One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 116: First Skirmish

Chapter 116: First Skirmish

_________ POV Narration_________

The first battle to start was on Enel's side.

'I need to cut down on their numbers so that I can concentrate on the people that are actually dangerous...'

The first thought that went through Enel's mind was to use Conqueror's Haki to get rid of the Government Agents, as very few of them seemed to be powerful enough to withstand it.

'... But Sengoku would be expecting me to start like that, so he should be ready to clash with me...

I don't think I'd win a clash, but even if I did, it would just be wasted energy.'

In the end, Enel decided that using his devil fruit would give him better chances when it came to getting rid of as much cannon fodder as possible.

And so, he smirked and brought his hand down.

"Mamaragan!"(Heavy Thunder!)

The fight started with a bang, as Enel's words rang out at the same time as the clouds started moving.

The black clouds that covered the sky roared in anger, and countless lightning bolts rang down onto the ships.

The lightning swiftly targeted all of the Pacifistas and Government agents, but the Navy was prepared.

"Yasakani no Magatama!" Kizaru reacted the fastest, hundreds of light beams meeting head-on with the heavy thunder as their clashes filled the dark skies with explosions.

Enel smiled a bit, he had started his attack a second earlier than Kizaru, so he had already taken down around a hundred government agents and just as many Pacifistas.

The Frozen Sea that Aokiji had created was littered with holes now, cracking even more as Aokiji rushed to freeze it all over again.

Now, Enel was satisfied with the results of that first clash, but it was far from good enough. There were still hundreds of agents and Pacifistas left.

The problem was that he wouldn't be able to replicate that attack for a few minutes, as the clouds were blown away by the explosions.

"Such a grand occasion! To have the best of the navy gathered here..." Enel smiled as he paid no mind to the Agents and Pacifistas.

Akainu simply grunted. "Don't think you'll be able to weasel your way out of this one... You may be able to flee at any moment, but would you leave your allies behind like that?"

"Hmph, I wouldn't be surprised, considering your track record!" Sengoku said as some veins appeared on his forehead.

'I guess they're pretty serious about this... Either that or he's simply putting up a show for the World Government...'

Enel sighed as he realised that his friendship with the Navy wouldn't allow him to get a free pass for the Revolutionary Army in that situation.

'Akainu probably hopes to be able to restore the influence that the Navy had previously with this war... Unfortunately, I can't allow the World Government to win.'

"I understand that fleeing isn't really an option in my case..." Enel said as he blinked a few times, then a large smile rose to his lips.

"But do you think all of you will be able to defeat me?" Enel smiled as the black clouds covered the skies once more.

Sengoku looked up, raising an eyebrow as he had seen Kizaru's explosions blow them away already.

"Don't get cocky, you brat!" Sengoku shouted as he jumped forward in front of the other marines and grew in size.

He quickly turned into a golden giant, his palm pointed to the sky as he released a massive shockwave and broke apart a large section of the clouds.

Enel simply scoffed and discharged all the clouds at the same time.

"Kumo no Hoden..."(Cloud Discharge)

Enel had long since started creating more and more moves using his powers. It wasn't that difficult, as his fruit granted him an insane amount of diversity and possibilities.

And just like that, all of the clouds around them started releasing powerful lightning bolts onto the crowd of Pacifistas and CP agents.

Many of the pacifists were hit, fried or melted alive by the heat. Though it was a stretch to call them alive...

The agents weren't doing any better, falling by the dozens in the few seconds that the attack lasted.

The attack ended quickly though, as the clouds calmed down rather quickly.

Cloud Discharge was an extremely quick and powerful attack, it was basically a much quicker and concentrated version of Mamaragan. But it could only take people by surprise once.

Aramaki acted quickly, forming a massive dome of living wood, a massive construct sprouting from his palms that was large enough to cover them all, providing everyone with a huge roof to shield them against any future attacks from the skies.

The Dome did prevent Sengoku from further blowing away the clouds, but now they were somewhat protected.

Well, the marines were still rather safe, the lightning had somewhat avoided them all up to that point.

Sengoku, as well as a few others, realized that Enel was likely not that willing to harm them.

'... As much as I dislike doing this, we need to take advantage of the fact that he's not attacking us...' Sengoku gritted his teeth as he gave Akainu a complicated look.

The current Fleet Admiral noticed that, sighing as he knew what they needed to do.

In the few seconds, they had spent looking at the roof over their heads, Enel had already prepared the clouds for another strike.

Creating a whirlpool in the skies and letting more and more lightning rain down on their wooden shield.

Aramaki scoffed when seeing that. "A dirty criminal baring his fangs against the world government..."

The newly appointed Admiral muttered under his breath hatefully.

"I guess even an Emperor only counts for this much!" The wooden Admiral said boldly as he smiled a bit.

Enel simply raised an eyebrow at the man. 'I guess he thinks he's a good counter to me... But unlike Luffy, he's got no way to resist the heat of my attacks.

And just like that, Enel brought his hand down once more, starting yet another Mamaragan right above the wooden dome.

