Offer To The CEO

Chapter 598: Taking control of the Legal Team - Part 12

598 Taking control of the Legal Team - Part 12

Friday, continued …

Alister Nang, on his arrival at Hou Enterprises for his appointment with Hou Yi was immediately shown to his office, where surprisingly he found Anna there as well.?As the door was closed Anna turned to Alister seeing a look she hated seeing on other lawyer's faces, and quickly asked "Alister you look like you have some bad news.?Tell us what it is?"

"CEO and Madam Hou, I will be keeping this reasonable brief as I have to meet CEO and Madam Yao later.?Early this morning I received a call from another client, whose name I will not be divulging for their own protection, giving me some concerning news.?I have been attempting to verify this all day without little success, save and except one part which may help make some sense of it."

Hou Yi wanting to get Anna home early today, snapped "Well what is it??Anna has not been feeling well today, and we held off leaving for this meeting."

"Sorry CEO Hou someone should have told me, and I would have made other arrangements to see you.?Cutting a long story short, I had been ignoring the only female lawyer on Lu Jingho's legal team, a woman by the name of Jane Gang.?The team have filed paperwork to indicate that this junior lawyer has been appointed as the head of his legal team.?I figured that might happen at some time, as for him having a female as front and centre of his legal team would help him if the matter goes to a trial but it works well on the public relations side of the matter as well."

"The call I received puts a different connotation on the situation, particularly after some information I received from the police station.?During his interview with his lawyers yesterday, the male lawyers accompanying Miss Gang were asked to leave the room, and she sat beside Lu Jingho.?There are rooms for lawyers to talk to detained clients without recording devices, in which the police can watch the people in there through a one-way mirror to protect people if necessary.?They were in one of these rooms, and they sat very close together for a long period of time."

"Eventually when they left the room, Miss Gang announced in front of police members to her colleagues that Lu Jingho had decided she was to be the head of his legal team. My client, who made the call I mentioned, works at a s*x shop in the city. There are a few of these s*x shops throughout the country that have legal exemptions for the shop and the private rooms attached to them, where people can engage in group s*x and other s*xual activities with other adults without breaking the law. My caller identified Mr and Madam Lu easily and indicted that the woman who accompanied them, who was referred to as Miss Wang and as Lu Jingho's mistress was with them. My caller however identified her as a lawyer that was in footage, she was earlier that day on television, which means it was Miss Gang."

"Whatever happened in the shop, would have been between consenting adults, and normally it would not worry me, but if it is true that Miss Gang is s*xually involved with Lu Jingho it will seriously impact the case.?When she was close to graduation my firm seriously sort to recruit her as she is a very competent lawyer."

"She has on the new charges convinced the court to allow them to obtain a psychological report on Mr Lu, which will likely say what she wants it to say, fitting into his delusions of persecution that he is spouting, but will work that into all the other matters to minimise and penalty the courts will consider imposing on him.?If she is involved with the Lu's she will not apply a level of objectivity to the case ..."

"Meaning everything will drag out. Damn him.?his son has made my life a misery, not he wants to do this to me as well.?He deserves to rot in jail."

Hou Yi however was more interested in finding out the truth "Alister, we have some private investigators on staff we use when we feel other companies, we work with may be defrauding us.?If you need me to, I can task them to assist you with the investigations."

"Thank you, CEO Hou.?I have raised my concerns with the National Prosecutors, and while they are concerned their view is that unless Miss Gang has no objectivity in the case, they cannot petition the caught for her removal.?I disagree with that, but given they are not willing to properly investigate the situation I have to find the evidence to have her removed."

"Assistant Wang will show you down to meet the investigators, and you can task them to do what you need.?If there is nothing else we will leave you alone, and otherwise meet you at court next Friday."

"Just one thing, are you alright with me representing a Mr Tang Din and a staff member who were assaulted Wednesday by Lu Jingho?"

Hou Yi was forwarded in this.?When he had spoken to Tang Din earlier in the week, he offered Alister's details if it became necessary "Alister, we have no problem.?In fact, I had suggested him if he had issued with Lu Jingho that resulted in criminal matters to contact you.?Tell Yao Tan, that I agree when you ask him the same question that I have no problem with you representing him."

With that Hou Yi carefully helped Anna to her feet, before picking up his briefcase, her handbag, briefcase and their laptop bags and heading out of the office.?As he paused at Assistant Wang's desk, two bodyguards came forward taking the bags, and Hou Yi made the arrangements with Assistant Wang to introduce Alister Nang to the investigators on staff. He and anna walked out of the office and headed home, talking about Alister's news.?they both realised there was little that could be done until they had a firm answer on Alister's suspicions though.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

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