One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 318

Chapter 318 - He Slapped down the Baiqi Killing Sword and the Grass and Wood Pill Appeared!

The auctioneer, brimming with excitement, echoed Jiang Hao's offer.

“One hundred million! Bidder number 12 has offered one hundred million! Do we have any higher offers?”

Silence met the auctioneer's call.

Maybe it was Jiang Hao's resolute determination that deterred the others.

Perhaps some believed the hundred million price tag far exceeded the sword's intrinsic value!

Or maybe there was a fear that fierce bidding would draw undue attention to the Baiqi Killing Sword, causing some to hold their bids.

Regardless, after Jiang Hao's hundred-million bid, no one else stepped forward.

With the auctioneer's call repeated thrice, the gavel finally struck.

“Congratulations to gentleman number 12 for acquiring the Wu An Lord's Killing Sword for the impressive sum of one hundred million!”

Jiang Hao acknowledged the win with a nod.

The auction proceeded, and several other items found new owners at standard prices.

Had it not been for Jiang Hao's introduction of the Grass-Wood Pill and the Erlong Circus Pearl Emperor Night Light Cup, these items might have fetched higher sums.

But with those two extraordinary treasures now in play, many wealthy bidders had shifted their focus, making the subsequent prices seem quite ordinary.

Next, a woman in a qipao gracefully approached, carrying a tray.

Jiang Hao caught sight of the tray-bearing beauty and was momentarily taken aback, then appeared to grasp the situation.

The auctioneer spoke with an air of intrigue.

“Now, please direct your attention to the big screen!”

His words barely faded when a video began to play on the massive screen behind him.

The footage showed the entire process of a cleaning lady testing the Vegetation Pill, carefully edited to exclude any reference to Jiang Hao.

As the video concluded, the examination results flashed on the screen, eliciting gasps from the crowd.

The auctioneer, with a knowing smile, addressed the audience.

“I suspect many of you have already figured it out!”

“Yes, the item up for auction is the very same miraculous pill featured in the video.”

“Some may question the video's veracity, but rest assured, no special effects were used—the video's content is entirely authentic!”

He then turned to address the woman with the tray.

“Xiao Jie, please introduce yourself to everyone!”

The tray-bearing beauty stepped forward, bowing gracefully to the crowd before she began to speak.

“Hello, everyone. My name is Xiao Jie, and I'm forty-two years old. I was once a cleaning lady!”

“I'm the fortunate woman from the video you just saw!”

As her words ended, various pieces of evidence flashed across the large screen.

The audience, making the comparison between her and the woman in the video, collectively inhaled sharply.


“It's unbelievable!”

“To call it an Immortal Pill wouldn't be an overstatement!”


In that moment, many in the crowd gazed at the three jade bottles in the hands of the tray-holding beauty, their eyes alight with avarice.

Among them, three mysterious individuals who had previously harbored murderous intentions towards Jiang Hao began to stir restlessly.

But just then, as if a thought struck them, they managed to rein in their surging emotions.

Jiang Hao, catching the murmurings of the crowd, allowed a secretive smile to cross his face.

It seemed he had indeed underestimated the worth of the Grass Wood Pill.

The auctioneer then took the floor to provide an introduction.

“This remarkable pill, as described by our client, is known as the Grass Wood Pill.”

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