elena wasnt there yet. He was clearly waiting for her, when she caught up, he turned into a narrow alley and continued running.

Too childish. Elena painfully clutched her head.

Because she had the Magic Detection Radar, she could accurately pinpoint Lin Xiaos location, so as long as Lin Xiao didnt escape as fast as possible, she could successfully catch up and didnt have to worry about going in the wrong direction.

So, the two continued running around like this, after a while they entered a crowded residential area. The houses here were much more packed together compared to other areas in the city, and most buildings had three or more floors. There was only a narrow alley between each building, even if you looked up you could only see a narrow slit of the sky.

These network of alleyways were as complicated as a labyrinth, someone unfamiliar with it may very well get lost.

It was like he was testing how strong Elenas Magic Detection Radar really was, Lin Xiao was purposely fleeing left and right and constantly changing directions. At first, Elena could just barely keep up, but she quickly noticed that she was lost! What made her even more panicked was that her magic detection radar was useless!

She was currently in an alley that ran from east to west, but the radar showed that Lin Xiao was 10m or more to her left!

This baffled her, going forward or going back wasnt right, should she go with her radar and go left?

But there was a wall to her left! Its not like she could go through walls.

The complicated surroundings finally resulted in Elena getting lost.

Hu, hu my head hurts so much in just a while, her head started hurting.

Her body was no different from a human girls, after running in succession, she already used up more than half her stamina. Now with the soul rebound, painful headache, it became even difficult to walk.

Damn Lin Xiao!!! she used the last of her energy to cry out.

Unfortunately, this shout didnt call Lin Xiao over, but some unrelated people her magic detection radar notified her that three strange people were approaching her!

Those three people came from two directions, two from the front and one from the back. Their strength were not normal, all of them were fourth level warriors. She was being sandwiched, they obviously came prepared was she their target? Elena was kind of worried.

It was three young men, they were able to reach fourth level warriors at such a young age, and possessed elementary battle aura, you cant say that they didnt have talent now Elena was even more worried. Who were they? How did she catch their eye?

Elena couldnt even stand still because of her headache, it felt like the sky was spinning and she was seeing stars. She knew she had nowhere to escape to, so she just leaned against the wall and stayed there.

Soon, along with hurried footsteps, three sturdy muscle men appeared in front of her.

Big bro Harrison, look, whats Lin Xiaos maid doing here? Was she abandoned by Lin Xiao?

No way, why would Lin Xiao throw his maid onto the streets?

Who knows? Lets go take a look!

Saying that, the three went over. The youngest one, Harden, struck up a conversation first.

Hi, Elena, what are you doing here by yourself?

Who are you? How do you know my name? Seeing that man with a scar on his forehead, Elena vigilantly asked.

Ha ha, Loran Academys most beautiful ice goddess, Lin Xiaos huge breasted maid, Elena, all the students know your name! Harden said while grinning.

Oh, is that so. Elena coldly replied, So that means you guys are also Loran Academys students?

Hehe, yeah, what, are you interested in us?

No Elena shook her head, Can you guys just get lost?

She was clearly surrounded by three strong men, yet she still spoke so arrogantly, her haughty temperament was beyond saving.

The three brothers looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Ah, it appeared, that bossiness! Harden pointed at her and said, I heard that during the actual combat drill, teacher Momm was scared by her! Sure enough as expected of the ice goddess!

Fools Elena didnt even bother to raise her head.

Hehe, Elena, dont be so cold. The skinny Hart spoke, Are you looking for someone? Could it be, youre looking for your master, Lin Xiao? Us three brothers are really free, do you want us to help you find him?

You guys? Elena glanced at them.

The three people had repulsive and fierce appearances, they didnt look like anyone good, and was even uglier than Lin Xiao, how could Elena bother with them.

No need I Suddenly, a sharp pain, like a needle pierced her head.

She was already leaning against the wall, but her two legs went limp and she uncontrollably slid down and finally sat on the floor with a plop.

This was bad, the soul rebound was getting worse!

Hu, hu Her breathing was quick and rough, her cheeks were flushed and cold sweat was pouring out.

Hey! Whats wrong! Harden jumped, he thought Elena was injured, but he noticed that she was strange

A flushed face, sweating, weak limbs, paralyzed on the floor, the three brothers only has one answer for Elenas appearance she ate ***

Wow, this Lin Xiao really knows how to play around! He fed his maid a love potion and then threw her on the streets by herself! Harden reached a conclusion.

Love potion? Hey, hey, hey, no way, right? Why would he do that? Harrison asked puzzledly.

Who knows, he probably has some strange fetish

So that means Lin Xiao purposely fed her something then made her go out to humiliate herself?

Hehe, that should be it. The scar faced Harden revealed a lewd grin.

The brothers only wanted to have a chat, and didnt think about doing anything that overstepped the boundaries. This was Winterless City, although there was no one around, they wouldnt dare do something excessive to Elena in broad daylight.

But this was different, they wouldnt even dream of Elena being fed medicine!

Lin Xiao might even be nearby watching! Hehe, big bro Harrison, stop hesitating, lets quickly relieve his maid!

Relieve? How do we relieve her?

Big bro, are you stupid? Theres only one way to relieve a girl that was fed a love potion! The skinny Harden laughed, That is, to satisfy her!

Ah? Ha ha, I see.

Harrison was originally hesitant, but after seeing Elenas flushed cheeks, he couldnt help but gulp.

He had long wanted to rub Elenas huge boobs, now he was bestowed this chance by the heavens, how could he not?

Love potion!? No! I

Elena realized that these three bastard must have misunderstood something! She wanted to explain, but her headache didnt allow her to do so.

Now Harrison began to move, although he said he wasnt willing earlier, but he was pretty quick to acct!

As the eldest, he rushed in front of the other two, squatted next to Elena, and reached his hands toward those impressive peaks.

A pow.

Scram! Elena used the last of her strength and slapped his hands away.

Seeing Harrisons loss, scar faced Harden happily laughed.

Be a good maid, you must be suffering so let us help you!

Now it was Hardens turn, but Elena couldnt lift her arms anymore.

Watching Hardens perverted hands approaching her massive round breasts, Elena unwillingly bit her lips.

What should she do?

She doesnt know what it was, but suddenly her head didnt hurt as much, the soul rebound weakened. Borrowing this opportunity, she bit down and her delicate lips bled!

Blood, as long as she had blood, she could forcibly release the demon sealing boundary, turn back into a red eyed black cat and swat these three to death!

Hehe, what big breasts, let me rub them

Just a bit more, theres still time!

Elena was set on it, no matter what happens, she had to first swat these three horny bastard into meat paste!

Just as she was about to release her bloodline power, she suddenly heard a faint sound.


That sound was so faint, but so familiar.

It was a sharp and clear snap.

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