Offer To The CEO

Chapter 384: Not just another Friday - Part 9

384 Not just another Friday - Part 9

Friday, continued …

Around the room, people were watching what was occurring.Rosemary and Rebecca were surprised that all the children were sitting calmly.Usually when they are together none of them can remain calm, and despite their angelic features the worst offenders were always Pippa and Hannah, most likely because they had little choice at home.

Rosemary felt a tug on her top sleeve.It was Pippa "Aunty Rosemary, Uncle James really loves Aunty Alecia doesn't he?"

"He does Pippa.Now you need to be very quiet, and let everything finish.Can you do that for me?"

"Yes Aunty Rosemary."

Pippa sat watching her Uncle James and her new Aunty Alecia.When Aunty Rosemary, Auntry Rebecca and Aunty Anna told them what was happening, none of her cousins or Hannah could believe what they were being told.She always thought that Uncle James would never get married.

He never seemed like her mummy and daddy, Aunty Rosemary and Uncle Ben, Auntry Rebecca and Uncle Adam, Aunty Anna and Uncle Yi.All he seemed to do, if she remembered what her mummy said was to party and get drunk with his friend.That never sounded good, whatever it was.

However, Uncle James and Aunty Alecia had the same looks she kept seeing particularly with her mummy and daddy.The only thing Pippa was worried about was how Granny and Poppy would take to Alecia.She remembered Granny's reaction at the nice restaurant when Aunty Anna and Uncle Yi came to visit.

Granny hates Uncle Yi, but he is nice.He had Aunty Rosemary come out to help Aunty Anna, and then he had a big plane come and bring there here.There was no one else on the plane.Then he introduced them to Grandma AnLing, Grandpa Jang, Grandma Hou, Grandpa Hou and Aunty Xi, and with their help let them have lots of fun.She cannot wait to tell all her friends what she did at school.No one will believe her.

While continuing to watch her Uncle James and Aunty Alecia, Pippa could still not worry about how Granny will treat Aunty Alecia.Hopefully she will be nice to Aunty Alecia, because she really makes Uncle James happy.

Across the room Alecia's grandparents who happened to be in the country for the triplets birthday tomorrow, were surprised when they went to XF International's office to find out not only had their son finally married Amanda Mei, but that he was not in the office.One thing, in all the years since the triplets had been born was that he demonstrated a willingness to sacrifice himself.

Eventually they were able to reach him on his mobile, and were not so worried when he said he was in a meeting at Hou Enterprises.Yes Hou Yi had been somewhat a bad influence on Tan when he had returned to school when the triplets were three.While he helped support Tan, while he studied, worked and cared for the children, he interfered in the lessons that they were trying to teach Tan.

At least weekly he had Tan to his family home, and family spoiled Tan and the triplets, with little gifts, cash, general help, and so they found out years later babysitting so the two of them could go out at least twice a month and Tan be a normal young adult, rather than just a single parent raising three children, and having to financially support them.However, Hou Yi, despite their misgivings has always stayed a true friend, and that they could not fault him for.

However, Tan drops a bombshell, that he has agreed to let Alecia marry Hou Yi's 22-year-old brother-in-law.They did not know who was worse at that exact moment, their son or his friend.Who was responsible for allowing that?

Unlike the boys, they knew Alecia was so much like her father it was scary.She always knew her mind, but Tan's problem was that was over protective, and that is why that incident six months ago happened.They wanted to know who harmed their granddaughter, but no-one, even the boys were talking.

The one thing, that they realised when Alecia arrived with her fiancé outside the Civil Administration Bureau they observe something that they have not observed in Alecia before.A level of maturity, that despite her intelligence that had been missing before.She was happy, and comfortable in the decision, so maybe Tan was right.The other thing noticeable was that there was a weight lifted off her shoulders, as if she had talked about what had happened six months ago.That could only be a good thing.

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