Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 115: Not Really Pity, Definitely Not Charity

Chapter 115: Not Really Pity, Definitely Not Charity

You cant protect your sister like that. Shen DaiYing said indifferently.

She pulled out some silver coins from her pockets and forcefully shoved it into the little girls bosom.

Because she cut her finger earlier, the silver coins in her hand was also stained with some blood.


The younger sister foolishly looked at the bloodstained silver coins in her embrace, not understanding the situation.

Next time you meet someone bad, remember to run away immediately. Following close behind, Shen DaiYing used a harsh tone to lecture them, If you cant escape, then fight back, if you cant beat them then find a weapon, if theres no weapon then you can use your own fist, and leg, arm, teeth anyways just dont cry, or beg, because those are meaningless acts, bad guys will never let you go out of pity.

Oh, I memorized it so big sister, you dont plan on killing us? The little sister nodded not really understanding, then innocently asked.

This time, Shen DaiYing didnt say anything and just shook her head and continued staring fixedly at the sisters.

Little sis, lets go, ignore this wierdo! The older sister finally came back to her senses and suggested.

But she just gave us money maybe shes a good person. The little sister seemed a bit unwilling, like she still wanted to say something to Shen DaiYing.

Although this big sister looks scary, carrying a sword, unlike a good person, but she did give them money, she should at least thank her, right?

Peh! Are they good people just because they give you money? Dont be foolish, didnt she just say it earlier as well, run away immediately when you meet a bad guy so lets hurry and run! The older sister knitted her brows and persuaded her.

Y-youre right then lets run!

Finally, dragged along by her sister, without even being able to say thanks the two disappeared in an instant into the alleyways.

Sigh, you clearly want to be a good person, why do you pretend to be the bad guy? Watching till the end, Lin Xiao stood up with a sigh, then causally said, Sister Ying, you didnt even get a thanks at the end.

Thanks? Shen DaiYing also stood up, and replied insipidly, I dont need thanks, also, they dont need my help.

They dont need your help? But you still gave them money, it was enough for half a year of bread. Lin Xiao said while smiling, You purposely scared them to test their sisterly bond right? You noticed that although the older sister looks brave, but the younger sister was actually the stronger one, she was silently protecting her sister, right?

Shen DaiYing glanced at him and remained silent, but her injured finger began trembling slightly, it betrayed her inner turmoil.

Lin Xiao knew that he was right and began delving deeper.

But why did you help her? Theres many more similar beggars in Winterless City, you cant help all of them, you know that well yourself. Lin Xiao gazed at the dirty mantou on the ground, You helped her because you saw your own shadow in her, right?

Shen DaiYing was still silent, but her pupils abruptly contracted, and a haze covered her spiritless eyes again.

He knew that Shen DaiYing was extremely abnormal today, he shouldnt be trying to make up stuff, but at the same time, he knew that if he didnt say some things now, he may never get another chance.

Sister Ying Im guessing that you should have a gentle and brave older sister, right? And youre that younger sister, just like that little girl earlier, a weak yet strong-willed sister am I right?

Lin Xiao made his final guess, his soft words eroding her final mask, and seizing her frozen heart.

But the answer he was expecting didnt come.

I-I dont need you to worry about my business!! Shen DaiYing suddenly raised her intonation, carrying a slight trace of anger.

Sister Ying? I

Lin Xiao was taken aback, unsure of why she suddenly got that angry, but was interrupted by Shen DaiYings delicate shout.

Lin Xiao!!! Shen DaiYing squinted and stared right into his eyes, like she was going to kill someone, Did you know? Sometimes, helping someone presumptuously is actually harming them. They didnt ask for my help, so any unnecessary charity and pity would only make them feel disgust, do you understand?

Sister Ying Lin Xiao wasnt scared by her imposing manner, but just surprised by what she said.

Harming them

He understood what she was saying.

Although on the surface it sounded like she was describing the beggar sisters, but actually she was criticizing a mans presumptuousness.

Shen DaiYing never wanted anyones help, so she also didnt need anyones charity or pity.

Charity? No, I dont think this is charity, I think its a gentleness. Lin Xiao looked back into Shen DaiYings eyes not willing to be outdone.

Gentleness? I dont understand.

Thats right, gentleness. Lin Xiao nodded and explained, If the other party is someone you like, naturally you cant help but be gentle towards her, thats a sincere feeling that comes from the heart, its not really pity, and definitely not charity, at least thats how I feel.

