One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 65: War Ending Move

Chapter 65: War Ending Move

_________ POV Narration_________

Whitebeard heaved a tired sigh as he looked at the body of Teach. The one betrayer of his group, the child that turned against his family. The killer of Tatch, the one that had almost gotten Ace killed as well...

Edward Newgate felt strange, although he had avenged his other son, his hands were now dirty with the blood of the one that he had once also considered family.

Still, the old man felt that it was better that way. It was better for him to be the one to punish Teach. After all, the one thing he hated to see, was his sons harming each other.

And, as much as Teach had disappointed him, as much as he had broken the only rule he had made... He was still a son to the old man.

Now that he had finally punished Teach, Whitebeard only felt tired. He felt no satisfaction in what he had done, after all, how could he?

He cared just that much about his children. Which was why he knew that it was time to escape.

"MY CHILDREN! ALL OF YOU! GET BACK TO THE SHIPS!" Edward said as he shouted with ferocious willpower emanating from him.

The Whitebeard pirates listened, and all of them swiftly started fighting their way back to the ship. They all started quickly trying to create a retreating path.

The marines quickly turned more desperate, trying their best to take down any pirate that they could.

Sengoku was also getting more and more desperate, as the war was looking more and more like a complete loss for the Navy.

Each time a high-ranking marine was close to taking down a pirate, or severely injuring one, a lightning strike always stopped that. It was the same when the pirates got too close to killing a marine.

Although the battle was still ongoing, and attacks were being thrown around everywhere, the battle was well and truly caught in a stalemate.

And that was all because of Enel, who was currently sitting on a cloud, raining lightning down wherever he could in order to keep that stalemate going.

Sengoku was quick to realize that Enel was the one preventing them from winning that battle. He grit his teeth as hate started to well up inside of him.

'All of the lives lost today... All of that preparation... You're telling me it was for nothing?!'

Sengoku simply couldn't bring himself to cope with that. With an angry roar, he directed his palms at the sky.

With inhuman strength, he started releasing shockwave after shockwave towards the skies.

Each shockwave parted the clouds more and more, Enel scowled, as he tried his best to keep the clouds together, but he had failed in the end.

As the sky turned clear, the marines were starting to regain some morale.

"THIS WAR ISN'T OVER YET! WE CAN STILL WIN THIS! AS LONG AS WHITEBEARD FALLS HERE!" Sengoku was quick to try and motivate his marines further.

However, Enel was getting a bit annoyed at this point.

'I've rested enough... It's time to end this war.'

With a simple gesture, he flew towards the water in the middle of the bay. He pointed his arms downwards.

Attacks came from all directions, but he simply ignored them, letting them pass through him without any issue.

Whether it was magma, light or Ice, none of them could injure him as long as he was concentrated enough.

With a roar, he started discharging as much electricity as possible into the water. Slowly but surely, the ice around Marineford all melted, and the water started rising, pooling to the skies as it sparked with electricity.

"What is this?!" Many ships were being pushed away, as the pirates that had already retreated were all doing their best to move away from whatever Enel was creating.

"STOP HIM! DON'T LET HIM CHARGE UP AN ATTACK!" Sengoku shouted as he quickly sent a shockwave towards Enel.

He now knew that Enel had a fruit capable of destroying Marineford completely, the last thing he needed was for him to actually do so.

"Dai Funka!" (Major Eruption!) Akainu had also jumped towards Enel, his fist erupting forwards as he shot as much Magma as he could towards the former Rear Admiral.

Enel managed to notice those attacks, as his concentration broke from the move that he was preparing. With a slight scowl, a massive wave of energized water rose from the sea underneath him.

The water managed to both cool off Akainu's magma and paralyze him slightly, causing his body to be taken up by the wave and pushed backwards, right into Sengoku's shockwave.

The shockwave dispersed the wave, but also injured Akainu. The Admiral could only spit out some blood as he fell to the ground.

