Offer To The CEO

Chapter 327: Starting Lu Corporations Downfall - Part 6

327 Starting Lu Corporation's Downfall - Part 6

Wednesday, continued …

Hou Yi, in his phone locate Officer Mu's number and using Anna's phone dialled him.When the call answered he stated "Officer Mu speaking."

"Officer Mu, it is Hou Yi here and my wife is with me."

"CEO and Madam Hou.I was just thinking about getting in contact with you to see how things are going."

"CEO Lu from Lu Corporation sent a somewhat indirect message through another CEO that he wanted me to contact him.While my wife is here I wanted to make that call, but given everything I do not trust him to comply with the terms of the restraining order so I was wondering if you would listen to the call, while it is on speaker phone?"

"Technically we are not allowed to do that CEO Lu, however given the implications of CEO LU's involvement in Madam Hou's assault, and the potential for breaching the restraining order I believe it can be justified."

With that Hou Yi dialled a number on his phone and placed the phone on speaker and ensured that he was recording the whole call.Within five rings, the call answered "Hou Yi, you f**king b*stard.I wondered how long it would take that lap dog of yours to pass the message on and for you to call."

"CEO Lu, do not be disrespectful to myself of CEO Yao.I know you hate my father and I, but that is between us, not associated with others."

"Well you brought him into this situation between that b*tch of a wife of yours and what she has done to my son and daughter-in-law."

"CEO Lu, CEO Yao is married to a friend of my wife's and accompanied her when she visited my wife in hospital the day she was assaulted in police custody.Nothing wrong in that."

"Well, I am telling you I have photographs and footage, that there is no way that you or your wife want released to the public, drunken behaviour, weird sexual activities with my son, even drugs being used in the property she owns.Ask yourself does she want that released."

"You are bluffing."

"I will send you one image, and one short clip when I end this call to prove I am not, but you have two options before we end.You tell everyone that you have agreed that you will be stepping down and Hou Enterprises will immediately be turned over to the control of Lu Corporation."

"Additionally you will be paying to me and my family the amount of five hundred million dollars US as compensation for all the harm that you have allowed to us, have the prison authorities immediately release my son and daughter-in-law in home detention"

"Further you will agree that your b*tch of a wife will spend the next ten years in a jail here for all her crimes, which will be what I tell you they are, with a requirement before her release that she personally will pay usone hundred million dollars US herself personally, with the requirement that she will not leave prison until she has paid that sum."

"In other words, unless you get what you want, you will seek to destroy my wife?Do you think I will abandon my wife?"

"You have it in one.You must abandon that wife of yours unless you want to be made an idiot of in public.That b*tch stopped what was meant to happen five weeks ago and thank god my son my mine knows how to protect himself when dealing with b*tches.More importantly he knows that given I am the one that provides his money that he has to cooperate with me to give me what I need to get what I want.So, your answer?"

"There is no way that I will give into blackmail."

"Are you really certain that you want that to be your answer.It is a good deal not to be humiliated, as when I get what I want, and you know that I always get what I want no matter what it takes."

"I do not give a toss CEO Lu, blackmail does not work with me."

"Fine, have a look at what I send, and remember with my film and television division that even if they are faked you will have a hard time in proving it before you are destroyed.I will give you five minutes after I send you the images to call me back and agree to my deal, our find yourself and that so-called wife of yours destroyed before nightfall."

With that CEO Lu ended the call, and Hou Yi spoke "Officer Mu, you heard that?"

"Very clearly CEO Hou.As soon as that image and clip arrive let me know.I will arrange for CEO Lu to be arrested, as at the very least he attempted to blackmail you, and more than likely he has, if his implications are true, had cooperation either before or after the restraining order was put in place.That will trigger a breach of the order for Mr Lu and depending on her involvement potentially for Madam Lu as well.I will let you know as soon as CEO Lu is arrested and keep you and Mr Nang informed of what is happening."

"Officer Mu the photo, and footage have arrived"

"Thank you CEO Hou, let us do our job."

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