Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 62: Snow and Jasmine

Chapter 62: Snow and Jasmine

Lombard Kingdom

Sheryl City

Like Lin Xiao mentioned, Sheryl City was a small and inconspicuous place. The terrain here was flat, transportation methods were not very developed, the population was not very high, and there were no demonic beasts attacking humans nearby. When a foreigner first enters the city, they will definitely feel a peaceful and comfortable vibe.

Elona wasnt in the mood to worry about the local customs here, after entering the city, she just wanted to find the girl named Snow as soon as possible. Snow and the Snow Witch who chased her before are two different people, this is what Lin Xiao told her and that shouldnt be wrong. Since Snow was Lin Xiaos close friend, she will not hurt her, so she doesnt have to worry.

Because Sheryl City was a small place, there were no soldiers guarding the gates. Elona could safely enter the city just by covering the cat ears on her head and the tail on her buttocks.

It was very different from West Wind Town. Sheryl City was simple and honest, even if Elona was a solitary little girl, there were no malicious encounters with anyone in the city. There was only the occasional glance from the local residents, who had their attention attracted to this unfamiliar foreigner.

Elona carefully took care of the gold coin keepsake, for fear that she would lose it. She had to hand it over to a girl named Snow, and only then could she rush over to Winterless City and reunite with Elena!

Wu brother Lin Xiao asked me to find a large, pointed house ah, its here! This is it!

Finally, Elona arrived at the destination Sheryl Citys Holy Light Church

Although she arrived at the destination, Elona didnt know what to do next, she could only lie down next to the door and stuck her head out to look at the inside of the church. At this time, a nun who wore a long white robe and was sweeping the floors, noticed her.

Who are you? after seeing the shady Elona, the nun firmly held her broom and asked with vigilance.

H-hello! My name is Elona! Elona clenched up her body and answered nervously.

She remembered that when humans first meet, they usually greet each other with the word hello, that should be right.

Elona? how suspicious. She was baffled by her stiff greetings, and the nun continued to ask, What do you want?

I, I I want to find a girl named Snow! Elona summoned her courage and asked.

Snow? Ive never heard of her, youre at the wrong place.

Wrong place? Elona became anxious. Theres no mistake! Its here, a large, pointed house, with a cross on the roof, its definitely right!

But we dont have anyone here named Snow, please leave. The nun answered coldly.

No, no ah, I remembered, this, take a look at this! Elona quickly took out the gold coin hidden in her bosom and handed it over. This is a token! Lin Xiao told me to give this half of a gold coin to a girl named Snow!

Ha? Half a gold coin? What can you do with half a gold coin? Stop pestering, leave! The nun was disinclined to bother with her and waved her away.

Elona didnt expect her to refuse so quickly. The hand that she stuck out was accidentally pushed by the other party, and the gold coin in her hand flew out.


The half of the gold coin didnt even get to roll before it was tripped by its broken edge and fell flat on the ground.

The nun did not expect for her to send the gold coin flying. She was just about to apologize, but it was too late.

Elona was afraid of the gold coin being lost, so she threw herself at it and tightly clenched the gold coin in her hands, and began to whimper on the floor.

Wuuu why is this happening

This gold coin was the only hope she had to be reunited with Elena! But but her only hope was ruthlessly shut down by the other party If Elona still had strength, she would immediately become a red-eyes black cat and smack that bad woman in front of her to death!

Killing intent, her eyes already carried a strong killing intent!

The nun who made a mistake, was frightened by Elonas scary expression, she clenched the broom and moved backward step by step helplessly.

Suddenly, a gentle, voice that flowed like water called out.

Little girl, why are you crying?

Looking towards the voice, Elona saw a beautiful big sister, about 30 years old, wearing gorgeous white robes, with shoulder-length brown hair, and a gentle smile that carried the power of warming ones heart.

In an instant, Elonas killing intent dissipated.

Wuuu she, shes a bad person! Elona pointed at the nun and angrily complained to the older sister.

Oh? Shes a bad person? The big sister raised her eyebrows at that person.

Bishop, no, its not like that! The nun was scared to death, she quickly threw aside her broom and kneeled onto the floor. She was pestering me to find a girl named Snow, but we dont have anyone named Snow here!

Snow? Hearing that name, the gentle big sister spaced out for a bit and started talking to herself, Her name, it has not been used for a long time, it probably has been forgotten.

The older sister did not rebuke the nun too much. She looked fondly at Elona, who was sobbing on the ground, she took Elonas arm and helped her up.

Little girl, why are you looking for Snow? The big sister asked with a smile.

Wuuu Its brother Lin Xiao who asked me to look for Snow. He also told me to give this half a gold coin to her! Elona said with swollen eyes, while she was speaking she became angry with herself. Wuu Lin Xiao is a big fat liar! Theres no one named Snow, as expected, all humans are bastards!

Humans are bastards little girl, you should be careful saying stuff like that. The gentle big sister reached out. Can you show me this half of a gold coin?

Do you know Snow? Elona asked.

Un, I know her.

Thats great, Ill give it to you then! Elona was bursting with joy and handed over the keepsake without any precautions.

After receiving the gold coin, the big sister inspected it carefully and suddenly remembered something.

She remembered that before Snow left, she specially told her something, saying that a strange little girl would come to them with half a gold coin. It seems that the strange little girl should be the one in front of her.

Little girl, dont cry, I know where Snow is. The older sister replied.

Really? Thats great! Please take me to her!

Oh I cant. She went to the Holy City, Cadina, a few days ago to see the pope, and wont be back for a while.

The Holy City, Cadina? Elona was shocked by the name. Then, what should I do

She was a demon, of course, she cant go to the nest of the Holy Light Church. Looking for Snow at Cadina would be more foolish than a sheep entering a wolves den.

Little girl, how about this. Stay with me a couple of days, then when Snow comes back, Ill take you to see her, okay?

Really? Are you really willing to take me in? Elona thought she was dreaming when she heard what she said.

But she immediately shut her mouth with vigilance. Earlier, the two soldiers in West Wind Town also said this to her. They wanted to take possession of her body, so they deceived her!

Was this gentle big sister in front of her just like them, was she also a big bad guy?

Wu you, are you a bad person? Do you want to take possession of my body? Elona asked nervously while hugging her chest.

The big sister was taken aback and didnt respond for a long time. After a while, she lightly chuckled.

Hehe this child is so cute.

Hey! Idiot, do you know who this is? The nun next to her couldnt help but scream, This is Bishop Jasmine of the Sheryl City diocese! Watch your words!

Bishop? Elona faintly felt that this name she had heard, Is a Bishop a good person?

Of course!

Really? If theyre good people, then Ill listen to her!

This child The bishop couldnt help but laugh. She stopped the nun who continued to talk badly, and asked softly, Little girl, I still dont know your name yet?

My name is Elona! What is your name, big sister?

My name is Jasmine, Im the Bishop here.

Sister Jasmine!

Mmm. Jasmines heart was completely captured by this innocent little girl.

The girl was very cute, although she was somewhat reckless, her heart was kind, she was a hundred times better compared to a certain vile character, to the point shes called the Snow Witch!

Jasmine was even thinking about whether to persuade Elona to join the Holy Light Church As a Bishop, she thought about recruiting believers all day long, this became her occupational disease.

Little girl, follow me.

She smiled and held Elonas hand, but Bishop Jasmine suddenly froze.

At that moment, the hood on Elonas head slid down a couple of centimeters, and the ash gray short hair was revealed. Among the short hair, Jasmine saw a pair of black triangular ears.

Cat ears?

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