Offer To The CEO

Chapter 342: Girls Night Out - Part 8

342 Girls Night Out - Part 8

Wednesday, continued …

James, at the moment Alecia started to move, he knew what was about to happen.One part of him wanted to pull away, and refuse to allow it to happen, while the other part knew that this would likely be the only opportunity for it to occur.As he felt Alecia gently pull his head down, he cooperated and allowed her to kiss him.

Alecia gently started to explore James lips, and moving her body as close into James as she could.The kisses and the feeling in his arms for her felt like heaven.

James on the other hand, was struggling.Nearly all semblances of reality the moment Alecia's lips touched his went out the was perfect on one hand but resisting temptation to do anything more than gentle kissing would be a disaster at this moment.He would be no different from s*xual predators preying on vulnerable girls.

However, for both of them, their thoughts were broken by the ringing of Alecia's mobile.Alecia stepped back and answered it.All James heard was "Yes I am coming."

Alecia started to turn to leave, and James simply put his hand on her arm "Message me tonight when you get home after the night out.Promise me that you will try and have fun."

Alecia nodded, and James escorted her back to the foyer where they found everyone waiting for them

Anna looked at James and Alecia, picking up that something had happened while the two of them were out of Amanda and her sight, but before Anna could say anything together Rebecca and Rosemary responded "Girls Night Out.Let us go and have some fun!"

At that all Anna and James could do is shake their heads, Anna worrying about what they would get up to and James then burst out laughing saying to everyone as they left "Have Fun.I am glad I am not going with those two."

Amanda and Alecia looked at Anna, who decided that she better explain that often when she Rosemary and Rebecca would go out they would have a lot of fun that two of them would end up drunk at the end of the night, but there was no way that that was going to happen tonight.

Out front was a limousine that was big enough for everyone, even taking into account Anna's cast, so everyone climbed in and the door was shut.It along with a convoy of four other vehicles all let the Hou Ancestral home heading to The Club, for their dinner.On the trip, Anna performed the introductions of everyone.

After that, Anna said "Now I understand that my husband has booked us a private room at the club for our meal, and the club have then arranged for a private screening of whatever movie we want in comfort.He also told me in addition to the twelve bodyguards he assigned for us tonight, Amanda your husband has assigned an additional six.Overkill, but they seem determined to ensure that we are safe.So what movie do we want to watch?A new release or something that has been out for a while?"

For the next fifteen minutes, there was bickering back and forth as to the movie that they would watch, but eventually with Amanda's OK they decided that they would watch any James Bond movie they could watch with the preference for Daniel Craig as James Bond, but it did not matter who it was in the end which James Bond Movie they watched.

Less than five minutes after deciding on the movie, the arrived at The Club, and were quickly escorted into a private room.The Manager escorting them, asked what was the movie that they decided on and Alecia quickly told their decision to the manager.

"Ladies, there are two options.We have the ability to show films in this room, so we could start a movie now, and then you would have the ability to watch two movies tonight or you could simply watch one in complete peace once you have finished your meal."

Anna immediately said, "Two movies please".

With that the manager handed out menus and took the first round of drink orders.Within five minutes, the lights dimmed, and started Casino Royale.Waiting staff quietly came in and took everyone's meal orders for entrée main and desert, and further drink orders were taken to come in through the movies.

Everyone settled in for a relaxing night with the girls, having as much fun as they could despite Anna's leg.

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