Offer To The CEO

Chapter 318: Organising the Wedding - Part 1

318 Organising the Wedding - Part 1

Tuesday, continued …

James and Rosemary helped Anna to sit up and move onto her crutches before accompanying her into the small dining room for a late breakfast.While she was eating all around her, everyone was discussing their plans for the day, and debating who Anna would go with.

For Anna, despite loving everyone shopping, play-dates and visiting people did not appeal to her.For Anna, despite the disruption of the last month she still craved the normality of her life, working in an officer each day, coming home of a night and having weekends free.That is what she desired.

Anna considered what she would do and thought that she could twist Hou Yi into letting her come into the office even for a half day.She pulled her phone from the small bag she had around her neck where she was carrying it, and dialed 'Hubby'

Within two rings Hou Yi picked up "Good morning sweetheart."

"Hi darling, you know I could …"

"Anna, I love you but do not even finish that sentence.You are too predictable, and you want to come into the office.Rosemary and James already have told me off, as you are not recovering from the attach, and taking care of yourself given you are pregnant.They told me, that coming into work should be the last thing that you do, and apparently are going to tell your treating team."

After a brief pause, Hou Yi continued "They scare me, as they will also get the rest of your family on my case for not letting you recover, and details about your pregnancy will slip out, and we really do not know about whether or not ..."

"Yi, do not say that we will lose our baby."

"Sweetheart, we have already been given the warning, despite every advance in medical science, they cannot be certain what will happen.Rather than stressing you, take the time that is left while they are here and spend what you can with them.Get them to help you plan our wedding ceremony in Australia.Once they are gone, we can go back to our apartment and your time is mine and my time outside business is yours."

"Yi I love you, but …"

"Anna as was said to the children last night there are no buts.I know you love me, however you need to focus on you and our …"

"Yi, you can help me do that if I am in the office with you," responded Anna in a pleading voice.

"Anna, no pleading will get you in here before Monday next week.Use everyone and plan our dream wedding, sweetheart.I cannot wait to see you coming down an aisle towards me in the dress you have picked.As I told you it was perfect, and it will be.The only thing. make it a small ceremony in Australia and next year we can have a big flashy ceremony here for everyone who will want to attend, and if everything goes right our baby can be the star of it.Remember cost is on object."

"You are spoiling me," came a quiet reply from Anna.

"No, I just want you to be happy.If that means that I indulge you I will do that, but I will not risk your health."

There was a brief pause, before Hou Yi continued "Sweetheart, I am sorry but Assistant Wang stuck his head in and told me my next meeting is her.I will see you tonight.I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too, Yi."And with that they both ended the call.

Rebecca walked in as Anna was ending her call, and asked "Something is going on Anna, what is it?"

"Yi is being somewhat mean, but he suggested that we have a small wedding ceremony in Australia, for family and close friends, then next year have a larger ceremony here."

"Rosemary, AnLing, Xi, you all better hurry in here."With that all three came running in.

AnLing worried something was wrong "What is it?"

"Guess what you son is planning?"

"Other than annoying me, and cutting my spending allowance again?"

"No, he and Anna just spoke on the phone and he wants to do a small wedding ceremony in Australia in about two months, then a larger one here next year."

"That Brat! He knows what I was planning, now he wants to mess with it.There is no hurry to do it."Du AnLing, despite knowing that Anna was pregnant, did not know who else might know and did not want anyone, particularly her sister-in-law to know what was happening until Anna and Hou Yi said that they could tell people.

Rosemary looked directly at Anna, knowing that she could say nothing in case someone else clicked that Anna was in the early stages of what was a very risky pregnancy, and a large wedding would take too long to plan and have her heavily pregnant at the ceremony.

Rebecca observed the Rosemary's look and knew that she was aware of something the was not.She turned and demanded "Rosemary, you know why, spill?"

"Sorry, patient confidentiality, and "raising her voice "James will also give you the same answer of patient confidentiality."

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