Enel then continued to overcharge the water around him. The energized water was quick to start boiling, as he quickly started to manipulate the seas around Marineford completely.

'If I can control clouds... Then I can control the seas too!'

With a monstrous amount of concentration and will, Enel quickly started forming a figure using the water that he had energized.

"Jörmungandr!" Enel raised his hands upwards as he said that as if summoning something from the depths of the sea.

Right on Enel's call, a gigantic snake formed out of the waters he controlled.

Its head seemed to be larger than half of Marineford, and its body seemed to have no end, as it seemed to be directly connected to the sea.

Enel smiled when seeing that his creation had succeded, he quickly turned into a lightning bolt and tried to enter the snake's body.

Kizaru was fast to intercept him, turning into light and appearing in his path.

Light and Lightning seemed to be flashing around in the sky for a bit, as the two of them met in midair and crashed. Both of them kicked at the other.

Their kicks connected, and Kizaru's strength was shown, as he was able to overwhelm Enel after a short few seconds.

Enel winced as he felt the bones in his leg crack. He was quickly sent flying backwards, directly into the snake, exactly as he had planned.

The second his body hit the snake, it turned into lightning and vanished within the snake.

Its eyes seemed to gain a spark, looking like a thunderstorm was happening in each eye at the same time.

"W-what the hell is that?!" One flabbergasted Vice Admiral Muttered as he stared at the impossibly large water construct.

Another Vice Admiral was quick to send a flying slash towards the snake, only for the snake to completely part around the slash.

"H-How are we supposed to fight something like that?!" The Vice Admiral shouted as he tried more and more to send Rankyakus towards the gigantic snake.

Many joined him, and countless flying slashes from both legs and blades were sent toward the Snake.

The Whitebeard Pirates were now having to retreat through a different point, Sarquis had turned his boat and actually circled around Marineford in order to pick up Whitebeard.

The captains were quick to retreat to it as the attention of the marines was completely captured by Enel's show.

Hancock had also decided to retreat with the Whitebeard pirates, her interest in the war vanished the second that Luffy managed to escape it.

Now, she was only slightly interested in whatever move Enel was cooking up...

The snake seemed to deform for a second, as the countless slashes pushed away some of the water that formed its body. But the very next second it was completely reformed.

"... How scary..." For once, Kizaru's voice didn't have a bored undertone to it. How could it? They were staring the equivalent of an Ancient Weapon in the eye.

Mihawk had yet to leave the battlefield, he quickly swung his sword, a massive flying slash heading directly for the snake's head.

The strongest swordsman in the world was intrigued, he wanted to see exactly how the beast in front of him worked.

His flying slash was marginally larger than every other before, managing to cut the snake's head off, shocking all of the marines at the scene.

But the shock didn't last long, as their fear came back in the next second, the Snake's head reconnected itself in that same second, making Mihawk raise an eyebrow.

'I guess it can't be taken down easily...' The swordsman thought to himself as he sent a few more slashes at the snake, each as big as the first one, all of them brushed off in the same manner.

The assault continued, as everyone seemed to want to stop that snake from slamming itself into Marineford.

Aokiji was quick to run towards the water snake, the sweat on his brow freezing as he pointed his hands towards the large snake.

Without any hesitation, the Admiral jumped directly at the snake.

The second they came into contact, Aokiji's eyes widened, as the water in front of him seemed to be turning into steam as soon as he came near it.

"Boiling Water?!" That realization didn't stop him, he forged on, hoping to be able to freeze the snake inside out quickly.

But, all of the water that he was close to touching seemed to evaporate just as he came close to it.

Before he knew it, he was already in the middle of the snake's body, as the steam around him momentarily blinded him.

Before he could react, boiling water pushed into him from all sides, the more he froze, the more Enel seemed to be able to melt.

The water seemed to form odd currents around him, he tried to lower its temperature endlessly, but each time he froze the water around him even slightly, Enel melted it instantly.

The energized water also paralyzed his muscles constantly, making it harder and harder for him to move.