The dome quickly started trembling underneath those lightning blats.

It held up exactly for 2 seconds before massive lighting pillars from the skies poked holes into it with ease.

Kizaru was prepared this time though, quickly sending light beam after light beam to intercept the beams.

Unfortunately for him, Enel's lighting was extremely destructive, and the lightning pillars managed to overwhelm his light this time, leading to many casualties on their side.

Pacifistas exploding and CP agents scrambling to dodge attacks, everything was looking like the scene from an apocalyptic movie.

And that entire time Enel had yet to move from his position.

Sengoku quickly rushed out of the dome and started pushing away the clouds again, the anger in his giant golden face rather easy to discern.

"We need to deal with Enel quickly! We won't get far by only defending!" Akainu shouted as he also started running towards Enel.

His arms turned into magma as he formed an obscenely large fist made completely out of melted rock.

"Dai Funka!" (Major Eruption!)

The Magma fist barreled forwards, melting the ice in front of him as it approached Enel at impressive speeds.

As the giant magma fist flew towards Enel, Akainu blasted himself to the side.

Enel stood there, stone-faced. He raised his arm towards it without losing any of his calm.

"El Thor!" His palm turned into a huge lightning beam, which swallowed up the attack completely, at least for half a second.

The ice underneath him shifted and covered his legs completely, Enel simply raised an eyebrow at that.

Then, a yellow light flashed to his side, a large figure wearing a golden suit kicking toward him with a glowing leg.

Enel merely scoffed, as he had already anticipated the attack.

Kizaru's kick connected, Enel turning into lightning and letting it pass through him.

One of his earlobes shot up, the golden earring turning into a spearpoint as it stabbed at Kizaru's head at lightning speed.

Kizaru sweated a bit, his eyes widened as he managed to lean backwards, the blackened spear point breaking his sunglasses, shooting them off his head and cutting a bit into his forehead.

It didn't do much damage, only a small cut, as Kizaru had managed to use Armament Haki in time. But Kizaru had lost his balance as he had been kicking already.

Enel's staff came barreling towards him, jabbing him in the gut and sending him flying to the side.

The Lightning Emperor then tapped the ice around him with his staff, breaking it as he took off flying, dodging yet another Magma fist coming from his other side in the process.

Enel pointed his staff towards Akainu, its tip splitting into dozens of threads as they all turned black and rushed to impale him.

Akainu stopped, Magma rose in front of him, blocking the tendrils momentarily. But the haki-clad tendrils seemed to start piercing through the magma wall, not bothered by the temperature at all.

Akainu scoffed, but he didn't get to do much, as the tendrils reaching for him all collapsed.

"Gravito!" Fujitora walked forwards, using his power to press Enel to the ice, and bringing him down from the skies, forcing him to retrieve the tendrils and reform his staff.

Enel gritted his teeth as the pressure on his back mounted, the ice 100 meters around him cracking and fragmenting.

Fujitora wasn't done though, while his enemy was suppressed, he quickly sent a flying slash towards him.

The pacifistas had also finally managed to lock onto Enel, and all of their mouths opened up at the same time, sending hundreds of lasers in his direction.

Enel finally got used to the pressure Fujitora was putting on him, only to see the barrage of attacks coming toward him.

He instantly turned into a lightning bolt, the lasers passing through his body as he took to the skies once more.

The clouds around were scattered everywhere, as Sengoku had taken it upon him to make sure Enel wouldn't be able to fight at full power.

Enel had a foreboding feeling, so he quickly parted his body at his head, just as a bullet rang through it.

In the distance, Enel could feel Tokikake in the distance, holding a rifle pointed at him. Scoffing he sent a lightning bolt towards him.

The lightning bolt was simply intercepted by a flying slash, as Tokikake didn't even flinch, only looking at Enel with narrowed eyes.

Gion, swiped her sword once more, sending another flying slash at him, which he easily dodged.

Both Gion and Tokikake were Admiral level figures, only slightly falling behind Fujitora and Aramaki.

More and more Vice Admirals joined in, throwing flying sashes at the sky as Enel parted his body around them.

The pacifistas were still locked onto him, sending flying lasers all across the sky and filling it with yellow explosions.

Meanwhile, some government agents were trying to sneak toward Baltigo, suppressing their presence while doing so.

But Enel had already felt them on his radar, there was no escaping him. He quickly flashed towards them, appearing in front of them in the blink of an eye and striking one of them with his staff and sending him into his partners, injuring 5 of them in the process.

The pacifistas also had their view of him obscured, so they were unable to shoot him.

His body was then forced to bend around yet another haki-clad bullet from Tokikake. The Admiral Level sniper had no issue with shooting between the small gaps among the numerous CP agents in front of Enel.

Enel then twisted in the air, his staff blocking Kizaru's kick, as the light admiral had followed him, keeping up with his speed perfectly.

'This isn't looking all that great for me...'


Hope you liked the chapter! 

And yea, the mc won't be trying to outright kill the marines, which makes this even harder on him :))) 

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