Offer To The CEO

Chapter 343: Girls Night out - Part 9

343 Girls Night out - Part 9

Wednesday, continued

Looking around her, Anna realised that Yi was right.She needed some girl time out, with family and friends.Alecia Yao was interesting.Unlike most 16-year-old's she had met, despite projecting confidence, she was deeply troubled.Yes being s*xually assaulted might have something to do with it, but there was more about it.

Seeing Rebecca, Rosemary and Amanda were enjoying themselves with a drink and chatting amongst themselves, Anna got up and moved over beside Alecia.As she sat down she said "I hope you do not mind?"

Alecia nodded, and quietly said "I am just so glad to be out of home even though Amanda is here along with a group of dad's bodyguards.Amanda, I love like she is my real mother, but the latter is just a sigh of how much in the last six months dad has gone into overprotective father mode.I am sick of that."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"But you will tell dad and my step-mother."

"Only if you want me to.Sometimes having someone listen to whatever is bothering you helps."

"I just cannot stand it.It is suffocating, and I am so tempted to just run away and to be done with it."

"Alecia, running will not solve the problem.Plus I can tell you from experience hiding from it, ignoring it, and not talking to someone is just as bad."

"But you married Uncle Yi are so blissfully happy, what would you know about it."With that Alecia started to cry.

Anna looked over and was grateful that Amanda, Rosemary and Rebecca were chatting and watching the movie."I guess you have not been reading the news much lately."

"Why would I be bothered about that."

"Alecia in the last few weeks your godfather and I have been dealing with my abusive ex-partner who is from here.My ex admitted to manipulating me for his own purposes, but also physically assaulted me on multiple occasions in public.I had to admit to myself what he did in our relationship. "

"He was financially, psychologically, and physical abusive, and tried to isolate me from everyone he did not like, among other things.With your Uncle Yi's unconditional love and support I have been able to deal with it legally and emotionally.Sweetheart, bottling it up does nothing, you need to talk and get some help.Let me see what I can do."

"No one can help me, I did what I was told not to and I need to pay the price for that."

"No you do not need to pay.It is hurting you, tell me what happened."

"Dad six months ago took me and my brother's to a charity function, at a hotel.I was so pleased that he thought I was old enough to go out and be involved in society when most of our friends, and my brothers had been going to some functions for twelve months or more.As Dad was only Fifteen when we were born, he is highly protective of me in particular, but to a lesser extent my brothers."

"Dad told my to stay inside, but thinking I was mature I went outside on the balcony outside the room where the function was.A man, who earlier I saw talking to my Dad and brothers approached me.I thought he was safe and we talked for a while.While talking he, without me realising it, manoeuvred me to the stairs into the dark gardens."

"I only realised what was happening when I saw how dark it was.I knew that I was not as safe as I had hoped.It was at that moment he knew I had figured out what was happening, and grabbed my hands in one hand, and using the other pulled something from his pocket to gag me preventing me from calling for help."

"When he was happy that I cold not call out, he then dragged me into a pitch black area, pushed up the dress that I was wearingand ripped off my underpants.I heard a zipper undo, and within a few seconds he was …"Alecia could say nothing more, and burst out in tears.Amanda heard that, and turned towards Anna, who shock her head as to say I have this under control.

"Sweetheart, did he put hit p*nis inside you?"

All Alecia could do was nod, as if saying the words were impossible.Anna could not believe someone would **** this beautiful child.No wonder her Yan Tan was over-protective of his daughter.He wanted to protect her from making the same mistakes he did, and the first time he decides the trust her this happens.

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