Offer To The CEO

Chapter 456: Planning for the Lu Corporation Board Meeting - part 6

456 Planning for the Lu Corporation Board Meeting - part 6

Friday, continued …

Lion continued to say what they knew "From what we have determined based on the prices on the service menu, that those in control provide to the brothel customers, the girls in there each minimal amounts off their debts, most only earning one percent if they are lucky of the price off their multi million dollar debt.Most girls for a menu item worth twenty thousand are lucky to earn two hundred off the debt."

"They only seem, after they are charged for incidentals seem to earn enough to service the interest on the debt and a little bit off the debt.It is designed to trap the girls in the brothel, servicing high value clientele.From the girls we have spoken to, in the brothel the rumour is when they cannot service the high value clientele they are then moved to a lower class of brothel where they can be required to service three, four or more clients in the day, for two or three years when their debts suddenly disappear and they are let go.From what they have heard the activities are more risky there and include bondage, S&M and unprotected activities just to name a few."

"As they are not allowed out of the control of the brothel managers, complaining to the police while they are trapped is impossible, as they would be afforded legal protections.Complaining once they are released will have them criminally charged for the activities they were forced into and those who use them are unlikely to be charged."

Lion paused to look at the faces around him.Anna, Amanda, Hou Yi and Yao Tan all had levels of shock on their face.

He took a deep breath and continued "The problem is that despite the girls being willing to talk to our men none of them are willing to go to the police.We had a meeting with our contact yesterday, and their position is that there is little that can be done on that side at this time.We need to gather more statements from the victims, try and convince some of them to come forward and obtain actual footage of underage girls being involved in s*xual activities for them to undertake a raid."

"Getting camera's in and having them broadcast is difficult, as we have to sneak things in in pieces to be put into place, while doing it so we will not be detected and that they will not be located.This will take time, so we have to continue to work at it.While doing that we will continue to obtain statements, and either getting an audio recording or filming it."

"From what we know though most of the activity in the brothels we know about occurs on Friday, Saturday and Sundays, so that also challenges us to gather evidence.One thing, which the police do not consider important at this time, but it is interesting is on Sunday Rong Jingye and CEO Lu both attended one of the warehouse brothels, where we already had men inside."

"They both selected from the menu fourteen year old girls and ordered a full service.From that night's menu the full service included them servicing the men for the whole night, oral and vaginal s*x, threesomes or foursomes, bathroom activities, use of s*x toys, and the ability to for the other to watch.They requested adjoining rooms.The two girls were terrified when they were lead away."

"Last night one of the men visited the brothel on the off chance for a 'service', and was able to select one of the girls.He sat talking to her for about three hours, and what she was saying even turned my stomach.The police have not heard that yet."

Hou Yi, having taken in everything that was said realised that none of it was useful for the board meeting.Using that information would jeopodise the police investigation.However as he pondered it could be used to quietly back CEO Lu into a corner if it was needed.

However, Hou Yi said "Gentleman, I believe that you will all have the same view that I have.Anna and I cannot use that within the board meaning."

Lizard however spoke "But you could use it quietly, if needed, to back CEO Lu into corner.He needs to go down, and you could use the I heard a rumour that you are using under-age prostitutes statement to him and see how he reacts.We all know he will not be able to control himself, particularly as he will not be expecting you to be there, and that might help to cause a reaction in the other board members to ensure that he is forced out."

Croc spoke "True.Toff but before we even started our deeper investigation there were already rumours about Lu Corporation warehouses in this area and other areas being used for other illegal activities.That is something that does not jeopardise the police investigation, and we are still looking into that but have nothing that we can pass on or that will be effective for you to use."

Snake continued "One thing the police will be doing is raiding a warehouse Lu Corporation own in the port district that they have the evidence to prove is used as a gambling club on Tuesday nights.

The police indicated that they need to know when the board meeting is so that they can act to protect you by releasing the raid information once the board meeting has commenced."

"Given your connections with Officer Mu, they will have him contact you to make arrangements to talk to you before the board meeting to provide a briefing on what can be used at the board meeting.They know we will speak about things, but it was made clear that they want you only to use what they authorise you to use as well as reporting to them after the board meeting."

Anna simply sat there and took in what was said knowing that they would be treading a fine line.Their protection was that they were temporary police officers for the investigation and had rock solid indemnities against any prosecution for acting contrary to the obligations they otherwise would owe.

Pondering what was said, Hou Yi responded "Thanks.Once we have forced the change in the CEO and board, we will sell most of the shares we purchased.King what amount of Lu COrporaiton shares do you want to buy from us?"

"Ten percent.That will enable us to influence the board and keep that b*stard away from getting control back of Lu Corporation."

"Fine.I will sell them at the price I paid for them.We both know the true long-term value of the shares.We are going to keep five percent, and the balance I will return to the market in a measured way.If I lose money, who cares given what it will have achieved."

Yao Tan spoke "Yi, I will buy five percent at the same price you sell to King.That means between us we will control twenty percent of Lu Corporation shares.Given their charter between us we can force a board meeting if we do not like what is happening and it will guarantee we can control at least one board position."

Shark then spoke "Well given we have that over, how about those of us with wives collect them, and all meet for dinner at Mama's and Papa's."

Tiger joined in "King, you cannot get out of it."

Yi looked at his watch and said "It will have to be early.Anna is accompanying me while I go to Seoul for business meetings this weekend.We have a departure slot of 10:30pm, but we need to go home first and can spend a little time."

Amanda then said "And we will go home and get Junior and Ton was well."

Tiger finalised "Lets say 5:30pm for dinner.I'll let Mama and Papa know, and they can have dinner ready for us."

Following Snake Hou Yi, Anna, YAo Tan and Amanda returned to where they had left the bodyguards.

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