Offer To The CEO

Chapter 462: Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 3

462 Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 3

Wednesday, continued …

Two minutes before 11am, the car carrying Anna and Hou Yi pulled up outside Lu Corporation and they promptly exited the car with bodyguards surrounding them, one carrying a briefcase the Hou Yi.As they reached the door three Lu Corporation security guards blocked their entry, with one stating "CEO Hou you need to leave as you have no right or reason to be here."

At the nod of Hou Yi, the bodyguard carrying the briefcase pulled out a folder labelled entry, and opened it before handing three pieces of paper from the folder to the security guards.As soon as they started to read the pages, Anna observed the change in the look on their face.She knew that these documents, without seeing them, guaranteed their entry.

Hou Yi spoke "Gentlemen, we have every right to enter, now you can escort us to the boardroom there the board meeting, as we have every right to attend."

The security guard who spoke had seen the same papers earlier on with CEO Yang, so knew they were legitimate, and they could not prevent them from entering the building and being escorted to the meeting room.

Handing the documents back, he knew that there was no option but to escort them to the meeting, but at the same time he was worried.He had heard about the last two confrontations CEO Lu had with these two, which worked out poorly for him and their presence would mean that fireworks would happen in the board meeting.They turned and escorted Hou Yi and Anna towards the second top floor where the large meeting room was and the board meeting was occurring.As they arrived Hou Yi noticed that it as 11:10am.

Meanwhile, right on 11am, CEO Lu opened the board meeting and those present in the meeting were recorded as being at the meeting.In addition to himself there was Yang Lin's father, CEO Yang his cousin and head of the Yang Group, various Lu Family members, and officials from Lu Corporation being the Chief Financial Officer, the share registry manager, the Head of the Legal Department and two secretaries to record the minutes.

Once those present were confirmed, it turned to the Share Registry Manager to confirm the ownership of various parcels.He was worried as CEO Lu had refused to speak to him prior to the meeting, which would have allowed him to confirm the most recent change in ownership.He observed that CEO Lu was looking around and concerned that the owners of the twenty-five percent he knew the change in ownership of was not present nor those who he expected to be there owning the fifteen percent that had changed hands just before the meeting.

Taking a deep breath, he started to speak."CEO Lu, I had tried to speak to you before the meeting, but at 10am this morning I received paperwork from the four shareholders who owned fifteen percent of the shares that transferred them to new owners.Other than a five percent off-market deal which was initially to the Seven Shades Group, which was sold to a company called KI, the balance were all on market transfers."

"Those from on market sales were two and a half percent to each two companies Hi Lo and InTurn, both of which had previously brought five percent and the balance was to KI, bringing KI's stake to ten percent, and Hi Lo and InTurn to each of five percent.Those stakes give those companies along with WFT International rights to be represented at the meetings, but all I have been advised that their representatives will attend the meeting with the paperwork to confirm their appointment."

CEO Lu, somewhat worried said "You have no idea who in the world is their representative?"

"Sir, as I said all we have been told is their representatives will be at the meeting, and provide the evidence.I believe, but this is only my guess, is that it will be the owner or directors of the companies attending.But there was indications that they might be slightly late to the meeting."

"Gentleman," started CEO Lu, "given that these are new shareholders," and turned to the secretaries "Please make sure that this is recorded properly in the minutes, we will give them until 11.15am to arrive otherwise we will end this meeting, which has been called for no reason."

With that everyone in the meeting room heard a noise and saw the door open, and in walk Hou Yi and Anna followed by one of the bodyguards who was carrying the brief case.

As soon as CEO Lu saw them walk in, he yelled "What in the F*ck are you doing here, you have no right or reason to be here, let along that w*ore who is standing beside you."

Anna, tensed but immediately spoke "Always a pleasure to see someone who has no manners and abuses women.It is no wonder where your son learnt his manners from, given you display none."

"You b*tch, shut the f*ck up."

"Temper, temper.I am happy to play the same game as we played the last time we met, and I will guarantee the same outcome if you want to play."Hou Yi stood beside his wife working hard not to burst out laughing at the exchange.Anna was definitely in a fiery mood and it would be great to watch if is happened.

"Just go away and leave business to the real men, which does not include that idiot of a husband, who does not treat you like a real man."

"No, he treats me like a human and the love of his life, something I do not think you have the grasp on,"

Hou Yi placed a hand on Anna's arm to signal to her to settle down they had something bigger to deal with.

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