Offer To The CEO

Chapter 385: Not Another Friday - Part 10

385 Not Another Friday - Part 10

Friday, continued …

At the front of the room, watching carefully the proceedings was Yao Tan.Despite not wanting to see his little girl move on her life, just watching her make the commitment to James reassured him that he had made the right decision, despite it breaking his heart.Yes, he loved his boys Ton and Junior, but Alecia was special and regardless of what she did she would always be his princess.

Looking at Ton and Junior, they were sulking and making it clear that they did not want to be here.In that respect they were so much like their mother, who always had to be the centre of the room, and she pouted and sulked if that did not happen.Alecia was right, they could not see anything other that themselves.

Their focus was on becoming elite athletes and he fed that dream, as much as he had fed Alecia's dream of entering the business world now and piano and dance lessons when younger.When they really talked last night, as she said, she loved playing the piano and dancing, she knew that she was skilled but had no real talent to make a career out of it.

Alecia was realistic, it was a passion but would not be a career. Real life, she knew meant she had to have a career but she could still indulge in her passions.She told him that the Ton and Tan had to face that reality, they were good but not that good enough to make a career of their sports dreams.She said that he needed to tell them they had 12 months to make a career possible or they had to go to university and study something and make career and indulge in their passion outside the career.That was a conversation he was not looking forward to.

He turned back, and noticed the look on his daughter's eyes, and could not stop himself from getting a few tears in his eyes.

Ton and Junior, however, were sitting there watching Alecia become the centre of everyones attention.That was not fair.They knew, as when they spoke to their mother earlier today, she confirmed what they knew they were talented and should be the centre of attention, not Alecia.

They just had to suffer through the balance of today until tomorrow when the celebrated their birthday, then the natural order would be restored.They would return to their correct positions, them the centre of attention, and Alecia just a side player in their world.The good things about this though would be that theuir father would have more money for them to pursue their sports dreams.

As they had talked to each other before coming they knew that they were only a little bit away from achieving their dreams and the extra money that their dad could give them would ensure that they could achieve it.The other thing, is that her suite would become free and they knew one of them could take that, and the other would remain in their joint suite upstairs.

At the front of the room, James and Alecia, were not only focused on what was happening, but on each other.They did not even register the attention that they were receiving from their family around them.The time just simply flew by and before they knew, the official was handing them their marriage certificates, their joint household register, James' newly issued household register and returning Alecia's to her.

As they turned around, Tan, handed to James a ring box from Fengs that held the two wedding bands that they had seletected.James opened it and turned iot to Alecia for her to remove his band.He took Alecia's band out and handed the box back to his father-in-law.He quickly took Alecia's hand and slipped the ring on her finger, before she turned around and did the same.

The official indicated to them that the had another couple waiting to use the room, so they all slowly left the room, and the Civil Administration Bureau, before heading back to the Hou Ancestoral Home, where Hou Yi had arranged a small buffet meal for the couple, given Rosemary, Rebecca and the children had their flight back to Australia tonight, taking with them Alecia and James items, and the bodyguards that had been assigned to them and to remain for Alecia and James.

As soon as they entered the breakfast room, it was obvious to see that the staff had creted a simply buffet, and a space for everyone to relax and eat on the patio outside.James escorted Alecia directly outside and they sat down on a couch, before Pippa ran straight over and said "Can I have a hug Aunty Alecia?"

Alecia looked at James, who lent over and whispered "You better get use to it, Pippa in particular loves hugs from everyone, and I guess you are going to become her faourite person very quickly."

Alecia, however, was reluctant to pick her up, and James realised that she needed some help, and turned to Pippa "How about giving me a hug first, and they your Aunty Alecia?"

"OK Uncle James," and Pippa let James pick her up for a hug.She then lent over, and Alecia then moved in and gave her a hug.Once Pippa was happy she got down and ran off with everyone else.

For the next few hours, everyone except the boys enjoyed themselves having a meal, and interacting, before Rosemary, Rebecca and the children had to leave for the airport and their flight home.Junior and Ton, however found a corner and sulked, until they realised that Alecia and James had disappeared.

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