Offer To The CEO

Chapter 326: Starting Lu Corporations Downfall - Part 5

326 Starting Lu Corporation's Downfall - Part 5

Wednesday, continued …

As Yan Tan stepped from the a woman approached the microphone."Ladies and Gentleman, for those of you who do not know me, I am one of the three Vice-CEO's of Chen Corp.We will be holding a press conference at our Headquarters tomorrow morning at 10am to make some announcements."

"However before I leave I can confirm two announcements, which otherwise CEO Na from GNA International and CEO Wu from KN Wu Corp will provide the details about.Madam Na and and Mr Wu, have flown in today from City A and City J specifically for this press conference.They involve collaborations that Chen Corp will be involved in with each of them.They will answer your questions on those collaborations, but other than that we will not confirm anything else until our press conference tomorrow which I hope to see you at."

With that, Hou Yi turned off the television, and turned back to Anna, who responded "Damn Yi, you really helped set up a downfall.And it is all legal."Pausing Anna pulled Hou Yi to her and have him a brief kiss, before continuing "I have such a cleaver husband"

Hou Yi started to blush at the praise from Anna, but pulled himself together before continuing "Anna, the problem is that Lu Corporation had made many enemies over the last few years in business.The ten companies that were represented there are just the tip of the iceberg.All but three of the other top fifty companies in the country, have all decided in different ways to ether end all or most of their collaborations with Lu Corporation."

"Over the past fifteen years there has been multiple reports of different types of behaviour to get their way so they were quite happy to push them away.And the best thing, if Yao Tan, carefully revealed the information from the interview and if any questions were asked, he can say he does not recall whether it was me or you who told him, on the day of your admission to hospital."


Before Hou Yi could respond, his phone rang, and as soon as he noticed it was Yao Tan, he placed the call on speaker "Hi Tan, I have you on speaker as Anna is here with me."

"CEO Lu was on the phone within 30 seconds of me walking off the stage, demanding that I retract all the comments, and telling me XF International had no possibility of getting our money paid out.It felt so good to tell him I would see him in court, and he could try to destroy us but that we would win."

"I am surprised that he is not tried to call me, and abuse me about setting it up."

"Yi he is not that damn stupid.He was however so angry he could not help himself about ranting and raving about how Lu Corporation is the top company in the country, and everyone else should be remembering that now and in the future when it owns Hou Enterprises.He also made the comment he was sorry the b*tch that you were married to did not fall for what he set up with the police and was not hurt more than happened …"

"The bast…" interrupted Anna


"Yi, well he is if he set up what happened in the police station.You know how lucky we are."

"I know Anna, but we cannot get distracted.What else happened Tan?"

"He made some comment about destroying you as well as you were behind this.And finally, before I ended the call, which by the way I have recorded stated, he has from Lu Jinhu some embarrassing documents and photographs involving Anna.I can tell you if I had pushed him he would have snapped but that ends up getting you nowhere.I would, Yi expect a call from him very soon."

Hou Yi and Anna looked at each other before Anna said "Tan, I have no idea what that would be, but can you get that recording to the police, as that is a breach of the restraining order."

"Fine Anna.I will give you a call later Yi."With that the call was ended.

Hou Yi turned to Anna, and asked "What in the world could he have?"

"Unless Lu Jinhu stole mail, the personal papers that he could have would only be bank statements and the like.Personal letters and cards, were generally sent to work, given the lack of trust most people had in him.The worst photographs, unless they were photo shopped would be from University and until my third year I was underage so the college staff carefully protected me.They would behaviour of eighteen to twenty-two university students, unless he secretely recorded us having sex or took them while I was asleep."

"Let me call his bluff."

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