Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 85: The Urge to Hit Someone

Chapter 85: The Urge to Hit Someone

Lin Xiaos home.

Today, Lin Xiao was on a leave of absence.

Truthfully, he was not sick, it was just No, no, no, he was indeed sick.

He had a terminal illness known as Love sickness.

Even if he accidentally shared a kiss with Elena yesterday and had his first kiss stolen by the demon king, Lin Xiao was still depressed. The woman he liked was princess Shen DaiYing! He does not even like Elena, so what if he kissed the cold-faced demon king? There are no benefits other than feeling momentary pleasure on his lips! (TN: Ill italicize words written in English)

Also, that was Lin Xiaos first kiss! It was given away just like that to a demon?

He felt wronged.

Nom, nom Currently, he and Elena are sitting at the dining table and quietly eating lunch. Neither of them mentioned what happened yesterday, they did not speak a word and acted as if they were mute.

Yesterday, Elena got a little hot-headed, she thought Lin Xiao was the mastermind and wanted to choke him to death. But afterward, she thought it through and came to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with Lin Xiao. He was able to deduce the situation based on the current information, she misuderstood because she was too rushed.

Now, only one question remains if the one who stuffed Elena into a delivery package was her companion, why was it delivered to Lin Xiaos home?

Of course, the question will be answered with the arrival of Elona. Thanks to Lin Xiao, Elena now had a clear picture of her situation.

But, she will never show gratitude towards Lin Xiao, nor will she compliment his mind!

Because this damn pervert stole her first kiss!

Elena kept herself pure for many years, but all her efforts went to waste yesterday because of that damn bastard, Lin Xiao, who took advantage of her!

She was also sullen!

Thus, the sullen pair could only eat in silence, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

Finally, Lin Xiao could not hold it in any longer.

Elena, I like princess Shen DaiYing. Lin Xiao said mindlessly.

.. Elena continued to eat and ignored him.

I said! I like princess Shen DaiYing, not you! Lin Xiao repeated.

Are you crazy? Elena cursed without lifting her head.

Tsk Yesterday, that was my first kiss! Lin Xiao complained while feeling dissatisfied.

Bastard, so you think it wasnt my first time? Elena retorted.

It was the first kiss for both of them, Elena had not said anything, yet he was the first one to complain.

Really? T-then were even! Dont misunderstand! Lin Xiao warned.

Hmph, right back at you. Elena retorted again.

Oh. Finally, Lin Xiao had nothing left to say.

Thus, once again, the two of them entered a deep silence.

Why must humans and demons always fight? Cant they get along?

The answer, of course, is no.

After a while, once again, Lin Xiao broke the silence.

Ill pretend I dont know anything about the lesser devils and I wont tell anyone else. Once Elona comes, ask her to figure out how to remove the slave contract, then get lost! Lin Xiao said impolitely with a stronger tone of voice.

Hmph, you think I want to stay here? Elena picked up a chicken leg and said coldly while eating. If it wasnt for the slave contract, you would have already died a million times.

Damn Lin Xiao was about to explode with anger, thus he sneered and spoke, Oh, Great Demon King, did you honestly think you can stop the rebellion by returning to the Forest of the End?

What do you mean?

Have you ever thought about who created the lesser devils? Lin Xiao questioned.

!!! Elenas eyes widened, Do you know? Hurry up and tell me!

Hmph, I wouldnt tell you even if I knew!

You, you You dont even know! Stop pretending! Elena tried to goad him into telling her what he knows.

Thats right! I dont know, so this has nothing to do with me from now on! Hurry up and get lost!

You!!! When it comes to an argument, Elena cant beat Lin Xiao and could only glare at him.

Although Lin Xiao had the upper hand, he did not feel more relaxed. Instead, he felt even more annoyed.

Haaa, why do I always get caught up in these kinds of things!?

What demon rebellion, what lesser devils, what does any of this have to do with me? They can all go to hell! He only wanted to live in peace!

It was all because of this ugly woman, Elena Lin Xiao thought with hate.

Could you say Elena was not beautiful? Of course not, her pair of huge breasts alone was already extremely captivating, but how come Lin Xiao felt annoyed every time he looked at her!

This demon king is annoying! Princess Shen DaiYing is a hundred times better than her!


Lin Xiao suddenly thought of something horrifying in the past few months, he and Elena were always together every day. Their intimacy cant simply be described with a few words, they were basically inseparable!

Due to the existence of the slave contract, the two of them were inseparable! Other than using the washroom, they stayed together all day.

But, how long does he have to stay with Elena? When will their strange relationship come to an end?

Instead of saying he was the one who made Elena his slave, it should be more correct to say that it was the demon king that tied him down! She tied down his hands and feet, she tied down his life, she was like a dangerous bomb that he could not get rid of.

