One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 319

Chapter 319 - Pill of Grass and Wood Skyhigh Price

At that moment, the auctioneer began with the introduction.

“This extraordinary pill, as described by our client, is known as the Grass Pill.”

“It encapsulates the essence of numerous herbs and plants, drawing upon the spiritual energies of the earth and sky.

Take it, and you will instantly return to the youthful visage of your twenties, with the added benefit of maintaining that appearance for five years!”

“We've conducted various tests on Xiao Jie, who has taken this remarkable pill, and the results are clear for all to see.

“The client's description is no exaggeration whatsoever!”

The auctioneer's announcement sent a wave of astonishment rippling through the audience!

Such a miraculous effect was simply astounding!

Sensing the crowd was primed, the auctioneer continued.

“For this auction, the consignor has provided a total of 13 such miraculous pills. One has been graciously used to demonstrate the pill's extraordinary properties without conditions!”

“That leaves us with only 12 miraculous pills now!”

“Moving forward, these 12 pills will be split into three sets, with four pills in each set, to be auctioned consecutively!”

“Now, we shall commence the auction for the first set of four Grass Pills!”

“Bidding starts at five million…”

Before the auctioneer could finish, a bidder preemptively raised their paddle, exclaiming,

“Six million!”

Bids continued to cascade in without pause for the auctioneer to confirm each new offer.

“Seven million!”

“Eight million!”

“Ten million!”


After an intense bidding war, the price for the first set of four Grass Pills skyrocketed from an initial one million to a staggering 80 million!

Jiang Hao watched, his eyes nearly popping out of his head!

Yet, the price continued its ascent!

Among the bidders, Number Nine—who had previously vied with Jiang Hao for the Baiqi Killing Sword—and another wealthy lady were the most aggressive contenders.

“One hundred million!”

In a bold move, Number Nine upped the bid by twenty million, hitting the one hundred million mark!

The wealthy lady with paddle number six was not about to back down.

“130 million!”

Number Nine seemed resolute.

“200 million!”

With that bid, the price shot up to an astonishing 200 million!

The wealthy lady appeared taken aback by Number Nine's audacity!

After a fierce glare at Number Nine, she finally, and somewhat reluctantly, ceased bidding.

After all, this wasn't the only set up for auction!

As the bidding by the wealthy socialite ceased, the auctioneer, unable to contain his excitement, repeated the bid three times in quick succession.

The woman with the number nine badge watched anxiously until the gavel finally came down, signaling the end of the auction.

It was only then that she allowed herself a sigh of relief.

Soon after, the second set came up for auction, sparking a fresh wave of fervent bidding that made the previous round seem tame by comparison.

Even the couple with the number six paddle from earlier joined in the fray.

Remarkably, Xue Zixi, the Jade King, Du Feifei, and Jia Renjie threw their hats into the ring as well!

Witnessing this spectacle, Jiang Hao was at a loss for words.

In that moment, even Soong Wan, who stood nearby, couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement as she watched the Jade King place his bids.

Jiang Hao was dumbfounded. It seemed that the love of beauty was indeed an innate trait among women!

How old was Soong Wan, anyway? And with her delicate features, she hardly needed it!

By the time she did need it, he might be able to procure something far superior to the Grass Pill!

Besides, the 13 pills he had were not his only stock; he had several bottles of the Grass and Wood Pill with him!

Given their relationship, he could simply gift them a few pills.

However, he had to admit, it was his own oversight that the others were unaware he was the source of the Grass-Wood Pills.

At that moment, the price for the second set had skyrocketed to 200 million!

Seeing Xue Zixi, Jia Renjie, and the Jade King still eager to bid, Jiang Hao grew increasingly worried.

Then, as if struck by a sudden revelation, his eyes gleamed with a bright idea.

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