One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 64: Cleaning up and Retreat

Chapter 64: Cleaning up and Retreat

_________ POV Narration_________

Garp didn't really know what to expect when Enel had said that he'd make sure Ace and Luffy survived.

He sure as hell didn't expect Enel to start throwing lighting around like it was candy on Halloween.

Garp had pretended to attack him in rage, but he didn't really care what happened in the war anymore, to him, the only thing that mattered was the fact that both his grandsons survived.

Now, the fact that Enel was obviously protecting Whitebeard did strike him as odd, but he knew that Whitebeard was a respectable man, so he didn't let it get to his head.

In his books, Enel was a great friend. One that made a sacrifice to protect his friends, which also happened to be Garp's grandsons...

This was not the same for Sengoku, unfortunately.

The old Fleet Admiral was shocked from the moment Enel had blocked one of Kizaru's lasers in order to protect Luffy.

He had hoped that event was just a fluke, but Enel then stopped Akainu and revealed the true nature of his devil fruit...

That truly angered the old man, not as much as it confused him though.

'So... You're telling me that everything was fake? All of that... Was a lie?'

If Enel had just revealed his fruit in the war while fighting for the marines, Sengoku wouldn't have minded.

He could somewhat understand Enel trying to hide it.

The world government was always interested in powerful fruits, so they would've certainly tried to do something shady earlier than Dressrosa.

But the fact that Enel had seemingly turned against them...

It simply stung for the old Fleet Admiral, he had been somewhat cautious since the beginning with Enel, but he had still befriended him in the end...

And Hina wasn't any better. She was mad, she felt like she had been deceived.

But a part of her refused to believe that Enel had lied to her. A part of her kept saying that maybe Enel had a good reason for his actions, that maybe his friendship with her wasn't fake.

Something, anything, to justify his actions. But Enel didn't reveal his true motives to anyone, so she had no way of knowing.

Hina had decided to stand back during the war. The last thing she wanted was to actually fight Enel.  She also didn't even feel prepared to face him right away.

Hina could also see that the Warlords were no longer getting involved, they were merely watching the situation unfold with interest.

'Enel... I hope that you know what you're doing... I hope it was worth it...' Hina thought to herself as she took a few steps back and observed the situation with the lower-ranking marines.

The Commanders of the Whitebeard crew had no time to think about those things though. They all quickly started to hold back the marines that were attacking their father's back.

Enel knew to take advantage of that.

Blackbeard's crew seemed to realize that Enel's attention was now fully on them.

Enel looked first at the giant that had been hiding behind Marineford's base. His eyes sparked with lightning as he tapped his staff onto the ground.

"Mamaragan!" (Heavy Thunder!) The clouds that he had overcharged with lightning roared with anger.

A rain of lightning fell onto the giant, his size only made him a larger target, each bolt left more and more burns on the giant's body, all until the giant was well and thoroughly cooked, collapsing from severe injuries.

The ground shook as lighting kept falling everywhere, taking also impeding many marines and assisting the Whitebeard pirates further in their retreat.

The giant's unconscious body hit the ground with a loud thud, breaking a few more walls in the process.

Enel had avoided the giant's head, mainly in order to avoid killing him completely.

He still wanted the remainders of Blackbeard's pirates to be captured after all, just in case he needed them in the future...

The other pirates in the group seemed to be a bit shocked, seeing their largest and most resilient member fall in a few seconds of the fight starting.

Enel then dashed towards the group, not giving them much time to register what had just happened.

They all seemed to take a step back when seeing him rush like that, the next to fall was Jesus Burgess, his face caved in by Enel's heavy staff before he could even react properly.

Enel then provided to turn his staff and strike towards one of the nearest pirates, Doc Q only had enough time to shriek, as he was sent flying into the crowd of marines in the distance.

Catarina Devon was the next target, but she had enough time to prepare herself, managing to block Enel's staff with her spear.

She wasn't known as the most dangerous woman pirate in Impel Down for nothing.

Her blackened spear seemed to be able to hold up against Enel's staff perfectly.

But Enel wasn't about to start playing around with her like he had Jack the Drought.

With a small twirl, his staff parted around her weapons and pierced her body in ten different places.

Or at least they tried to, she had managed to cover herself in armament in time, which led to sparks rising where the tendrils tried to dig into her body.

But Enel didn't let that dissuade him, the tendrils quickly entangled her, weakening her completely as she was also a devil fruit user.

The seastone impended her Haki as well, which led to her body being pierced in different places and thrown backwards.

While this was happening, the other members weren't sleeping.

Shiryu, Avalo Pizarro and Laffitte all managed to react in time. With the latter two shooting at Enel in a panic, and Shiryu slicing towards him with his blade.