Lin Xiao was tired of this kind of life!

He suddenly wanted to hit someone! He wanted to hit someone to vent his anger!

After staring at Elena for a while, Lin Xiao was still able to endure in the end.

Ahhhh! So annoying! Im going out for a walk! Elena, stay here, dont follow me! Lin Xiao got up and left without finishing his meal.

Hey! Wait

Without waiting for Elena to finish speaking, Lin Xiao slammed the door with a bang and left.

Damn Lin Xiao, Ill definitely kill you one day!

Elena said while grinding her teeth.

Damn, do you think I want to follow you? Its all because of this slave contract, Ill die if Im too far away from you!

Only a bit of time passed, but the effects of the slave contract already kicked in.

My head hurts, is the distance too far Hey, wait!

In order to survive, Elena could only endure her hatred and chase after him.

Winterless City

In a small alley, far away from the central district, three muscly men walked together in a group.

Although this district cant be considered as the slums, it was definitely poorer than the heart of the city. There were small houses everywhere, there was also a dense residential area similar to an apartment. Everyone who lived there was either poor or homeless. Of course, there were also many pleasurable activities hidden away from the public eye.

After passing through multiple maze-like alleyways, the three men stopped in front of a large metal door.

Knock, knock, knock One of them knocked on the door.

But no one responded.

Big bro, what should we do?

Are you an idiot? Why would there be anyone here at this time of day?

You guys should stop fussing, try knocking again.

The one who spoke last was called Harrison. He was the eldest among the three brothers. The other two were named Harden and Hart.

Knock, knock, knock

After a while someone responded from inside the store.

Stop knocking! The bar only opens at night, come back later!

Damn it What a lousy store, they wont even accept paying customers. Theyll definitely go bankrupt one day!

The three of them were students from the warrior department at Loran Academy. They planned to have a drink together since they did not have classes today. But in the end, the bar was closed during the day, it was truly disappointing.

Without anything else to do, the three of them wandered the streets aimlessly.

Hey, did you guys see yesterday? That Lin Xiao from the magic department is so full of himself! The brother with the most explosive temper started to tell an interesting story. He had a long scar on his forehead that looked scary. He was the youngest of the three brothers.

Are you talking about his meeting with the princess? Hart was the middle sibling, he was especially interested in matters pertaining to women.

Yeah, you saw it too? I cant believe he picked up the princess on her first day That damn brat is pretty good. Harden said.

But from what Ive heard, the princess is Caesars fiance, not sure if its true or not. The eldest brother, Harrison, always handled affairs earnestly, and he cautiously warned the other two.

Caesar? Why is he everywhere? Harden clenched his fists and smashed his left and right fist together, emitting a dull sound. We may not be able to beat Caesar, but we should be able to handle Lin Xiao. I heard he took a leave of absence today, it seems hes sick Coincidentally, he lives nearby!

Hey, what are you thinking of doing? It seems Harrison understood something and he quickly put a stop to it, Dont act recklessly. Boss Sam already ordered us to not mess around with Lin Xiao because he has a close relationship with Caesar. Did you guys already forget?

Caesar again? Peh I think that Boss Sam is just scared out of his wits by Caesar! Harden spat, Every day its Caesar this or Caesar that, isnt he just a magic swordsman? Boss Sam is already a fifth level warrior, hes still scared of him?

Harden, stop, you better behave and dont mess with Lin Xiao if you dont want to get beat by Boss Sam. Harrison scolded angrily.

Fine, fine, Ill listen to you since youre the older brother Harden mumbled.

He finally found something fun, but they could only drop it due to Boss Sams order.

Eh? Look, whos that? At this moment, the second brother, Hart, spotted a girl walking by in the alley in front of them.

It was only a quick glance, but he was sure she was wearing a maid outfit and her hair was silver-white.

He ran up a couple steps and was able to catch her figure.

Isnt that Lin Xiaos maid, her name was um

Its Elena! Harden also went closer and stared intently, Its definitely Elena, look at those humongous breasts, who else could it be!

Weird, why is she alone today?

Harrison recalled that Elena never left Lin Xiaos side. But today, she was anxiously running up down the alleys by herself like she was looking for something.

What is going on?

At this moment, the scrawny Hart began laughing obscenely.

Big bro, Boss Sam told us to not mess with Lin Xiao, but he never said we couldnt befriend Lin Xiaos maid, right?

After hearing his words, the three brothers looked at each other and started to laugh.

So, what youre saying is Haha, that would work. The usually cautious Harrison also let loose, If it was Lin Xiaos maid, Boss Sam wouldnt mind even if he found out.

Of course, we just want to chat with her. Its not like were doing anything bad. Whats there to be afraid of?

Hehe, thats right, we just want to be friends Lets go, dont let her get away.

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