Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 114: The Shadow Under the Light

Chapter 114: The Shadow Under the Light

Who else could that black-haired youth be, other than Lin Xiao?

Thanks to Lin Xiao, Shen DaiYing gave up her search, the crisis was averted, and Elena could finally feel relieved for a moment.

But, even in her dreams she wouldnt think of seeing Lin Xiao here! She was just thinking about that guy earlier, and now he was right in front of her.

Whats going on?

Why? Why was that damn pervert here? Shouldnt he be sleeping at home?

Elena stared fixedly at Lin Xiao with complex feelings.

Could it be like last time, Lin Xiao secretly followed her this whole time because he was worried about her?

Impossible! Elena immediately denied her guess.

This time she had her magic detection radar going at full power, she was the only one doing the following, there was no way anyone could follow her. So, she was 100% sure that Lin Xiao didnt appear here because he was following her.

Then why is here?

Sis sister Ying? Lin Xiao stood at the entrance of the alleyway, stared at Shen DaiYing who was full of killing intent with an astonished face, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Lin Xiao? Similarly, Shen DaiYing was also rather astonished.

The sudden unforeseen event made her very uncomfortable, Shen DaiYing was like a child who was doing something wrong that was caught red-handed. She didnt bother finding her follower if there was one, although her expression was still spiritless, she looked left and right, and instinctively tidied her clothes and appearance, like she was trying to preserve her beauty in the other persons eyes.

She soon realized that she was holding onto a sword, her scary appearance like she was about to kill someone was the strangest part, so she quickly sheathed it.

She sheathed her sword extremely quickly, her fingers gently grasping the hilt, the slender Snow made a beautiful arc in the sky before clinking into the sheath, the entire process flowed like water, one could tell with one look that it was practiced numerous times.

But perhaps it was because she was too nervous, she made a mistake at the end of the sheathing motion that has been repeated thousands of times. Her index finger of the right hand accidentally touched the blade and a small cut was sliced open, although the wound was light, but fresh blood still seeped out.

Hey, a-are you okay? Seeing her get injured, Lin Xiao quickly ran over and asked worryingly.

I-Im fine Shen DaiYing lowered her head, clenched her fist and pulled back the injured index finger, not wanting him to see it.

Although her expression was still spiritless, but after seeing Lin Xiao her tone had a slight change, it felt more human, and was no longer like an emotionless robot.

The woman in front of him was worlds apart from the charming and affectionate princess from school, as he got closer, Lin Xiao even thought that he got the wrong person.

Shen DaiYings usual half open affectionate eyes were actually wide open, her large eyes felt empty and lifeless, her pupils dilated, like her eyes couldnt focus, it gave one the chills.

Whats wrong with her? Did she take the wrong medicine?

It was so much so that Lin Xiao even began to doubt whether she actually was Shen DaiYing or her twin sister, and they just looked very similar but was actually two separate people. If it was the same person, how could her disposition change so much?

Um Sister Ying, is it really you? Like he wanted to confirm her identity, Lin Xiao asked once again.

Un its me. Hearing that intimate moniker, Shen DaiYing was rather moved, her pupils abruptly retracted, and she stared at Lin Xiao in a daze, like she wanted to say something, but didnt say it in the end. After that, her expression once again became dim and colorless.

Hehe, so it really is you I thought I got the wrong person. Her strange reaction didnt escape Lin Xiaos eyes, but he didnt delve further and laughed to change the subject.

If the Shen DaiYing from before was the princess that bathed under the sunlight, graceful, charming, and immaculate, then the current Shen DaiYing was the reverse of the sunlight, a heartless killer hiding in the shadows.

One passionate, one heartless, which one was the real Shen DaiYing?

Although Lin Xiao didnt understand what was going on, but he knew that right now he would have no way of getting an answer from Shen DaiYing. The only thing he could do was to pretend like nothing happened and talk to her, then try to find some useful clues from her responses.

Sister Ying, what are you doing here? Why did you take a leave of absence, are you sick? Lin Xiao softly asked with the harmless smile that he was known for.

Me? Oh! Shen DaiYing didnt answer his question, she responded with a sound then turned around and ignored him.

What is she going to do?

Under Lin Xiaos attentive gaze, she turned around and walked next to the beggar sisters, like she was afraid they were going to run away.

Like before, Shen DaiYing stooped down once more, her long legs bending and overlapping, tiptoeing and hugging her knees, she crouched in front of the sisters in a very young lady-like posture, then she used her spiritless eyes to stare fixedly at the two.

The two got goosebumps from her stare.

The younger sister already completely lost any courage she had to resist, only the older sister was still struggling, W-what do you want? Do you want to kill us? I, I admit I stole a piece of bread yesterday for my younger sister sorry, I wont do it again! Please let us go!

She thought that Shen DaiYing was a thug hired by the bread store, and quickly pleaded.

Shen DaiYing didnt continue and just shook her head.

Do you want to continue living? She suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

Continue living? Of course! Big sis, Im begging you! Please dont hurt us The messy haired girls legs were trembling yet she still clenched her teeth and desperately begged for forgiveness.

The younger sister hiding behind the older one finally couldnt hold back anymore.

Im begging you, please dont harm my sister! If you have to, then come at me! Let my sister go! Although the younger sister was already scared pale, to the point of kneeling, but she still clenched her teeth and stood up with an unyielding power, and tried to shield her older sister with her frail body.

At this time, Lin Xiao also walked over curiously and silently crouched next to Shen DaiYing, wanting to see what she planned to do to these pitiful beggar sisters.

Come at you? So you want to sacrifice yourself to protect your sister? Shen DaiYing questioned expressionlessly, but her slightly trembling voice betrayed her innermost thoughts.

Seeing that younger sister getting ahead of herself, it was like she saw someones shadow in her.

Wu my sister has already done enough for me, I also want to do something for her! Her voice carried a sob but her tone was resolute.

Foolish sister, shut your mouth! I, I Hearing her younger sisters declaration, she was choked with emotions.

It was like the pitiful sisters have come to the end of the road, they couldnt help but embrace and weep on one another, even the stonehearted Lin Xiao watching from one side was feeling rather sentimental.

Yet, Shen DaiYings gaze was as still as before, apathetically looking at the crying sisters, without an ounce of pity, like she was looking at two dead people.

Finally, she moved.

The sisters thought that she was finally going to unsheathe her sword and killed them, so they close their eyes in despair and welcomed death. But after waiting for a while, they noticed that this big sister didnt draw her sword, but she reached her hands into her pockets.

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