Enel simply parted his body around the attacks, the fact that they were imbued with Haki couldn't matter less to him thanks to his Observation Haki.

Shiryu, being the closest, was obviously the next target. Enel kicked towards him, his blackened leg hitting Shiryu's hilt as the former warden skidded to the side.

The former warden was quick to cover his body in armament haki, preparing to tank more hits. 'Even if he's strong, he won't be able to kill me so quickly!'

He hoped that the others would be able to hit Enel while he was distracted, but fate had other plans.

Enel simply stabbed his staff into the ground, tendrils rising out of the ground and forcing the other Blackbeard pirates to jump backwards.

Enel then appeared in front of Shiryu, shocking the former warden and putting his palms on each side of the pirate's head.

Arks of lightning danced in between Enel's hand, as Shiryu screamed in pain, slashing with his blade around in a frenzy, as Enel calmly passed through said blade with ease.

After a few seconds, the former jailor had dropped his sword, grasping and clawing at Enel's hands as his head was being cooked thoroughly.

Enel simply gave the former warden a cold gaze. "You should've taken my warning in good faith..." Enel's words were only heard by Shiryu, in the former Warden's last seconds.

With that, Enel dropped the warden's body to the ground. Enel quickly retrieved his staff and looked around at the situation for a bit.

The rest of the Blackbeard pirates were trying to flee at that point, with only Van Augur, the sniper, still taking shots at Enel from a distance.

And he was rewarded for his efforts, not in a satisfying way for him though.

Enel pointed his finger towards, a small lightning beam shot directly towards the sniper, who tried to move to the side, but was unable to dodge it in the end.

The sniper was pierced in the gut, lightning spreading all over his body as he fell to the floor.

"Fucking monster!" Avalo Pizarro, the fallen tyrant, shouted as he did his best to flee at his greatest speed.

Most of the still conscious Blackbeard Pirates had the same thought as they were fleeing, unfortunately for them, they hadn't managed to make it far, as Enel's lightning moved a lot faster than they ever could.

The clouds seemed to snipe them for sport, lightning striking both in their path and to the ground underneath them.

The earth was blasted by the lightning strikes, and tremors spread through their surroundings, as Enel was now once again able to give his attention to the marines.

The Whitebeard pirates were holding their own nicely against the marines, Mihawk was mainly just looking at Enel with interest, as he wasn't all that involved in the war.

Marco was once again keeping Kizaru occupied, assisted by a few snipers from his crew.

Sengoku was fighting Jozu and Vista, and many of the Commanders were holding back vice admirals and admirals.

Enel's lighting sometimes fell from the skies, impeding the Marines they were fighting and keeping them on their toes.

"Oi! YOU BRAT, DON'T YOU IGNORE ME!" Enel heard a voice in the distance, it was none other than Garp, who was approaching him at breakneck speeds.

'Taking a hit won't be that bad, right? For old time's sake.' Enel rationalized in his mind as he prepared to clash with a serious Garp for the first time.

Enel's staff quickly met Garp's fist, only for the staff to bend in an odd way and for him to be pushed back, breaking another building with his back and being buried in another pile of rubble.

Enel didn't bother using his body to leave, he simply turned into lightning and headed straight for the clouds.

From the outside, one could see a large lightning beam rising to the skies.

Garp tried to follow him using Geppo but was quickly struck by a lightning bolt, paralyzing him again and sending him hurtling towards the ground with slight burn marks on his skin.

At this point, Whitebeard also looked down at his former son, the one he had put his trust into, and the one that had betrayed him.

"Teach... I want you to know, that I won't ever forgive you!" A loving father he was, but he only held one iron rule, and Teach had walked all over that.

With one last slash of his Naginata, Whitebeard sent a powerful quake into the ground, crushing Teach in the process, as the former Warlord screamed bloody murder.

Whitebeard closed his eyes a bit, as he delivered the last hit to the one that had betrayed his trust.

Blackbeard didn't get to say anything else, his last moment alive was spent screaming, as Whitebeard's tremors broke all of the bones in his body and crushed his skull to smithereens.

And, just like that. A future Emperor of the Seas was killed.

'Finally... It's about time I end this war now, isn't it!?' Enel thought to himself as his staff started rotating by itself in the air.


Hope you liked the chapter!

A second one will be uploaded soon as a reward for the fact that u guys power-stoned me almost to death this week.

I would upload double chapters more often, but I have a vacation coming up, so I need to stockpile as many chapters as possible.

This is me pissing on my own head basically :)) But u guys deserve it, so I figured I should at least do this much.

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on, you'd also get 10 chapters in advance (or 5 depending on tier)

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