Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 63: From Today on, Goddess Representative

Chapter 63: From Today on, Goddess Representative

Holy Light Churchs Holy City, Cadina


In the hallway, a cute loli walked slowly under the guidance of another nun. The little girl looked very young, maybe not more than 10 years old. Long blue hair, white skin, wearing a gorgeous white robe, an untainted slight smile, a perfect Loli.

Everything was perfect except her eyes that have lost their light. They were always closed, and when she walked she needs to be guided so she doesnt hit a wall.

However, if anyone dares to underestimate this blind Loli, that would be a huge mistake. She is the youngest saint of the Holy Light Church within the past 100 years. She is called Snow Witch by many people in secret. Some people even say that she is of the Snow tribe, a Snow Princess who was lost hundreds of years ago. Of course, that is only a rumor.

Her reputation was great and she had too many titles, so usually people refer to her as Her Holiness, to the extent that many people have forgotten her original name.

However, how high exactly is the position of Saint in the Holy Light Church? How hard is it to become a Saint? We would have to start by taking a look at the internal organizational structure of the Holy Light Church.

The influential people in the Holy Light Church could be roughly divided into two categories, management personnel and clerical personnel.

The so-called management personnel are mainly responsible for managing daily affairs such as personnel establishment, promotion advancements, and salary adjustments. To a certain extent, these people are very similar to the local officials of the kingdom, similar to HR personnel on Earth.

The best examples are the Archbishops of the major dioceses. Under the Archbishop, there are ordinary bishops, such as Bishop Jasmine of Sheryl City.

The clerical personnel are much more interesting.

The clerics are divided into three levels according to gender, the lowest level of believers (male) and nuns (female), and then the Saint and Saintess, and then the God and Goddess.

Theres only one way for nun to be promoted to Saint, that is, through the Saint Selection.

The believers and nuns of the Holy Light Church believe that as long as they believe in the goddess, help the weak, heal the wounded, and punish evil, they will receive aProphecy from the Goddess of Light.

The nun who receives the Prophecy, will be personally baptized by the Pope, and bestowed the name of Saint Candidate. After that, if she can successfully accomplish something in her local parish, earn trust and be recognized by the people and the bishop, an unanimous agreement of the Seated 11 Congregation, and finally being appointed by the Pope, she can be promoted to a Saint!

This is the so-called Saint Selection.

Was that clear enough?

There were numerous nuns in the Holy Light Church. Ordinary nuns may not be able to get a Prophecy for the rest of their lives, let alone be promoted to a saint by the Saint Selection. The probability is equivalent to a low-level office worker being immediately promoted to a VP role, its pretty much impossible.

Cough, but becoming a saint is definitely considered a success! Once one becomes a saint, her status will be on par with the Archbishop of the local parish. Although she has no right to govern daily administrative affairs, she has the right to supervise the work of the Archbishop. At the same time, all the educational activities in the local community are attended by the saint.

In the hearts of the people, the saint is the true Goddess of Light, she is the embodiment of God! And this young girl, who is only 10 years of age, was already a saint. God knows what she has experienced, and what secret methods she used to climb that quickly!

Her Holiness, Great Sage Bellco is waiting for you in the house.

Hehe, thanks for your troubles, beautiful lady.

No, its nothing this is my duty.

Even if the other party couldnt see anything, the sister bowed respectfully and thanked the Saint. She opened the door and brought the saint into the room, then closed the door and left.

Feeling her eye that had already lost sight, the saint spoke first.

Great Sage Bellco, are you there?

Youre here. A middle-aged man whispered.

Luckily, the Saint was blind. If she saw this mans shoehorn face, she would probably laugh out loud. Great Sage Bellco was lean and slender and by principle he should be considered handsome. However, his slightly elongated chin has destroyed all the beauty.

The low male voice in front of the Saint gave her a peace of mind. She stretched out her hands and started feeling the void in front of her, while slowly shifting her legs to find a place to walk.