In the end, the Ice Admiral was quickly trapped in Enel's water prison, as the snake seemed to form a bubble of still water inside its constantly flowing body.

The second the water around Aokiji stilled was also the second his devil fruit powers vanished. He was stuck, just like that.

"Admiral Aokiji!" Many marines shouted in fear when seeing that development.

Akainu was quick to try and blast the snake away, but he didn't get to try many things.

The magma that touched the water seemed to only evaporate some of it before quickly being cooled off, it wasn't doing any damage, as there was enough water in the ocean to go around.

"WE NEED TO FIND ENEL'S TRUE BODY!" Sengoku shouted as he also threw shockwave after shockwave at the snake.

But the snake seemed to be a lot tougher than a bunch of clouds, each time it even slightly deformed, it regenerated instantly.

The marines desperately attacked the snake, as the pirate ships were getting pushed further and further by the constantly revolving sea.

Whitebeard was already on Sarquis's ship at that point, staring at the gigantic snake as the sea itself seemed to push their ship further away from Marineford.

Not one member of the crew could say anything as they stared at the odd scene in front of them. In a sense, it was a beautiful scene. But the fact that the entire thing was the doing of one man, seemed to creep out some of them.

"... That brat. He really is a monster!" Whitebeard said with a wide smile, no trace of fear on his face.

Although Enel's technique was impressive, Whitebeard was not the type to fear anything at all. And he knew that he could likely break it with his quakes if need be.

"Marco, prepare to fly in and pick up that brat! I doubt he'll have much stamina after pulling a stunt like this." Whitebeard waved his hand, giving his son a direct order without any hesitation.

Marco nodded, looking at the gigantic snake with a bit of sweat on his brow.

'Good thing I didn't try to fight him while on the sea...' The commander could still remember his first meeting with Enel.

At least Marco had the option to fly away, but he knew that if such an attack was to be directed at his crew in the middle of the sea, many of them would drown.

That didn't matter now though, Enel was obviously their ally. Marco couldn't help but feel a bit of pity for the marines though...

Without any warning, the gigantic snake reared back, its head pointed upwards as its throat seemed to be getting larger and larger.

Sengoku's eyes widened as he realised what was coming next.

"FLOOD INCOMING! BRACE YOURSELVES!" That was all the warning that the marines got, as the snake quickly pointed its head towards Marineford.

The snake seemed to start spitting out the contents of its stomach, creating a massive wave of boiling water that swallowed half of Marineford.

The water seemed to break down the walls of Marineford rather quickly, the powerful stream swept away everything in its path.

Sengoku used his massive body to create a shield for the marines behind him, blasting shockwave after shockwave into that tidal wave, but the tide didn't stop for anything.

Kizaru tried to send explosive blasts toward the tide and the snake's head, only managing to halt it for a few milliseconds, as the jet stream of water blasted throughout the entire island.

Aokiji also got spat out in that attack, landing somewhere off to the side as the tides pushed against his body.

But the second he was no longer in still water he started freezing the waters around him.

This time, he did so successfully, managing to freeze most of the wave, and the snake that had created it.

Aokiji was a bit shocked at having succeded, as he had expected Enel to melt his ice instantly again.

But nothing had happened... The marines looked around as the tides around them seemed to die down, Sengoku broke some of the ice stuck to his body as he looked around in a rage.

"Where did he go?!" The fleet admiral asked as he looked at Kizaru. The Light Admiral simply shook his head, signalling that he had no clue either.

And, just like that. All that the marines had gained in that war, was the giant ice sculpture of a snake, much larger than Marineford itself.


Second chapter, out! Hope you liked today's uploads, thank u for supporting me and reading my stuff :)

This was a long-ass one, 2.4k words.

Btw, as a quick reminder. Any water affects devil fruits as long as it's stagnant. Moving water like a river let's say would not stop a devil fruit user.

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on, you'd also get 10 chapters in advance (or 5 depending on tier)

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