One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 321

Chapter 321 - The Night Is Dark and Windy When You Kill People and Set Fire

“Did Miss Xue come by herself?”

Jiang Hao's unexpected inquiry left everyone momentarily confused.

Still, Xue Zixi responded honestly.

“I was accompanied by my driver and bodyguard.”

Just then, Uncle Hai arrived, waving to them from his car.

Jiang Hao and the group approached Uncle Hai, exchanging greetings.

Upon seeing Uncle Hai's vehicle, Jiang Hao's eyes sparkled with interest.

“Miss Xue, it seems to be getting late. Renjie, please accompany Miss Xue in Uncle Soong's car and ensure she gets home safely on my behalf.”

Both Xue Zixi and Jia Renjie, quick-witted as they were, sensed something was off with Jiang Hao since he appeared. They chimed in unison,

“We'll follow Mr. Jiang's instructions!”

Jiang Hao nodded in approval.

“Renjie, Uncle Hai, I'm counting on you two today.”

Uncle Hai, who had served as the Jade King's bodyguard for over a decade, had a keenness unmatched by the average person.

Jiang Hao's implications were clear, and Uncle Hai understood them perfectly.

“Understood, Mr. Jiang. You have my assurance.”

Jiang Hao then turned to everyone with a smile.

“Alright, let's get going!”

“Everyone, please board the car!”

Soong Wan, sensing the tension, expressed her concern.

“Brother Hao, why not join us?”

Hearing this, Jiang Hao offered reassurance.

“Wan'er, dear, I have some matters to attend to, so I can't accompany you. Plus, my car is still over there.”

He gently ushered Soong Wan into the car, waved goodbye to the group, and reminded them with care,

“Drive safely!”

Watching the cars pull away, Jiang Hao looked up at the night sky and mused to himself,

“A dark moon and a brisk wind make for an opportune time for darker deeds.”

He then made his way back to his own car and drove off in the opposite direction from Uncle Hai and the others.

As Jiang Hao departed, a succession of luxury cars flickered to life, trailing behind him at a leisurely pace.

Jiang Hao's journey took him straight to a vast demolition site in Tianhee City.

Before long, someone sped past Jiang Hao and cut in front of him, while another vehicle quickly closed in from behind, blocking any chance of retreat.

With no other option, Jiang Hao was forced to bring his car to a halt.

Then, several individuals emerged from the cars ahead and behind, quickly forming a standoff.

To Jiang Hao's astonishment, he detected a faint presence of martial prowess emanating from each of them.

This was quite the surprise; in the nearly two months since he'd acquired the system, he had encountered only four martial cultivators in total.

Yet today, unexpectedly, a whole group of them had appeared out of nowhere!

The situation was becoming increasingly intriguing.

A slight smile played on Jiang Hao's lips as he stepped out of his vehicle.

No sooner had he alighted than a man from the car ahead emerged, gun in hand, and aimed it at Jiang Hao with a frosty command.

“Kid, hand over the Baiqi Killing Sword!”

Jiang Hao recognized the man immediately; he was the same one who had vied for the Baiqi Killing Sword at the auction, the man with the shades.

The others, too, were familiar faces from the auction, all previous contenders for the sword.

The woman with the number nine was also there.

Upon hearing the demand, she hastily interjected.

“Sir, don't give them the sword. Your safety is only assured if you give it to me!”

“Besides, I'm willing to pay a billion for that sword!”

Jiang Hao paid no mind to their squabble.

Instead, he surveyed the scene with a keen interest, noting that the ten individuals were split into two distinct groups.

One was led by the man with the sunglasses, a smaller group of four.

The other group was aligned with the number nine woman, comprising six members.

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