Seeing her manner, Bellco sighed, walked over and moved a stool next to her.

Please sit.

Thank you, Great Sage Bellco, youre so nice! said the saint.

Youre welcome. Although I have already received a written report, you still have to tell me the details of catching the demon.

No problem, Great Sage! I actually almost caught the kitten! Its the damn Tennyson that let her escape

With a sweet and cute tone, the Saint began to talk about the story. She pushed all blame to the believer who was executed by her Tennyson, a fallen believer.

At the end of the report, Bellco had no objections and was preparing to send her home, but the Saint made a request.

Great Sage Bellco, I want to see the Pope ~~~is that okay? She said with a childs cutey voice.

Her tone made Bellco disgusted. Others may not understand her vile character, but Bellco knew.

No! .The report is over. Head on back to Sheryl City.

Eh? I cant? Why wont you let me see the Pope? How petty the Saint used a coy tone. Oh Do you hate me that much? Im so sad sob sob sob.

Great Sage Bellco frowned and his tone was unpleasant: Enough! Snow Witch, stop pretending. If youre going to talk to me with that tone, please leave!

Bellco hated her because attitude and thats why he had always opposed her as a saint! I really dont know how this crafty little girl received the Prophecy from the Goddess of Light. Whats even more strange is that the pope has always had a very high evaluation of her, and Bellco could never figure out the reason why.

Hey, who was the one who spread that nickname? Sure enough, the little girl who was called the Snow Witch finally showed her true self. She frowned and said with a tone without a hint of delicacy, I hate being called that.

Indeed, it is not appropriate for the Great Sage to call the saint a witch. Although Bellco has a higher rank, he still has to follow procedure.

Bellco coughed twice and corrected his previous statement: Lets get on with our business. Its not that I dont want you to see the Pope, but hes sleeping right now, so he cant meet you.

Sleeping again? That old fart only knows to sleep all day! The girls imaged completely changed, from an innocent girl to a delinquent.

Bellcos face turned black, pretending not to notice her change, and continued to speak, But before that, the Pope asked me to pass on a message.

What did he say?

He said that although the plan to catch the red eyes black cat failed, but you have performed very well, so he can satisfy one wish of yours. Bellco added, I remind you, this wish can not be anything you want, please be cautious, dont say anything that doesnt fit your status, and dont pray for unrealistic wishes.

Hehe, Great Sage Bellco, do you think Im still a child? I certainly understand the Popes meaning and I wont be greedy.

Are you not a child? Bellco glanced at her.

The childs tender face still had a bit of baby fat, although her appearance was holy and innocent, regardless of her appearance, in the end shes only a little girl around 10 years of age. Bellco did not expect much for the little girls wish.

Do you want candy? Or do you want to grow up quickly?

Probably an innocent child fantasy.

However, when the saint whispered her wish, Bellco was incredibly scared the Snow Witch, worthy of the name!

Great Sage Bellco, as far as I know, there should be a vacant seat for saint in Winterless City? asked the saint.

Yes, its still vacant. Bellco instinctively answered, but he faintly felt that something was wrong.

Why would a child ask about that?

Then, thats my wish. The saint said softly, I want to transfer to Winterless City and I will be the saint of the Winterless City parish.


Bellco was stunned.

Change a parish was this actually her wish?

Whats wrong? Great Sage Bellco, do you disagree? Or was there something wrong with my request? After seeing the other party has not replied for a while, there was a hint of  urgency in the saints voice.

No, theres nothing wrong with it, just I want to ask you a question. Bellco said.

Its okay, Great Sage Bellco, Ill answer any question.

Bellcos face stiffened and he asked in a low voice: Why did you choose the Winterless City parish? Are you aiming for the position of Goddess?

Nun, Saint, Goddess

The position of saint is above nun, more powerful than the saint is the Goddess, second only to the pope!

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