Offer To The CEO

Chapter 463: Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 4

463 Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 4

Wednesday, continued …

CEO Lu already incensed at their presence retorted "More fool him.Now the two of you get the hell out of my company?"

Despite Hou Yi's warning, Anna decided to continue the verbal sparing to drag him down."Your company, I thought it was the shareholders company.I did not know you owned all the shares.So then everyone present here is here by mistake then."

Hou Yi observed CEO Yang, and members of the Lu Family who were present in the room.While they were furious that Anna was baiting CEO Lu, but at the same time were worried about him wanting to push them out of the company.Their body language however told him that they wanted to see where this ended up.

"You b*tch, it damn well is my company, it has my name on it."

"It also has the name of the gentleman over there," pointing in the direction of the Lu family members in the room."From what I understand …"

"You understand nothing, you w*ore.How could you understand business, with the little knowledge you have."The angry and aggressive undertone in his voice was obvious to anyone in the room.

"I just happen to work for one of the leading corporate law firms in Australia, which you well and truly know.I guess it must run in the family…"

"Do not say anything about my family, you have no right."

"I absolutely have a right, given what your son has done, and as I was saying it runs in the family."

"Shut up" screamed CEO Lu

"Idiocy, your son is an idiot and I see he got it from you."

Hou Yi was observing his wife and could not believe how calm and serene she was, even when she was insulting CEO Lu.He had obviously lost the argument before she started.He was so proud of how she was winning the argument without resulting to insults, raised voices or using language.

He looked at the others in the room.Yang Lin's father did not give a care, but that was fine as they already viewed her as scum of the earth that had dared to stand up to their princess.The CEO Yang was sitting there stunned, at how quickly Anna had gotten him to the point he was angry, aggressive and abusive towards a woman in a board meeting being recorded.He nodded at Hou Yi, which hou Yi took as a signal that whatever they did he would support them.

The Lu family members could not believe the actions of their CEO and head of the main branch of the family.Yes, he was a good businessman, but at the same time his flaws were being pulled into the view of everyone one the room.

"My son and I are not f*cking idiots, you are the idiot for falling for his scheme."

"I might have been, but at least I have an excuse.e started his manipulation of me as a 16-year-old, when he was, what 19, 20?But I eventually saw through him, what is your excuse, senility?Stupidity? Or just plain arrogance?"

"What" screamed CEO Lu.I am not stupid, you little girl, I am a well-respected businessman, unlike that husband of yours there."

Anna immediately felt Hou Yi start to react beside her.She gently shook her head and placed her hand on his arm."Well respected businessman, I doubt that.How come so many companies are dropping Lu Corporation domestically.If you were that well respected …"

"Screw you."

"Well I guess I missed out something, you are vulgar too.But," with a smile on her face and looking directly at Hou Yi "We all know what you mean, and that is my husband's job alone, so dream all you like I would not touch you for all the gold in the world."

With that to hammer home her words, Anna turned to Hou Yi who was directly looking at her, and leaned over, placing her hands on his face and starting a passionate kiss with him there and then in front of everyone.Reluctantly a minute of so later, Anna gently pulled back, and Hou Yi grabbed her hand and gave it a kiss before she turned to directly look at CEO Lu again.

He was obviously angry about the display of passion between Anna and Hou Yi in front of everyone."You two are degenerates."

"Well, we are still in the honeymoon phase of our marriage, and given what your son," with that Anna pointed to CEO Lu "and their daughter" pointing to Mr and Mrs Yang "Have put me through over the last two months, what did you expect."

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