Offer To The CEO

Chapter 317: Going without me

317 Going without me


When Hou Yi awoke, he realised that it was just before 7am.As Anna was still asleep, he carefully slid out of bed ensuring that he did not disturb her, before selecting clothes from the wardrobe and entering the bathroom to get ready for the day.

When he came out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later, Anna was still asleep.He moved collected his mobile, and sat on the bed.He leaned over, and started to gently kiss Anna repeatedly on the lips, unable despite her being asleep letting the kisses get a bit more passionate.

Hou Yi's kisses woke Anna, and she sat up and stretched before noticing that he was dressed for the office."What time is it.Why did you not wake me so I can get ready to go to the office,"

"Sweetheart, it is 7.15am, and you are exhausted.You need to rest, not only for yourself and recovery from your injuries, but you are pregnant and should not exhaust yourself.Stay home.There should be nothing pressing, and I will email Stan Williams and let him know that you will be unavailable for the rest of the week as you are exhausted."

"Yi I love you, but I need to do something with my day."

"You have your family, and you need to do some of the rehabilitation work, so spend time with them.Talk with everyone about putting into place most of the arrangement for our formal wedding.How about, we aim for about around ten weeks time in Australia.We do not have to be huge, and we will not have the concerns about your pregnancy being known too widely.Not the best weather, I know, but if we wait for that you will have to wait for a year and a half."

"OK Yi, I will stay home, but you owe me.Now give me a kiss before you go."

Hou Yi leaned over and gave Anna a deep passionate kiss, that was hard for both of them to pull away from.

Once Hou Yi left the room, Anna put her head back on the pillows and the next thing that she knew it was 9:30am, and Rosemary and James were beside the bed.

James said "Come on miss sleepy head.It is time for you to get out of bed.Rosemary will shower you, and I will get ready for your rehabilitation session.This will be short, and then you can have breakfast.We will do a second session this afternoon, which will be longer."

With that he leaned over and handed Anna her crutches for her to get out of the bed.Rosemary, was waiting for her at the wardrobe to help select clothes for the day.Anna out of the corner of her eye, saw James pulling the bed together, while Rosemary carried her clothes into the bathroom and she followed.

Rosemary shut the door, and started to wrap Anna's cast to protect it while she was in the shower.As she moved into the shower Anna's thoughts drifted back to yesterday morning in the shower with Hou Yi, how amazing things were given their admissions to each other.

As Anna was thinking about that, Rosemary realised that she was drifting in her thoughts "Anna do not get distracted.You need to have your shower, and we need to get started on your rehabilitation work"

Five minutes later, Rosemary helped Anna from the shower before assisting her to change and safely return to the bedroom, where James was waiting.

"Now Anna, the rehab work that we need to start with is with your arms.You will have found that your arms are really sore, and according to what they told me at the hospital last week, we needed to wait until today, for you to get use to spending most of your day using the crutches.We will work you through the exercises that will assist in dealing with the soreness in the arms, and your other leg."

"You are a pain James, I should kill you and Rosemary."

"Anna, Anna, Anna.You know we are not here as your family at the moment, we are nurses here to help you."James noticed the pouting look on his sister's face."Do not give me that look.If you were in hospital you would be forced by the physio's to do it.We will not be as mean as them."

Anna then looked over to Rosemary "Do not think I am going to help you with this.Yes you are one of my best friends, but James is right, at present we are nurses here to help you.We can easily tell your doctors that you are not cooperative, and they will get physios involved and possibly given the circumstances return you to the hospital."

"You will absolutely hate that, particularly dealing with physios in hospital doing rehabilitation work.You have been that way ever since it happened with the rehabilitation from that ankle injury after playing netball, and when you broke your arm in that accident at home."

"Fine" spat out Anna "Just remember I will get you back."

"Anna you are all talk.You will not do that you love us too much."With that Anna realised that she had no hope in escaping from Rosemary and James, who were at this exact moment her personal torturers.

Twenty Minutes later, James was satisfied that his sister had done the exercises right."We are done.Lets go and get you breakfast, well given the time it is more likely brunch.Plus more than likely the hoard have driven Rebecca insane."

"Bite Me, James, I hate you at the moment."

"Well sister, you love me and you have no choice.Just be grateful it was us not someone else.So let us get moving."

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