Offer To The CEO

Chapter 484: Marking Time - Part 3

484 Marking Time - Part 3

Thursday, continued …

Snake after a few minutes of silence turned saying "Damn, I did not think it would happen so quickly."

Anna responded "But it could not happen to anyone so deserving. The question is will Lu Jinhu gave on his father?"

Lion responded "From what I have heard, he is well and truly sick of his father and his attitude of blaming him for everything.?Apparently while he is serving his home detention, he is working hard to complete the remaining three units for his Masters of Business Administration from Monash University."

Hearing that Anna who had just taken a sip of water spat it out and responded with a surprised "What!"

"You did not know??I was surprised when I first heard it, but I have verified it.?He had, over the last few years quietly completed a Masters by research and most of his MBA.?He has had his thesis approved for a doctoral degree by research and wants to finalise his MBA as well."

"Damn him. That I had no idea, the …"

Hou Yi immediately noticed that Anna was getting more and more angry, and quietly whispered "Sweetheart you know you need to keep calm."

Anna took a few deep breaths, while Lion continued "He has been taking the home detention seriously, but Yang Lin, has had her period of home detention extended by three weeks.?She has used the excuse of appointments to be out four of five days per week.?Apparently with the help of a specialist she had been claiming due to the stress and concerns with her pregnancy, massages to help manage her stress three times per week are needed, as well as allowing her to have one beauty treatment per week, plus seeking him."

Amanda, could not believe what she was hearing "That is so blatant in getting around it."

"Well apparently, and this is what King found out, the specialists opinion which was backed up by a psychologist was that even the home detention has been causing her significant stress.?They have been advocating for a balancing act of her restrictions due to her criminal actions and the risks to her pregnancy."

"The prison authorities had independent assessments as to her pregnancy risks and psychological state undertaken, and while they confirmed the risks the conclusion was the de-stressing treatments would have the same effect conducted in their home as in outside facilities. Once she was safe, outside her first trimester they stood their ground and told the specialist and the psychologist that needing those things was well and good, but a massage therapist would have to come on for her to have her massages as well as the beauty therapist for her treatment."

Pausing, Anna struggled to prevent herself both from laughing on one hand and exploding in anger on the other.?"I suppose being caught out could not happen to anyone nicer," came a sarcastic response.

"True" immediately responded Amanda.

Snake looked down at his watch and signalled to Lion that they needed to leave. As they were leaving, he turned and said "Let us know if you need help on the weekend. Once the raid is over with, we can arrange for extra guards if you need it."

Hou Yi and Yao Tan simply nodded as they all left the room.

As the door shut, Amanda looked at Hou Yi and Anna, and noticed, something that she had not really paid attention to in the office. Anna was always either drinking water, fruit juice or herbal teas.

As Anna went to stand up and leave, Amanda spoke "Do not think you can easily get away you two.?Something is going on. Plus, Alecia told me you had a couple of bouts of vomiting last week and steered away from certain types of food.?Do I have to ask her and James when we speak to them next or will you two talk."

Anna and Hou Yi looked at each other. However, before either of them could say something, something clicked for Yao Tan. What Alecia told them, the water when everyone else had coffee or tea, Hou Yi's over protectiveness of Anna.?That could only mean one thing, it was the same when his then girlfriend fell pregnant with the triplets. "Damn it you two. You are taking risks with Anna being pregnant."

Anna with a deadpan look on her face immediately responded, "I will not confirm or deny that."

Yao Tan however turned to Hou Yi, and could immediately read in his face, that he had guessed right. "Anna, you might be able to hide it, but your husband has completely given it away. And I guess that you have not told the police or anyone about it. How far along are you?"

Hou Yi leaned over to Anna and whispered, "I think we will have to tell the truth." He then gave her a brief kiss.

Anna turned and quietly said "Ok". With that Hou Yi picked up her hand and gave her palm a kiss.

Anna turned and said "Well outside medical staff and Yi's parents you are the first to know. And if you damn well tell anyone before we tell the rest of our families, we will kill you. If they find out you knew before you, they will kill us once the baby is born. And before you push too far, I am about ten weeks pregnant."

"You got pregnant about the time you landed in hospital?"

"Yes. And as a result, it is an even highly riskier pregnancy other than normal."

After that piece of news, they simply sat talking for a period of time before Yao Tan had to leave to return the XF International.

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