Offer To The CEO

Chapter 304: Before the Press Conference - Part 6

304 Before the Press Conference - Part 6

Monday, continued …

Anna arrived at Hou Yi's office right on 1pm and knocked on the door as she opened it.Inside Hou YI's office was his parents, and three other people who she did not know were there.Anna immediate instinct was that these people had to be Du XuXu's family who had come here to help deal with the situation.

Hou Yi, when he saw Anna could see that she was starting to get exhausted using the crutches so he moved over, carefully sweeping her into his arms and carrying her over the the couch so she could sit down with her leg out.He then moved and picked up the printing she had sent to his office so he then collectedand collated them before heading back to Anna.

As he handed Anna her copy, she whispered, "the original is on the email I sent you about ten minutes ago."

Hou Yi handed out copies to everyone and said "Anna and I have had a discussion without you and she suggested that it would be better if she was the main speaker at the press conference rather than any of us.Her argument, is that she is going to be more dispassionate about any of us about the whole situation."

"I think that she is right, as I know given the past how much we are all invested in making sure that Du XuXu is safe and she gets the treatment that she needs.Plus Anna's background means that she can take the press through the DNA testing so that they understand it.However I do not want to force everyone's decision, so how about we read what Anna has prepared and make our decision of changes if needed."

With that there was a nods around the room, but before anyone could say anything there was a knock on the door."CEO Hou, lunch has arrived for you, Madam Hou and everyone else."

"Assistant Wang, show them in," was Hou Yi's immediate response.He had arranged for a mixture of sandwiches that had nothing Anna could not eat in them along with some more traditional lunch dishes.As it was sat on the table, he immediately placed several sandwiches for Anna on a plate and handed it to her, before doing the same for him, and going to sit in a chair beside her.

For the next twenty minutes, everyone sat quietly and read what Anna prepared while eating.Du AnLing was the first to speak "I actually think we do not have to add anything."

The next to speak was Du XuXu's father, who Hou Yi had told her was Du Yu "The only thing I think we need to change is add the Sanitorium Name."

Anna looked at him "Mr Du …"

"Actually is it Dr Du, I am a medical practitioner."

"My apologise Dr Du.I thought long and hard about whether or not we should name the Sanatorium or not.Until your daughter left, from what I understand there was no problems with her treatment there from her admission.She only was able to leave due to staff inattention and the work of two people determined to manipulate your daughter."

"My concern is not only the consequences for her should she be re-admitted there and for the other patients that are there now and in the future.It could, due to press attention take away a safe treatment location for them, and that would not be fair for them."

"Madam Hou …"

"Dr Du, call me Anna."

"Anna, we are seriously thinking about returning her to the Sanatorium.I have spoken to psychiatrists here and based on the information from the Sanatorium they have determined that she needs to be forcibly admitted to an institution.As she is comfortable there with the staff, and there is a secure ward, her return is likely to be in her interests."

"That answers the question.If I am pressed, I will advise the media that we are not releasing the name or location of the Sanitarium for the protection of other patients.All we need to do is arrange a letter from them, that we can provide to the media that confirms their diagnosis but blocks out the name and location."

"Let me get straight onto that, and they can email it directly to you Yi."

"The only other thing Yi is I have compiled a list of the various documents that we will need to release to the press, via email after the press conference."

"Anna leave that with me."

Dr Du made a call, while everyone finished off their lunch, and said when he ended the call "Yi the letter will be here in an hour."

"I can access that on my phone, and Assistant Wang, will otherwise compile the documents to be release through the general Hou Family email, that he manages for me, that is not connected with the company.

Once everyone was finished lunch, Hou Yi arranged collected from the refrigerator in his office, a number of bottles of water and juice and offered them to everyone before helping Anna up so they could head to the Key Plaza Hotel for the press conference at 3pm.

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