Offer To The CEO

Chapter 373: Breaking the News - Part 2

373 Breaking the News - Part 2

Thursday, continued …

"Alecia, I want nothing.I am simply happy to come out with what I came in with and anything we build to be split.I …"

Placing her finger on James mouth Alecia said "James, I view that whatever we have, regardless of when we received it should simply be split between us if we ever split, which I do not believe will ever happen.But, I need Dad's agreement to marry and he will throw up every roadblock unless this happens.He needs to find it acceptable, but we can overturn it in the future you realise."

"Alecia!" responded James in a surprised voice.

"James, unlike my brothers I am awaiting the finalisation of my results that will see me eligible for university eighteen months before my brothers.Spending a little bit of time in the Australian Education system while you finish your studies before we return will be fun.Plus, I know I will be able to work part-time at XF International while I am at university.Dad did it, and I can do it."

"Then why agree to go to an Australian school?"

"Originally it was so I could get to Australia.Now can you live with that so we can deal with my dad?"

"Alecia, OK, but you know my position on the agreement."

To prevent James from arguing further Alecia leaned over and started kissing him, and within seconds the kisses started to become somewhat more passionate.Being mindful of the promise that they made, other and slipping hands under tops they did not go any further than that.

Time seemed to pass and neither of them heard the door open, and two people come running in who yelled out in surprise "Alecia!What the …"

Immediately on hearing her brothers in stereo, Alecia reluctantly pulled back out of James' arms.

"What are you two doing here?You know the agreement.I have my space which you do not invade, and you have your space which I do not invade.And talk to me in English." Said Alecia in a angry tone in English.

"Dad told us to come and speak to you."

Alecia turned and seeing her father standing behind them realised that he had deliberately told them to come into her room.How many times had she done the same thing.Payback …

"Well he said that you have something to tell us."

How much Alecia hated this stereo sound that they often did.Alecia gave a deep sigh, and decided to be quick and blunt "This is James, he is my …"


"No my fiancé.Dad has agreed that we can get married and I am going to Australia for a few months so James can finish university before we return."

"But Alecia, you are going to break up the three musketeers" immediately piped in Tan Junior.

He was immediately followed by Ton "And you promised you would never do that."

"You two sound like crybabies.We promised that to each other when we were three.We turn seventeen on Saturday.Do you expect me to sit and wait for you two to mature into functioning adults?I love you, but we have been so different for years.You will take at least two more years to complete High School, I am simply waiting for my results to finish."

"You all know I could have gone to university six months ago, but opted to take a couple more High School units.You are sportspeople, and business interests me.You, with dad's support have been over-protective of me, and have with him become worse when I made one mistake, but at the same time you treat my friends and other girls as commodities."

"I have fallen deeply in love with James and Intend to spend my life with him.Dad has agreed, after we have made a few promises.We will go to Australia for James to finish university and become a qualified nurse, before coming back when I not only going to university but joining XF International, which you want nothing to do with unless it is about sponsoring you for your sporting dreams.And before you say anything, we have promised that we will not have children for a couple of years."

"But…" whined Junior and Ton

James had had enough.His young nieces and nephews could be painful to deal with, they were not as bad as these almost seventeen-year-olds.Pouting, whining and whinging at their sister, because she was not doing what they wanted.

"Enough" yelled James."Do not treat your sister like that.She is not your toy to control.She is her own person and you need to respect her.If you cannot, you will be banned from our home when we return until I feel that you are respectful to my wife, your sister."

"Well, he speaks, but not our language," spat one of them

"Alecia knows that, and she understands that I will have to learn over time.Between her and my sister, I should be able to learn basics within months."

"La-di-da, who cares about your sister, she is no one."

Alecia put a restraining hand on James as with the arrogance of her two brothers James was about to really get angry."Junior and Ton, I do not think Uncle Yi would like to hear that"

"Uncle Yi has nothing to do with this."

Yao Tan realised that this was about to decent into a all out argument between his children and son-in-law to be.Alecia and James were being egged on by the boys who knew no boundaries.

"Be quiet boys.Amanda and your Uncle Yi would not like to hear that attitude.James' sister is Uncle Yi's wife and Amanda's friend and work colleague."

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