Someone you like at first they were discussing about the beggar sister, but now the topic unfolded into something cryptic.

It was good that they understood what the other meant, so the conversation could continue.

Lin Xiao, you still dont understand your way of thinking is like a know-it-all. Shen DaiYing concluded.

Perhaps youre right, but youre also wrong.

Wrong? How am I wrong?

When you meet someone bad, theres another good way other than just escaping or fighting back. Lin Xiao feigned profoundness and laughed.

Another way? What is it? Shen DaiYing didnt understand and asked.

Asking your companions for help! Lin Xiao gave his answer, If you meet someone worth relying on, then asking that person for help is a good method, right?

Asking for help? Heh. Shen DaiYing coldly scoffed.

How could she not know something like that? Rather

Who was her companion?

That person worth relying on, who was the perosn who could reach out a helping hand towards her?

Was it this trash in front of her that only knew how to laze around?

What kind of joke is that!?

Lin Xiao, I dont need your gentleness! Finally, Shen DaiYing didnt beat around the bush, and bluntly replied.

Her final reply.

Eh Sister Ying, dont reject me so quickly, thats already the second time. Lin Xiao could only awkwardly scratch his head.

Second time? I dont understand what youre saying. Shen DaiYing didnt want to continue this baffling topic, and asked, Lin Xiao, why are you here?

Me? Suddenly being asked, Lin Xiao scratched his head, and stuttered, Actually, I came to look for Elena.

Your maid?

Yeah, that fellow left today morning, and still isnt home yet. Im worried that something may have happened, so I came looking for her. Speaking of Elena, Lin Xiao smacked his lips and started complaining, Her temper is terrible, shes always causing me trouble, I have to keep a close eye on her!

The actual reason was because he gave Elena a magic crystal that could only last 12 hours, it was over if it exceeded the time limit! He didnt want Elena to die so he came looking for her.

Oh, is that so? It seems like you two have a good relationship. Shen DaiYings tranquil voice had no up or downs, it was unknown whether she was just jealous or simply sighing.

Eh? No, no, no, we Just as Lin Xiao was about to explain, Shen DaiYing didnt bother with him anymore, and just turned and walked away.

Lin Xiao, if you have to help me, then defeat me in tomorrows competition.

Shen DaiYing tread away in her high-heels,.

A person who loses to me cant give me gentleness.

Leaving that behind, she disappeared at the end of the alley.


Shen DaiYing pondered over their conversation, it was the first time seeing that emotionless Shen DaiYing, but

But his feelings towards Shen DaiYing still remained passionate.

At that time, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Give her gentleness? Peh! Disgusting. He didnt know when but Elena was actually standing behind him, coldly cursing at her.

Lin Xiao jumped, immediately tuned around and saw his silver-haired red-eyed maid.

Ah! Elena, you were here! I finally found you! Lin Xiaos disappointment and frustration disappeared instantly after seeing Elena, and was instead angry like he was going to fight someone, You disobedient maid! I cant believe you dare run away without even cooking dinner And here I even believed you, hmph, I wont let you leave alone anymore!

Saying that, Lin Xiao ran over and grabbed Elenas arm, then forcibly dragged her back towards their home.

What? Y-you actually came looking for me?

She was hiding nearby all along, so she heard Lin Xiao and Shen DaiYings entire conversation, naturally, including what Lin Xiao said about being worried about Elena and coming out to look for her.

No shit! Who would I come look for other than you? If the magic power in the crystal disappears completely, then youll die! Lin Xiao spoke like a master that worried about his maid.

I-I dont need your worry. Receiving his worry for the first time, Elena wasnt accustomed to it, and emotions of embarrassment appeared on her face.

In order to avoid blushing and making a fool of herself, she imitated Shen DaiYing, used a robot-like cold expression to shake off Lin Xiao then ran off by herself.

Why dont you go worry about your Sister Ying? Disgusting.

What did you say? Elena, where did you go earlier? Hey!! Lin Xiao tried to catch up to her to get some answers, but the faster he chased her, the faster she ran, the alleyway pursuit happened once again.

This time, just in reverse.

Damn it whats with today? Do they all hate me that much?

Lin Xiao was bitter.

Today, he was rejected by Shen DaiYing, then ridiculed by Elena, he felt like his life was a failure, he had no one who loved him.

Because he was excessively hurt, Lin Xiao suddenly missed that cute loli who once hugged his arms and intimately called him brother.

If it was his little sister, he definitely wouldnt be mistreated like this!

Snow, when can we meet again I miss you so much!

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