Offer To The CEO

Chapter 303: Before the Press Conference - Part 5

303 Before the Press Conference - Part 5

Monday, continued …

Anna, took a slip of her drink, and responded "And you mentioning that it was an upon recruitment process for the new director, I think I saw about six faces of people thinking about applying."

Before Anna could say anything, on er screen up popped a message from Hou Yi 'Saw most of the meeting on the CCTV as security were concerned.You and Amanda handled that perfectly.Do you think we need to get rid of them?'

Anna responded 'Acting Director Mien is controlled by his predecessor who has wormed his way into the department assistant director.I do not trust any of them.Keep them on as they are too much of a risk out of the company.But appoint someone from another department to come in as acting director, and pick two supervisors, not senior supervisors, to be their assistant until the recruitment process over.'

Amanda noticed Anna typing, and asked "Who are you messaging?"

Anna, before she could respond had a dreamy look in her eyes and that told Amanda All she needed to know.

"I better get back as I have a lot of work so I can get that file to you.At this time, it is unlikely to be today."

"That is fine Amanda, just get it to me when you can?"distracted by Hou Yi's message in response Anna really did not pay attention to Amanda.

Anna sat there smiling for a few minutes, not realising that her friend had left the room, before another message popped up from Hou Yi 'I know you love me, you are so distracted.'

Anna could not help but reply 'True, but I was thinking about this morning at home…'

Hou Yi, in his office could not believe the boldness of his wife given that they had both been able to tell the other how they felt about them.He knew that, despite being a closed system, if he did not stop their discussion, it could get out of hand quickly and given that he had a meeting in a few minutes it would not be a good thing.

All Hou Yi could reply was 'Sweetheart, I would love to reminisce about that and think about what could happen tonight, I have a meeting, and it might not be a good idea.You can tell me about it at lunch.I love you.' And with that he terminated the chat before Anna could be provocative.

Anna knew that she was going to have to get even with her husband for not letting her have the last word but knew that it would be her pleasure to do that.

Anna simply sat there thinking about Hou Yi, until there was a knock on the door, that broke her chain of thinking."Enter," was Anna's immediate response.

A new face, Anna did not know came through the door."Apologise Madam Hou, I was wondering if you needed a drink brought in, given you are on crutches?"

"Just a cold drink would be wonderful."

"Give me a few minutes, and I will bring it for you."

That brief discussion made Anna realise that she was day dreaming and needed to turn her mind back to work and preparing for the press conference.

As she finished re-login into the ANX systems, her new drink was brought in.Anna then opened the family law file, and started to review the Affidavit.Being Alfred's work Anna knew that it would be good, and as she compared it to the file notes, realised that he had been a little sloppy in the drafting.

Using the change tracking feature she made the changes within forty-five minutes before emailing him that it was done.As she checked her email, she received an email from Mr Williams responding to her earlier email lettering her know that he would keep an eye on what junior staff where doing when requesting their help.

Anna responded to the email thanking him for his response, but at the same time advised him that there was the possibilities of questions being raised about the Sunrise Project being generated here that may need clarification.

Anna logged out of the ANX systems and kept working on the notes and other things for the press conference, before her mobile alarm went off telling her it was 12:50pm, so she went outside and alerted one of the bodyguards she needed help to carry her things up to Hou Yi's office.One came in and collected the items and they made there way to the elevators and up to the top floor.

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