Offer To The CEO

Chapter 483: Marking Time - Part 2

483 Marking Time - Part 2

Thursday, continued …

"Additionally, we have the information that CEO and Madam Hou provided us with from the Lu Corporation Board meeting.?We have started investigating the board members not surprised about what was exposed as being found during the raid.?They have, through the same means that has been flowing most of the money from the club, been providing them with money as well.?It also seems that those exact same channels are flowing them some money from the underage brothels as well."

"With the footage, audio and statement Mr Gan and Mr Mo and your associates there have obtained with the additional information Madam Yao through your discussions with the young recruits to the joint venture CEO's Hou and Yao have established with your companies we are going to conduct raids on the two identified sites on the weekend.?We do not want to conduct the raids unless?Lu Jingho and Rong Jingye are present inside one of them when we take it down."

"We do not want either of them to try and blame others for what is found.?As Rong Jingye is already trying to save himself over the raid on the club, he will easily turn and give us the evidence to bring down those at the centre of the scheme. At this point we suspect he is somewhere towards the centre, as is Lu Jingho and a couple of his cousins who are in the Lu Corporation Entertainment division."

"What is it you need from us?"

"Thinking about things, we need to address matters in different ways.?Mr Gan and Mr Mo, we need you and your team to remaining doing what you have been doing the last few weeks, and as soon as you have confirmation over the weekend which of the two sites that Lu Jingho and Rong Jingye are in, and that they are engaging in activities, let us know, as that will trigger the raids. We will use you to assist us in conducting the raids."

"CEO and Madam Hou, CEO and Madam Yao what we have figured out is we need you to act to ensure sufficient pressure is placed on Lu Corporation's entertainment division.?That will add stress to Mr Lu.?We also know there is a Charity Dinner and Auction on Saturday night.?Our thought, if you are willing to cooperate is to publicly push the Lu's, Rong's and Yang's to the side.?You could approach the hosts based on the disclosures relating to the club to do that."

"We have been speaking to a psychologist who believes, in particularly what CEO and Madam Hou have been doing over the last few months has been pushing Lu Jingho to extremes.?The view is that if you push him on there he will be driven, with Rong Jingye to visit the underage brothel either Saturday or Sunday night."

The officer looked around the room at everyone, and then continued.?"WE have also been speaking to the National Prosecutors Office, and in addition to the charges that have been laid against Lu Jingho for his actions towards both CEO and Madam Hou, there is evidence for a number of charges relating to his activities with underage girls.?The numbers of those charges will ultimately depend on what we find out from the discussions with victims after the raid."

"Additionally, the DNA testing results have come back, and we have clear DNA profiles as to the attack on your daughter CEO Yao.?Using a sample from Lu Jinhu we have been able to prove that he was not responsible for the physical attack, but a close family member was.?That clearly supports the veracity of footage that he provided indicating that his father and Rong Jingye were responsible for the attack."

"We have finally negotiated another interview with Lu Jinhu with the prison authorities for tomorrow, and hopefully that will provide us with additional information.?Once he has been to speak to us, the prison authorities, until after we raid the venues, will ban everyone from either entering or leaving the property.?That will include staff, and other than allowing the staff to telephone their families to advise what is happening all communications will be cut off."

"This is about preventing leaks about the raid, and the charges that also will be coming Lu Corporation's way.?CEO Hou, as you and Madam Hou have shares in Lu Corporation, we also have confirmation from the stock exchange and other relevant authorities, given your role in the investigation, if you sell any shares you will not be subject to charges for doing so given the information you have."

"The one thing we would suggest that needs to happen is security around your daughter CEO Yao, and each of you CEO Hou, Madam Hou, CEO Yao and Madam Yao needs to be increased until the criminal law process is done. There are indications from the raid on the club that criminal gangs are also involved, but that is still not confirmed. The last thing anyone needs is you targeted."

"Now, does anyone have any questions?"

Around the room, people started looking at each other, simply shaking their heads. With that the police took their leave and exited the room.

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