Offer To The CEO

Chapter 455: Planning for the Lu Corporation Board Meeting - part 5

455 Planning for the Lu Corporation Board Meeting - part 5

Friday, continued …

After their leisurely and satisfying lunch Hou Yi and Anna arrived in the legal department.While Anna gathered her possessions Hou Yi knocked on Amanda's door, altering her to the fact that they were ready to Anna left her office, he took form her her handbag and laptop.The three of them walked to the elevator and out to the waiting car.

Before settling into the waiting car, Hou Yi turned to the two bodyguards standing outside and explained that they would remain at Mama's and Papa's restaurant while they went off for a meeting.It was obvious to both Anna and Amanda that they were angry, but at the same moment they were realistic in that they could not argue with CEO Hou.All they could do is to the best of their ability ensure that they were kept safe.

Arriving at Mama and Papa's at 2:30pm they were greeted by Mama and Papa, who came running towards them.Amanda quickly indicated that they needed a cool drink and were awaiting Yao Tan to join them.

Twenty-five minutes later as they were all finishing their drinks Yao Tan arrived and Anna, Amanda and Hou Yi all stood up to leave.Yao Tan quietly told Mama and Papa that he would visit them another day as they all had somewhere to be.The four of them slowly walked down the street, and paused outside the building that Yao Tan and the children first lived in.

Two minutes later they all heard "Bug, Queen, Empress and Toff, good to see you."

"Snake, as always" came Tan.

"Come on, we need to get this meeting on the go."

With that they all followed Snake through the alleys to the back door.As they entered the room, Anna realised that unlike the previous meeting everyone was waiting, and the room was better lit."

"Pleasure King" said Hou Yi.

"Well what in the world do you want Toff."

"Stow it King.We have gotten the board meeting at Lu Corporation Wednesday.We need to know what you guys have found out and whether or not we can use it at the meeting to push further."

Snake interrupted."King, damn it.I am sick and tired of this attitude.You lost out on that land deal four years ago to Hou Corporation, despite you thinking that you had it signed sealed and delivered.Ever since you have had it out for the Toff.We all know the deal you offered was a poor deal, and Hou Corporation simply trumped it.We all told you that at the time, but you rejected our advice.Grow up or we will consider using the power of the rest of us and remove you as CEO as we cannot deal with this petty behaviour any more."

Anna and Amanda looked at each other realising that such a simple issue was behind the attitude that King displayed.Amanda, decided enough was enough as it was straining all the relationships in the room.

Amanda quietly and determinedly said "Damn it King, you want to mess us friendships simply for a business deal that did not go your way.That would have been about the time you lost your wife but if I remember her well enough she would tell you what I am about to tell you.Grow up.Yes you missed out on a business dealt but it is not worth ruining friendships in the end.More importantly she would be blaming herself for this situation.Now …"

Anna could see Amanda's words were starting to get through to King, so she decided to pipe in."King, just think about what she is saying.While I never met your wife from what I picked up about her she was a wonderful woman who would not want you bearing grudges and ruining friendships over a business deal that did not go the way you hoped."

He paused and took a look at Anna and Amanda and knew that they were not only p*ssed off about his attitude but were right.His wife would have viewed the whole situation as they had said, the loosing of a business deal is not worth messing with friendships that will be there forever.He told himself, there was no way that he would tell the toff that he reached the same conclusion.Why give him that pleasure at that exact moment.

"Queen, Empress, I will think about what you have said, but we have more important reasons I think for being here?"

"True" came Yao Tan.

Lion the spoke "We are feeding the police daily reports for the girls that we are speaking to in the brothels.Everyone that we have spoke to so far had in their past or currently had a contract with Lu Corporation's entertainment division.Those that previously had contracts apparently run up debts as they failed in the entertainment division, and their contracts required the repayment of the costs plus penalties.When they could not pay all the sum demanded within the time frame, they were offered an opportunity to repay the amount.None of them knew what they were agreeing to until they arrived at the brothel."

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