Offer To The CEO

Chapter 599: Taking control of the Legal Team - Part 13

599 Taking control of the Legal Team - Part 13

***Warning, material in this chapter is not suitable for readers under the age of 18***

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Jane Gang accompanied by Lu Jingho who had just had his appointment with the psychologist walked into a meeting room in the legal firm where her senior partner and the other members of the team were waiting to further discuss his matter.?They had, previously discussed that he needed to be here for this meeting, but she would do what she could to get him out of here quickly.

Given her opening statement, they were able to get through the keep planning steps that was needed quickly along with the general direction for those negotiating to reach deals with the various co-called victims.?As they discussed, not all the deals that were being negotiated would be finalized, but those currently being done when they were all finished would bring the number of charges down to around two hundred, which they agreed to further review and work out how to address them.

At the end of the meeting, the senior partner said, "Miss Gang, could I have a few moments of your and Mr Lu's time in my office."

Jane knew exactly what this would be about. The text message that she had received on Friday. Over the weekend, she spoke with Lu Jingho on how to deal with this. Firstly, and most importantly then needed to address the professional issue their legal relationship created. As Jane knew, dealing with the senior partner would ensure that that would cause no problems.

However, Lu Jingho knew when she said, that he was interested in her, that he could better manipulate the situation, ensuring that he would get everything he wanted and maintained the control he needed in the proceedings.?Before he had engaged the firm, he had investigated the senior partners and selected the one that he was most certain of being able to manipulate in the proceedings with someone.?His investigator was the best, and he had in his possession significant blackmail material to keep control.

Jane however had given him the idea about the rest of the material he could get and selling it to her as a means to ensure her career protection, he thought was a masterstroke.

As they walked behind the senior partner into his office Lu Jingho whispered, "Are you ready to set this all in place?"

The whispered response was "I am." Jane realised to Lu Jingho she needed him to feel he was in complete control of everything even though itvwas not the case. But dealing with the Senior Partner she knew would work for both of them.

"Good, but when we are ready, we will give him a little taste of something to hook him in."

"Whatever you want," came the response. Lu Jingho had to stop himself smirking.?These lawyers had not realised that he was playing with them.

As they entered the partner's office, and sat down Jane, following their plans pulled out the agreement formalizing their relationship and said "Before you say anything, you need to read this copy of an original document. As soon as you do, you will understand the professional matter we have to address."

With that, having quietly loosened the wrap around dress, Jane stood up and leaned over to hand to the senior partner the agreement, while ensuring he could see her breasts under the now loose dress.

As she sat back down, she observed that the Senior Partner had reacted to what he had seen and paused before turning to read what he had been handed. Within a couple of minutes, he had read the agreement and said, "This is the cost for you to get something that you are not qualified for Miss Gang?"

Lu Jingho, having already predicted the response immediately spat back "No.?You had no idea.?As I said in the written instructions, confirmed in that meeting before and are confirming to you again, Jane here unlike the rest of you is thinking on how to address everything, rather than solely on negotiating and getting agreements to get rid of the charges.?Yes, that is damn well important, but she is thinking about dealing with the ones that we cannot negotiate away.?Strategic thinking that no one else has demonstrated.?That is why I made my decision.?The other has nothing to do with it.?I was thinking that I might have had to appoint new lawyers before interacting with Jane who made me matters regarding the case clearer."

Looking at the senior partner, Lu Jingho knew he had him. He had, through the conduct of the case already established a level of lack of trust in the lawyers; now these words made it sink in.?They knew how much money he was willing to pour into the case, and that was something that they did not want to lose.

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