One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 115: War Breaking Out

Chapter 115: War Breaking Out

_________ POV Enel_________

The second the explosions broke out pandemonium spread through the island.

But not for long, the revolutionaries were not your regular citizens, every person on that island was prepared for such a thing to happen, they had specific protocols for everything.

And now, an alarm rang through the entire island, as countless ships approached the island, finally entering Enel's range as he started realizing the gravity of the situation.

'A buster call? No... This doesn't feel like one... A buster call only involves the marines usually...'

The ships present were familiar to Enel, but they weren't all filled with marines as they would usually be during a Buster Call.

Instead, there were close to a thousand Pacifistas, coupled with hundreds of agents.

'Damn... Considering the number of Pacifistas, they must've overworked Vegapunk to hell...'

And, the worst part by far. As front liners, presumably, every powerful figure in the navy was present, including some powerful people that Enel couldn't recognize through the radar.

'One of them is slumped a bit and is using a sheathed sword as a walking stick... And the other one is standing tall and wearing a pair of sunglasses of some kind...

It's hard to tell for the second one, but the first one is certainly Fujotora... Did they get recruited this soon?!'

Enel was annoyed by that, he had planned to extend an invitation towards Fujitora himself at some point, he knew that the admiral didn't have much respect for the world government, so he could likely be persuaded to work against it with enough work.

The other new admiral,  Ryokugyū, wasn't as interesting to Enel, he was a zealous believer in the world government, and it was likely impossible to persuade him of anything, even with actual proof.

'Well... No use crying over spilt milk. He would've been useful, but I don't care either way. There are plenty of powerful people to recruit in the world...'

Akainu and the others were also there, including Sengoku, which made Enel realize that the World government was really going all out.

Every Vice Admiral and every Admiral prospect was also present. Including Gion and Tokikake, who were both actual admiral level figures when it came to actual strength.

'What the fuck is wrong with them... To mobilize so many people? Are they leaving the Holy Land undefended?'

Enel stopped and pondered that for half a second, before shaking the thought out of his head.

'No... Kong isn't here, and IM is also still in the Holy Land, just him alone is likely all the protection the holy land needs.'

"The Navy and World Government are attacking the island... How much time did I spend reading anyway?" Enel asked out loud as he blinked a few times.

"... It's been two days since you arrived on this island. So I'd say about that much..." Robin said as she also looked rather panicked.

"I'll make sure to buy enough time for you all to flee...

You should head to the south, the revolutionaries should be gathering there anyway... Take a blimp and stay safe." Enel said as he buttoned up his white shirt and put on his furry coat.

"Still, I don't see how the situation can turn any shittier..." Enel said out loud as the two of them quickly started walking out.

"Then you better stop talking, wouldn't want you to jinx it..." Robin said as her mouth turned upwards into a smile.

Usually, she would've been scared in that situation, but being near Enel gave her a sense of safety.

But the situation was still somewhat worrying to her, even with Enel's power as an Emperor, she was still unsure if he would be able to save everyone in the Revolutionary Army.

"Also, you should stay safe as well. You may be strong, but you're not invincible..." Robin said as she looked at Enel with a serious gaze.

"I may not be invincible, but I am far from easy to deal with. I can deal with whatever they throw at me, you just make sure to escape in time." Enel's words were accompanied by a calm smile, exuding confidence.

That smile simply made Robin sigh a bit, as she turned around and looked at her home.

"I'll go get my things.  Good Luck!" And just like that, Robin ran off, and Enel vanished as well, resting his staff on his shoulder as he took to the skies.

In the skies, he formed his ship, charging it to stay in the sky for at least 10 minutes, and allowing it to create storm clouds constantly.

'This should at least even things out a bit... I don't know where Dragon is, but he's not on the island... I guess his blimp didn't come back yet...'

Still, Enel didn't quite understand how the government had found Baltigo. It had gone under the radar for many years already.

'Did they follow one of the blimps that came in after me?' Enel pondered as he flew in front of the enemy ships, greeting them with a smile.

Enel tapped the sea with his staff, spreading electricity across the entire sea around him, and raising a giant wave, blocking all of the cannon balls and giving the Revolutionaries on the island some breathing space.

'I wonder how they plan on fighting me...'

The Wave continued further, before being blasted apart by a barrage of lasers from the Pacifistas.

'Figures... But what can they do about this?'

Enel then manipulated the water near the ship, circling around to the depths, and forming a giant whirlpool right underneath two of the ships.

Two hundred Pacifistas were sunk just like that, and Enel narrowed his eyes as his opponents acted in the way he had expected them to.

The water instantly turned to ice, and he didn't bother to melt it, so now he landed on the edge there, standing in between the World Government and Baltigo.

'I don't really like harming marines... But all I need to do is buy enough time.' Enel narrowed his eyes as his opponents all started disembarking, stepping on the ice with confidence.

Hundreds of Pacifistas formed a line right at the front, leading the charge as the marines stood behind and looked at Enel with wariness.

'Why the hell is he here?' Akainu thought to himself as he crossed his arms and huffed a bit of steam.

Akainu had planned to carry out an attack somewhere else, to stage a war with the Big Mom pirates, who were somewhat weaker than the other Yonko still around.

But just as he was about to look into ways to start the war publically, he and his forces were forced to move.

Everyone was pushed to act and attack Baltigo, as a top agent of the Cipher Pol had managed to locate it.

Akainu accepted in the end, as he figured the Revolutionaries would be easier to fight than an Emperor of the Sea.

Enel's appearance wasn't something he expected. It was the same for Sengoku and Aokiji, who were worried about something else as well.

'If Enel is here... Doesn't that mean Garp is around as well?'

Thankfully for them, Garp was somewhat busy elsewhere. After all, the World Government wasn't the only one starting a war...

After all, while Enel was preparing to face the navy and the forces of the World Government, another person on the other side of the world was also gearing up for a war, of sorts.

It had been a few days since King had started wandering around the Sea of Clouds, his ship had seen better days, and many of his men had lost their lives already.

But it all felt worth it when he saw it in the distance... The gates of heaven.

'This... Civilization in the clouds?' He could easily recognise man-made structures. He didn't get close to the gate, merely observing it from the distance.

'... This could be a strategic position to conquer. I need to quickly inform Kaido of this.'

And so, King quickly called his captain, telling him of his findings.

"Hmm? An island 7 kilometres into the sky?!" Kaido asked as he drank from a barrel of sake.

"Indeed, I've not ventured too far into it yet, but I can see things clearly from a distance by flying up a bit more..." King said as he flapped his wings and stared at the islands in the distance.

"Hah! In that case, you should take it, we can make it a temporary base, should be pretty well hidden. Queen is nearby, right?"

"Queen should be on the seas below..." King said as he landed back on his ship, his eyes narrowing at the seemingly peaceful sea of clouds he was on.

"Then go fetch him! The two of you should be more than enough to take on anything. I'd just order you to do it alone... But there's a chance that you'd run into the Sky King there."

Kaido said as he took another sip from his barrel.

"... I guess it's better to be safe. I will join up with Queen and we'll make sure to secure these Sky Islands as our territory."

King then hung up and started flying again.

'It shouldn't take me long, it seems that Queen has been following me for a while now... But on the lower seas. He probably noticed something strange and decided to track me by my Vivre Card.'

And just like that, the tables were set for a war to be fought on two fronts.


Hope you liked the chapter! Barely got the time to write, some shit to deal with regarding uni

Welp. now the war's starting up :)) Wars, I guess. Any bets on how they'll go? 

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