One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 322

Chapter 322 - The Fight for the Baiqi Killing Sword a Cold Light Suddenly Appeared

Among them, the man in sunglasses and the woman labeled number nine exuded a martial presence that was nearly on par with Uncle Hai!

“Lv Yingyu, you dare to oppose the Nether King's Hall!”

The man in sunglasses grimaced with rage as he bellowed.

“The Nether King's Hall?”

Jiang Hao was taken aback upon hearing this. It was his second encounter with the name Nether King's Hall.

And it was Gu Quanzhong and his brothers who hailed from there!

Yet, even in the face of the world's second-largest mercenary organization, the Nether King's Hall, the woman numbered nine stood her ground, her voice icy.

“Nether King's Hall, nothing but a pack of rats!”

“This is Hua country, the Lv Family bows to no one!”

“The Lv Family, they're not from Tianhee City, are they?”

Jiang Hao racked his brain but came up empty. He had never heard of them!

But now was not the time for such thoughts.

Jiang Hao observed the squabbling factions, who seemed to have forgotten he was even there!

A smirk played on his lips as he casually opened the car door, saying,

“Come on, you're all here for the Baiqi Killing Sword, right?”

“Let me fetch it for you!”

Jiang Hao's move immediately drew the attention of both parties.

They quickly drew their pistols, aiming at Jiang Hao.

“Kid, no funny business. Hand over the Baiqi Killing Sword, now!”

“Little brother, think this through. If you give them the sword, they won't give a damn about your fate!”

The argument between them was relentless!

At that moment, Jiang Hao retrieved a long wooden case from the car.

Facing the guns pointed at him, Jiang Hao feigned distress.

“There's only one Baiqi Killing Sword and two of you. Who should I give it to?”

Both parties eyed the wooden case in Jiang Hao's hands, their greed palpable.

Then, the man in sunglasses fixed his gaze on Jiang Hao and declared,

“Kid, we're the Nether King's Hall, the second most formidable mercenary group in the world. The Lv Family is nothing to us, not even worth our notice!”

“Think it through—cross the Nether King's Hall, and you and your family will face relentless pursuit. The Lv Family can't shield you from that!”

The man in sunglasses issued his threat.

At his words, Lv Yingyu's face contorted with displeasure.

“How despicable!”

The man's words rang with bitter truth. The Lv Family wielded considerable power in Hua, yet they couldn't possibly fend off the Nether King's Hall's relentless pursuit of Jiang Hao, a man unrelated to them.

A glint of ice flashed in Jiang Hao's eyes.

The man in sunglasses, who dared to use his family as leverage, was as good as dead to him.

Not even his affiliation with the world's second-largest mercenary group, the Nether King's Hall, would save him.

Jiang Hao's face was a mask of grim resolve as he addressed the man in shades.

“Fine, take the sword!”

With those words, Jiang Hao launched the wooden box skyward, sending it spinning towards the man in sunglasses.

All eyes locked onto the soaring box.

The man in sunglasses, catching sight of the wooden box hurtling his way, was ecstatic.

Lv Yingyu, meanwhile, was consumed by frustration, stamping her feet in a fit of rage.

But in that instant, a flicker of cold light sparked in Jiang Hao's hand.


As the crowd fixated on the wooden box, Jiang Hao's hand whipped out with lightning speed before snapping back.


Amidst a chorus of screams, the ten gunmen aiming at Jiang Hao felt their hands grow heavy, and their weapons clattered to the ground.

As the wooden box descended, the man in sunglasses instinctively caught it, then rolled behind the car with a swift somersault.

The others were quick to react, scattering in panic, each seeking shelter and concealment.

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