Offer To The CEO

Chapter 372: Breaking the News - Part 1

372 Breaking the News - Part 1

Thursday, continued…

Back at the Yao Apartment

Yao Tan could not believe what he had agreed to.The look of absolute delight on Alecia's face made him realise that she was happier than she had been in over 6 months.

His thoughts were disrupted with a text from Amanda, asking for the specific for the pre-nuptial agreement to protect Alecia's money, so she could fill in the gaps in the blank for a university friend was emailing her to use.Additionally, this same friend, who spoke English well, was willing to provide James the relevant legal advice to ensure it was legally binding

"Alecia, James, I need to go and speak to the boys, but I need four promises from you for now."

"Yes" immediately responded James.

"Yes Daddy" came Alecia's quieter response.

"Firstly you will stay in the sitting area as I do not want to walk in on something no parent wants to.

Secondly you will start making a list of what you agree on for the pre-nuptial agreement.Amanda will be home soon to finalise it, and she will put you in contact with someone who can give you the necessary advice James, before you sign.Thirdly, the door will remain open.Finally you will remain in the room until I return."

Both immediately answered "Yes."

As Yao Tan left, Alecia collected from her desk a pen and paper.She had her suspicions what her father would want inthe agreement, but knew herself what she wanted, and just hoped James would agree.

Alecia's list of the terms to include for a break-up of their marriage started with:

? Children – joint physical custody and equal time with the children, children to primarily be educated in early years in Country X, but in latter years children can be educated in Australia or mutually agreed country.

? Children's births to be registered in both countries, and passports obtained for both countries.Primary passport for travel is to be the country that has more visa free entry or visa on arrival entry.

? In the event of both parties' deaths, children's guardianship is to James' sister Anna, and children to reside in Country X.If she is not alive then to Yao Tan.

? Children to live in Country X, unless being educated in Australia.Children to spend at least 6 weeks per year in Australia.

? Alecia waves any rights or claims to anything James might receive from his Sister and Brother-in-law or through his parents, save for what is in the agreement

? James waves any rights or claims to anything Alecia might receive from her father and step-mother or have received from her grandparents.

? On the breakdown of a marriage if there are children, both parties agree that the family home will not be sold, and two nearby residences, one for each party will be purchased with each party for the time the children are in their care moving into the family home, so the children remain always in the family home, which is sold upon the youngest child turning 18 and having competed all education before university.

? Both parties agree that on the breakdown of their marriage, their joint assets will be totaled and equally shared between them.

? Both parties agree that Alecia, since she enters the marriage with significantly more assets than James will pay to James the amount of 5 million dollars US, if the marriage ends in the first five years and a further 600,000 dollars US for every year over five years of marriage.James is, however free to reject part or whole of this amount.In that case the money will be placed in trust for any children.

When Alecia handed it to James, he said "I do not want money Alecia."

Alecia turned around, stood up and gently backed James up so he sat back down on the couch.She sat down beside him."James, I do not think you understand what I have.Just at a quick guess, and these are figures in US dollars, I will eventually receive shares in XF International worth currently about eighty million; I have a trust fund of about one hundred and twenty million; in the last six months I have turned six million into over eighteen million on the share markets; ready cash in accounts I control of over four million and dad controls another million.It is quite reasonable that you receive money if our marriage breaks down.And I want you to have it."

After recovering from the shock, James quietly said "Alecia, you should have told me.No wonder your father is so anti this."

"No James, he and I are too much alike.He needs as much as I do to be in control"

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